Put me down as one of the disgusted

Because I am and it is none of your damn business why! It's just the way I see it. Giraffes have plenty of natural hunters, they don't need rich trophy hunters.
Well the people that are experts in wildlife that manage the giraffe populations there disagree with your opinion.

It s fucking absurd that people are outraged over the death of a wild animal across the Atlantic ocean in Africa while we kill millions of babies each year in their own mothers wombs.

Western liberated women's wombs are statistically the most dangerous place in the world for a child.
I play Dungeons & Dragons, so I know what it's like to have idiots who don't know what they're talking about condemn what you do for fun. So, I'm going to ignore the idiots, and hunters should too.

We had a born again Aunt in my family, you couldn't bring up D&D in front of her or she would go apeshit.
Name any hobby or sport, and there's SOME group of assholes organizing to try to stop it. The best policy is to ignore these obnoxious BUSYBODIES. WillowTree, no one cares what you think about hunting, you are a spaz.
Because I am and it is none of your damn business why! It's just the way I see it. Giraffes have plenty of natural hunters, they don't need rich trophy hunters.
Well the people that are experts in wildlife that manage the giraffe populations there disagree with your opinion.

It s fucking absurd that people are outraged over the death of a wild animal across the Atlantic ocean in Africa while we kill millions of babies each year in their own mothers wombs.

Western liberated women's wombs are statistically the most dangerous place in the world for a child.
i can walk and chew gum. I am against both.
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Neither of these deaths had to happen but for the blood lust of people who see themselves as decent!

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Neither of these deaths had to happen but for the blood lust of people who see themselves as decent!

With modern genetics there is no reason for any species to be extinct any more other than prudence.
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Neither of these deaths had to happen but for the blood lust of people who see themselves as decent!

This thread is not about driving endangered animals into extinction. On the contrary, allowing controlled hunting of non-endangered animals helps conservationists manage animal populations, which increases animal welfare and protects the environment from such hazards as over-population of grazing herds. WillowTree, you are wrong on this issue and you should just admit it and move on.
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Neither of these deaths had to happen but for the blood lust of people who see themselves as decent!

This thread is not about driving endangered animals into extinction. On the contrary, allowing controlled hunting of non-endangered animals helps conservationists manage animal populations, which increases animal welfare and protects the environment from such hazards as over-population of grazing herds. WillowTree, you are wrong on this issue and you should just admit it and move on.

If you don't care what I think as you have so stated go pound sand.
My aunt's hotel ran a reserve and I enjoyed many of the animals just wandering around tame enough, usually after being injured and unable to go back to the wild, to be hand fed or too old.
They had animals activists and hunters vacationing there. Some herds need to be thinned out to preserve a balance. Animals that are sick or dangerous also need to be put down. They don't just hunt any animal but specific ones that have to be removed.
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Neither of these deaths had to happen but for the blood lust of people who see themselves as decent!

This thread is not about driving endangered animals into extinction. On the contrary, allowing controlled hunting of non-endangered animals helps conservationists manage animal populations, which increases animal welfare and protects the environment from such hazards as over-population of grazing herds. WillowTree, you are wrong on this issue and you should just admit it and move on.

If you don't care what I think as you have so stated go pound sand.

You are an immature baby, and posting a picture of a man getting gored by a bull just proves what an asshole you are.
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Neither of these deaths had to happen but for the blood lust of people who see themselves as decent!

This thread is not about driving endangered animals into extinction. On the contrary, allowing controlled hunting of non-endangered animals helps conservationists manage animal populations, which increases animal welfare and protects the environment from such hazards as over-population of grazing herds. WillowTree, you are wrong on this issue and you should just admit it and move on.

If you don't care what I think as you have so stated go pound sand.

You are an immature baby, and posting a picture of a man getting gored by a bull just proves what an asshole you are.

So let me explain it to you in the midst of your name calling.

Would the man have been gored to death if he had not tortured the bull? I am not the asshole. The dead matador was the asshole. Blood sport, blood money same as trophy hunting.
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Neither of these deaths had to happen but for the blood lust of people who see themselves as decent!

animals that kill humans are put down. Bulls are raised and trained for the purpose of corrida de toros. Most ranches don't want a lot of bulls as they become too aggressive.

I'm not a fan of the bull fights but it is part of the culture in many places.

In the US bulls are used in rodeos with flank straps to make the bull angry.

Games with bulls go back to the Minoans and many parts of the world have their own versions.

Bulls killed in the fights is often given to the poor.
If people like her father and this little girl need to kill something why don't they just show up at a local slaughterhouse and use a bolt gun to kill cattle for slaughter, or stay and learn how to use a knife to slaughter them. That people like this need to go find beautiful 'trophies' to kill is what is most telling about them.

A hundred years ago a father teaching a child how to hunt so the family could eat out on the prairie was appropriate. Now it is just ego and disregard for life.
Says someone who supports abortion for any reason, and you say disregard for a life? You have no credibility.
So people's dicks get hard when they sneak out with High Powered Rifles or Tactical Bows and kill wild animals...
If they need to get their jollies, give them a knife and a canteen of water and drop their asses in the Bush.

Now there's a level playing field, you can concentrate on finding enough food and water to survive and still have time to fight a wild animal for a trophy and the thrill of the kill...
So people's dicks get hard when they sneak out with High Powered Rifles ...

No, dumbass. No one gets a hard on by going hunting.

What is with you obsessive perverts making EVERYTHING about sex?

For shits sake just grow the hell up why dont you, loser?
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Neither of these deaths had to happen but for the blood lust of people who see themselves as decent!

With modern genetics there is no reason for any species to be extinct any more other than prudence.

Except that they are.

Then take genetic samples and store them in cryonic storage.


Then get off everyone elses backs.

I am on no one else's back. I stated an opinion or is that not allowed anymore? Are you a democrat?
Animals are put here on Earth for mankind's use. It is God's plan that we eat them, make clothes out of them, and have them as pets. All of this is set forth in the Genesis creation story. More people should read it, because it clears up a lot of misconceptions.
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Neither of these deaths had to happen but for the blood lust of people who see themselves as decent!

With modern genetics there is no reason for any species to be extinct any more other than prudence.

Except that they are.

Then take genetic samples and store them in cryonic storage.


Then get off everyone elses backs.

I am on no one else's back. I stated an opinion or is that not allowed anymore? Are you a democrat?

Your opinion is not useful to anyone. That is why it is rejected.

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