Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

Not as dimwitted as someone who thinks kerosene fires could produce the results witnessed on 9-11 at the WTC. C'mon now,if your such a savvy negotiator, surly you could help sell the CD company I proposed. Heck think of the profits with such low overhead costs of matches and "Jetxfuel"

Whatever my intellectual shortcomings I'm still a regular Einstein compared to you CT wimps. :D

Then surely you'll have no problem helping us get that Controlled Demolition Company off the ground right? That is just a money pot sitting there for the taking. But the CD industry
might give you a hard time about it since you could charge so much less to demolish buildings since your overhead would be so low, heck you could even but the matches from China at half the cost!
Man it's amazing no one has thought of this sooner, just like your idea to go against the US Federal government, NIST Silverstein, Israel, the Mossad...Piece of cake right?

I have no interest in starting a new company with a dim-witted CT loon, Princess. I just want you to recognize that 11 years after the attack none of you CTs have managed to make a viable case. Do you really think those who paid out BILLIONS haven't considered everything you think you know? Are you really that naive? :D
Whatever my intellectual shortcomings I'm still a regular Einstein compared to you CT wimps. :D

Then surely you'll have no problem helping us get that Controlled Demolition Company off the ground right? That is just a money pot sitting there for the taking. But the CD industry
might give you a hard time about it since you could charge so much less to demolish buildings since your overhead would be so low, heck you could even but the matches from China at half the cost!
Man it's amazing no one has thought of this sooner, just like your idea to go against the US Federal government, NIST Silverstein, Israel, the Mossad...Piece of cake right?

I have no interest in starting a new company with a dim-witted CT loon, Princess. I just want you to recognize that 11 years after the attack none of you CTs have managed to make a viable case. Do you really think those who paid out BILLIONS haven't considered everything you think you know? Are you really that naive? :D

And evidence for why it is a hands off career killing topic has been explained and posted.
Do you still need help putting toddler puzzles together?
Susan Lindauer

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Susan Lindauer

17 July 1963 (age 49)

Author, journalist, activist

John Howard Lindauer
Jackie Lindauer (1932–1992)

Andrew Card (second cousin)

Susan Lindauer (born 17 July 1963) is an American journalist and antiwar activist.

In 2003 she was accused of conspiring to act as an unregistered lobbyist for the Iraqi Intelligence Service and engaging in prohibited financial transactions with the government of Iraq under Saddam Hussein.[1][2][3] Lindauer was found mentally unfit to stand trial in two separate hearings. During her incarceration she won the right to refuse forced antipsychotic medication which the United States Department of Justice claimed would render her competent to stand trial.[4][5] She was released in 2006 and all charges were dropped in 2009.[6]

Lindauer is the daughter of John Howard Lindauer II, the newspaper publisher and former Republican nominee for Governor of Alaska.[6][7] Her mother was Jackie Lindauer (1932–1992) who died of cancer in 1992. In 1995 her father married Dorothy Oremus, a Chicago attorney who along with other members of her family owned the largest cement company in the Midwest.[7]

Lindauer is also a second cousin of former White House Chief of Staff, Andrew Card.[8]

Education and employment

Lindauer attended East Anchorage High School in Anchorage, Alaska, where she was an honor student and was in school plays.[9] She graduated from Smith College in 1985. She earned a masters degree in public policy from the London School of Economics.[2] She worked as a temporary reporter at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer for 13 weeks in 1987, and as an editorial writer at the The Everett Herald in Everett, Washington in 1989. She then was a reporter and researcher at U.S. News & World Report in 1990 and 1991.[7][9][10][11]

She then worked for Representative Peter DeFazio, D-Oregon (1993) and then Representative Ron Wyden, D-Oregon (1994) before joining the office of Senator Carol Moseley Braun, D-Illinois, where she worked as a press secretary and speech writer.[7][10] In 2003 she was working for Representative Zoe Lofgren, D-California.[12]

Other activities prior to arrest

Lindauer claims she was conducting peace negotiations with representatives of Muslim countries (including Iraq, Libya, Malaysia, and Yemen) in New York. According to transcripts Lindauer presented to the New York Times in 2004, these included meetings with Iraqi Muthanna al-Hanooti, another peace activist later accused of spying. Lindauer also says that the U.S. intelligence community was aware of these meetings and monitoring her.[2] (She also discussed them directly in communications with Card.)[13]

Richard Fuisz met with Lindauer weekly since 1994. He said that he had banned her from her office after September 11, 2001, when her ideas became "malignant" and "seditious".[2] Lindauer later claimed that she had been a CIA asset during this period.[14]

[edit] Arrest

On January 8, 2003, she delivered a letter to Andrew Card. In her letter, she urged Card to intercede with President George W. Bush to not invade Iraq, and offered to act as a back channel in negotiations. Andrew Card is her second cousin. Her first politically related contact with former Chief of Staff was around 2001.[2]

On March 11, 2004, Lindauer was arrested in Takoma Park, Maryland by five agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).[2] She was taken to the FBI office in Baltimore. Outside of this office, she told WBAL-TV: "I'm an antiwar activist and I'm innocent. I did more to stop terrorism in this country than anybody else. I have done good things for this country. I worked to get weapons inspectors back to Iraq when everybody else said it was impossible."[15] Lindauer later said she was charged under the PATRIOT Act.[16]

Lindauer was charged with "acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign government". The indictment alleged that she accepted US$10,000 from the Iraqi Intelligence Service in 2002. Lindauer denied receiving the money, but confirmed taking a trip to Baghdad.[2] Lindauer was also accused of meeting with an FBI agent posing as a Libyan, with whom she spoke about the "need for plans and foreign resources to support resistance groups operating in Iraq."[12] Lindauer says she came to this meeting because of her interest in filing a war crimes suit against the U.S. and U.K. governments.[2]

Congresswoman Lofgren released a statement saying she was "shocked" by the arrest, that she had no evidence of illicit activities by Lindauer, and that she would cooperate with the investigation.[12] Robert Precht, Dean of the University of Michigan Law School, said the charges were "weak" and that Lindauer was more likely to be a "misguided peacenik".[17]

[edit] Incarceration and legal action

She was released on bond on March 13, 2004, to attend an arraignment the following week.[3] Sanford Talkin of New York was appointed by the court as Lindauer's lawyer.[13]

In 2005 she was incarcerated at Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas, for psychological evaluation. At Carswell She was then moved to the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.[18] In 2006, she was released from prison after judge Michael B. Mukasey ruled that Lindauer was unfit to stand trial and could not be forced to take antipsychotic medication to make her competent to stand trial.[6][18] He noted that the severity of Lindauer's mental illness, which he described as a "lengthy delusional history", weakened the prosecution's case. In his decision he wrote, "Lindauer ... could not act successfully as an agent of the Iraqi government without in some way influencing normal people .... There is no indication that Lindauer ever came close to influencing anyone, or could have. The indictment charges only what it describes as an unsuccessful attempt to influence an unnamed government official, and the record shows that even lay people recognize that she is seriously disturbed."[1] On the question of Lindauer's sanity, Richard Fuisz commented in 2004: "She's daft enough that we could be sitting here, like we are now, and she might see a parrot fly in the window, flap its wings and land right here on the table. But she's also smart enough not to necessarily say anything about it."[2]

At a hearing in July 2008, Lindauer told reporters that she had been a CIA asset, and said she had "been hung out to dry and scapegoated".[14]

In 2008, Loretta A. Preska of the Federal District Court in New York City reaffirmed that Lindauer was mentally unfit to stand trial—despite Lindauer's insistence to the contrary.[7][19] Preska ruled that Lindauer's belief in her connection to the intelligence community was evidence of her insanity.[20]

On January 16, 2009, the government decided to not continue with the prosecution saying "prosecuting Lindauer would no longer be in the interests of justice."[6][21]

Antipsychiatrist Thomas Szasz criticized the government's treatment of Lindauer and referred to her captors as "torturers".[22]

[edit] Book and subsequent claims

Lindauer has written a self-published book about her experience, Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover-Ups of 9/11 and Iraq.[23] Lindauer claims that for a number of years she had worked for the CIA and DIA undertaking communications with the Iraqi government, serving as a back-channel in negotiations. She started making visits to the Libyan mission at the United Nations in 1995,[10] lasting until 2001, some of the meetings were talks with Iraqi Intelligence Service officials at the United Nations.[2]
Susan Lindauer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yep that's what I'd call a credible witness!

Yes she is, but your standards are in line with what the gov. says.:

It is not surprising that one such as you would consider Lindauer "credible" but Judge Mukasey correctly ruled that she "was unfit to stand trial and could not be forced to take antipsychotic medication to make her competent to stand trial." He also noted "the severity of Lindauer's mental illness, which he described as a lengthy delusional history"
Typical CT "credible" witness. :D
it's telling how sister jones conveniently overlooked that part!
I agree to your terms SAYIT. PM me with all your personal information and examples of other cases you may have argued or represented.

If you're as good as you say you are we're gonna' be rich! Eagerly awaiting your PM!

He doesn't need to give anything to anyone until they produce a case. That hasn't happened.

I've offered to scan and E-Mail a standard agent's contract with a clause guaranteeing the 10% of any money recovered for the insurers but these wimps are more interested in trashing me than making big money. :D
that would require them to leave the comfort of their bunkers and be seen and questioned.
much too frightening for them.
He doesn't need to give anything to anyone until they produce a case. That hasn't happened.

I've offered to scan and E-Mail a standard agent's contract with a clause guaranteeing the 10% of any money recovered for the insurers but these wimps are more interested in trashing me than making big money. :D
that would require them to leave the comfort of their bunkers and be seen and questioned.
much too frightening for them.


Yeah right you lying shit! here is a direct quote in which civil court, and your offer for representation is mentioned in the same paragraph.

Thank you for proving my point. My post instructs you - you (plural) meaning any or all you CT loons - to "gather your evidence and make the case in civil court." Nowhere do I state I will be there with you but I do state I will represent you in negotiating 10% of the insurer's winnings. You really are every bit as dim as you make yourself appear. :D

Not as dimwitted as someone who thinks kerosene fires could produce the results witnessed on 9-11 at the WTC. C'mon now,if your such a savvy negotiator, surly you could help sell the CD company I proposed. Heck think of the profits with such low overhead costs of matches and "Jetxfuel"
another steaming pile refuted :[ame=http://youtu.be/CGsOkT__M7Y]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]
Then surely you'll have no problem helping us get that Controlled Demolition Company off the ground right? That is just a money pot sitting there for the taking. But the CD industry
might give you a hard time about it since you could charge so much less to demolish buildings since your overhead would be so low, heck you could even but the matches from China at half the cost!
Man it's amazing no one has thought of this sooner, just like your idea to go against the US Federal government, NIST Silverstein, Israel, the Mossad...Piece of cake right?

I have no interest in starting a new company with a dim-witted CT loon, Princess. I just want you to recognize that 11 years after the attack none of you CTs have managed to make a viable case. Do you really think those who paid out BILLIONS haven't considered everything you think you know? Are you really that naive? :D

And evidence for why it is a hands off career killing topic has been explained and posted.
Do you still need help putting toddler puzzles together?

BS. Recent civil court decisions and ongoing cases make mincemeat of your baseless whining. :D
Thank you for proving my point. My post instructs you - you (plural) meaning any or all you CT loons - to "gather your evidence and make the case in civil court." Nowhere do I state I will be there with you but I do state I will represent you in negotiating 10% of the insurer's winnings. You really are every bit as dim as you make yourself appear. :D

Not as dimwitted as someone who thinks kerosene fires could produce the results witnessed on 9-11 at the WTC. C'mon now,if your such a savvy negotiator, surly you could help sell the CD company I proposed. Heck think of the profits with such low overhead costs of matches and "Jetxfuel"

another steaming pile refuted :[ame=http://youtu.be/CGsOkT__M7Y]National Geographic Science & Conspiracy Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]

No matter. CTs must ignore facts, logic, reality and reason to continue wallowing in their CT fantasies. :D
Interesting read, this thread. First things first...."epic dodge" to me means that 10 wheeler with a dodge pickup body on it, I don't remember the name of it but it was epic when I saw it.

Secondly, I understood sayit's offer from the start. Thus far I see people talking but doing nothing productive.
I say what you folks need is a three person committee to forward all the proven facts of the case to a central research assistant, who will compile them for review, and then forward to a law firm of your choosing. Once the law firm accepts the case, then it is time to exchange contact information with sayit. Until the case is decided, sayit has nothing to do, he is simply on 'stand-by'.
Once the case is decided in court, or settled out of court, then you call up sayit. He then contacts any and all insurance companies that were or could have been involved. He extorts payment on your behalf. He then forwards the funds remaining after collecting his commission to you and your group.

so far It appears none of that has even been started, let alone progressed to the point of drawing up 'contracts' and forming a business partnership.

I have some free time sayit, if you could use a remote assistant. I will do searches for insurers for a flat 1.75% commission. I may even be of some influence in the court, given my position as Director of the United States Disinformation Service.
Yes she is, but your standards are in line with what the gov. says.:

It is not surprising that one such as you would consider Lindauer "credible" but Judge Mukasey correctly ruled that she "was unfit to stand trial and could not be forced to take antipsychotic medication to make her competent to stand trial." He also noted "the severity of Lindauer's mental illness, which he described as a lengthy delusional history"
Typical CT "credible" witness. :D
it's telling how sister jones conveniently overlooked that part!

What these 9/11 CTs have exposed is their closed-minded natures. Regretably some of them are oozing out of the closet where they keep the real motivation for their CT religiosity and it has nothing to do with 9/11 truth or justice. :D
Still awaiting PM of personal info from SAYIT. If he doesn't send it then it's just MORE proof he's a full of sh*t troll.
Still awaiting PM of personal info from SAYIT. If he doesn't send it then it's just MORE proof he's a full of sh*t troll.

Yeah. Not giving my personal info to a flaming CT loon means I'm a full of sh*t troll. No wonder you're an ardent foil hatter ... you're too stupid to be anything else. :D
Interesting read, this thread. First things first...."epic dodge" to me means that 10 wheeler with a dodge pickup body on it, I don't remember the name of it but it was epic when I saw it.

Secondly, I understood sayit's offer from the start. Thus far I see people talking but doing nothing productive.
I say what you folks need is a three person committee to forward all the proven facts of the case to a central research assistant, who will compile them for review, and then forward to a law firm of your choosing. Once the law firm accepts the case, then it is time to exchange contact information with sayit. Until the case is decided, sayit has nothing to do, he is simply on 'stand-by'.
Once the case is decided in court, or settled out of court, then you call up sayit. He then contacts any and all insurance companies that were or could have been involved. He extorts payment on your behalf. He then forwards the funds remaining after collecting his commission to you and your group.

so far It appears none of that has even been started, let alone progressed to the point of drawing up 'contracts' and forming a business partnership.

I have some free time sayit, if you could use a remote assistant. I will do searches for insurers for a flat 1.75% commission. I may even be of some influence in the court, given my position as Director of the United States Disinformation Service.

I appreciate the offer and when these Nutters get their shit together and gather their "facts" this obscure message board dance will get real. I would say my effort to "extort" the insurers comes before choosing the law firm. They will be named plaintiffs in the case with much to gain and may help finance and try the case if it is strong enough. Of course, they may also laugh at us and refuse to have their names attached to this CT silliness. I'd be disappointed but I would understand. It's up to these brilliant CTs to make a winnable case but nothing will be gained without insurance company cooperation. Thanks for playin'. :D
Last edited:
I've invited EOTS fishing several times, and he hasn't come.

Does that mean anything? Maybe he just doesn't like to fish.

That sounds like irrefutable proof that IDeots is a "full of sh*t troll."
BTW, fresh water or ocean? :D
I've invited EOTS fishing several times, and he hasn't come.

Does that mean anything? Maybe he just doesn't like to fish.

That sounds like irrefutable proof that IDeots is a "full of sh*t troll."
BTW, fresh water or ocean? :D

Fresh, I am a long ways from an ocean. I am near a fairly famous trout fishing lake, google "Big Lake Arizona".
Yeah, the words fishing and Arizona don't really go together at first glance, but the lake is at 9014 ft above sea level(spillway el).

And as far as what to do first in the big CT lawsuit.....thats why you make the big bucks.
I've invited EOTS fishing several times, and he hasn't come.

Does that mean anything? Maybe he just doesn't like to fish.

That sounds like irrefutable proof that IDeots is a "full of sh*t troll."
BTW, fresh water or ocean? :D

Fresh, I am a long ways from an ocean. I am near a fairly famous trout fishing lake, google "Big Lake Arizona".
Yeah, the words fishing and Arizona don't really go together at first glance, but the lake is at 9014 ft above sea level(spillway el).

And as far as what to do first in the big CT lawsuit.....thats why you make the big bucks.

I just noticed your tag lines. I am on record here as believing 9/11 Hand Job is an angry 12 year old who lives in his mommy's basement but I can't believe anyone would be so stupid as to say such a thing on a public message board. Did he really say "Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart" or did you just make that up as a joke?
For a time, before the issues that happened with someone who used to post here, I collected quotes.

Here are a few of my all time favorite twoofer quotes.
"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010

"And BTW, under todays controlled government climate, if you're not paranoid you're either a fool or you're stupid."shorebreak, USMB 10/7/09

"Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist. It's a neutral term for those who defend the Bush Admin's version of 9E." curvelight, USMB 4/3/2010

"This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal........"

eots, USMB, 11-12-2007

"I happen to know more about secrecy than the average person so I know how the infiltrations work." Christophera, USMB 3/15/2010

"They laughed at Noah too, right up until it started raining...." Terral, USMB 2/6/10

"not here in the good ole USA despite America's filthy, corrupt, evil history." Proudtwoofer, USMB 3/28/2010

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