Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

Man let it go. It's seven pages in and should be clear no one has anything.

It started the thread, boasted about itself, and got toasted and exposed using his own tactic.
The challenge I posed to say(it) was to prove how a successful insurance fraud scam equates with the truthfulness of his belief in his official government sponsored conspiracy theory, that upon serious scrutiny is physically impossible, without the the aid of something that removed the WTC buildings resistance.
He failed..miserably and made a fool of him/itself in the process.

Seriously just take 5 minutes to review this little video and pay attention to what we are asked to believe, it's hilarious.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98]9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube[/ame]
what! that totally bullshit clip again!

I agree...the absurd OCT story and circumstances ARE total BS, but it touches on almost all of the things that a person who thinks the OCT is legit, and totally viable! It makes fun of the absurd things about the OCT that you and people like you actually believe in.
I agree we need to get our ducks in a row, Princess, but I won't approach the insurers until I have at least the outline of your case, including who it is we are suing and what it is you will be proving in court. You can hang on to the details for now but if they are to take me seriously enough to commit to you, I'll need something which shows you are serious. So far all I get from you is incessant whining about my personal info which will not be forthcoming until the insurers sign on and that depends on you and your ducks. Good hunting! :D

Hey twinkie, how are supposed to be proving anything in court when you stated no such thing, or are you admitting you lied about your insinuation like I pointed out?
Besides we need someone with some balls to go against the big people involved and you don't even have faith in your prospective clients you asshole. I might reconsider if you can prove that kerosene and matches are all that is needed to globally collapse 47 story reinforced skyscrapers into their foot prints, but geez you don't even have the faith in yourself to do that, so fuck you...twinkie.

Woo. You truly are a foil-hatted CT poster girl. Stupid, shrill, ignorant and either unaware or damned proud of it!
Read the following at least three (3) times so maybe you will understand it:

I will not be trying your case in court. I will secure from the insurers, on your behalf, a 10% contigency fee of all monies recovered and we will not be going against the insurers but rather for them. What I believe about your lunacy is irrelevant, Princess, and my motivation is simple ... 20% of what you get!
In order to have your day in court you will have to have something more than Youtubes, pseudoscience, fantasies, gut feelings, hairs on the back of your neck, little devils or angels sitting on your shoulder (*Crimson Tide*) to impress a jury.
If you want me to act as your agent - your option - you will need to compile your case and send me the outline at which time I will approach the insurers, who surely would love to get 90% of their BILLIONS back (with you getting the other 10% less expenses).
Now quit your spinning and get busy compiling! I'm depending on you! The insurers are depending on you! The world is depending on you! :D

Recent history with attempts to get anything that counters the OCT in any court has been met with stiff resistance already, what makes you think you would provide any better "representation" twinkie?
Just because I feel sorry for you guys, I will help you.
That's right, Slackjawed Rothschild, aka, S.L.Ackjawed, PE(ret) Dir, USDDI, is here from your government, and I am here to help you.

looky here;

"The Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA")

Historically, under the doctrine of "sovereign immunity," you were not permitted to sue the king. Sovereign immunity has carried over to modern times in the form of a general rule that you cannot sue the government -- unless the government says you can. Fortunately, the Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA") allows certain kinds of lawsuits against federal employees who are acting within the scope of their employment.

If you believe you may have a claim for negligence (careless conduct, or other wrongful or "tortious" conduct) against a federal agency or employee, you must first determine whether you can sue the federal government under the FTCA. Unless your claim is allowed by the FTCA, there is a good chance it will be barred by sovereign immunity. (To learn more about what constitutes negligence, read Nolo's article Who's at Fault for an Accident FAQ.)"

It's from here;

Suing the Government for Negligence: The Federal Tort Claims Act | Nolo.com

I think your group could classify a paid membership on this site as an investment.

Now carry on.......
Just because I feel sorry for you guys, I will help you.
That's right, Slackjawed Rothschild, aka, S.L.Ackjawed, PE(ret) Dir, USDDI, is here from your government, and I am here to help you.

looky here;

"The Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA")

Historically, under the doctrine of "sovereign immunity," you were not permitted to sue the king. Sovereign immunity has carried over to modern times in the form of a general rule that you cannot sue the government -- unless the government says you can. Fortunately, the Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA") allows certain kinds of lawsuits against federal employees who are acting within the scope of their employment.

If you believe you may have a claim for negligence (careless conduct, or other wrongful or "tortious" conduct) against a federal agency or employee, you must first determine whether you can sue the federal government under the FTCA. Unless your claim is allowed by the FTCA, there is a good chance it will be barred by sovereign immunity. (To learn more about what constitutes negligence, read Nolo's article Who's at Fault for an Accident FAQ.)"

It's from here;

Suing the Government for Negligence: The Federal Tort Claims Act | Nolo.com

I think your group could classify a paid membership on this site as an investment.

Now carry on.......

Yes and proper explanations of the WTC 7 is being with held due to "public safety" concerns, and many other disclosures are with held due to "national security" It is a no win situation when the entity and many of its members are involved, and said entity makes the rules and decides what and who is considered viable.
If anything 9-11 and the history of this less then benevolent government proves that the American public is helpless when trying to address their grievances especially of the magnitude of the 9-11 attacks.
Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means.
It started the thread, boasted about itself, and got toasted and exposed using his own tactic.
The challenge I posed to say(it) was to prove how a successful insurance fraud scam equates with the truthfulness of his belief in his official government sponsored conspiracy theory, that upon serious scrutiny is physically impossible, without the the aid of something that removed the WTC buildings resistance.
He failed..miserably and made a fool of him/itself in the process.

Seriously just take 5 minutes to review this little video and pay attention to what we are asked to believe, it's hilarious.

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube
what! that totally bullshit clip again!

I agree...the absurd OCT story and circumstances ARE total BS, but it touches on almost all of the things that a person who thinks the OCT is legit, and totally viable! It makes fun of the absurd things about the OCT that you and people like you actually believe in.
as always you'd be wrong
Just because I feel sorry for you guys, I will help you.
That's right, Slackjawed Rothschild, aka, S.L.Ackjawed, PE(ret) Dir, USDDI, is here from your government, and I am here to help you.

looky here;

"The Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA")

Historically, under the doctrine of "sovereign immunity," you were not permitted to sue the king. Sovereign immunity has carried over to modern times in the form of a general rule that you cannot sue the government -- unless the government says you can. Fortunately, the Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA") allows certain kinds of lawsuits against federal employees who are acting within the scope of their employment.

If you believe you may have a claim for negligence (careless conduct, or other wrongful or "tortious" conduct) against a federal agency or employee, you must first determine whether you can sue the federal government under the FTCA. Unless your claim is allowed by the FTCA, there is a good chance it will be barred by sovereign immunity. (To learn more about what constitutes negligence, read Nolo's article Who's at Fault for an Accident FAQ.)"

It's from here;

Suing the Government for Negligence: The Federal Tort Claims Act | Nolo.com

I think your group could classify a paid membership on this site as an investment.

Now carry on.......

Yes and proper explanations of the WTC 7 is being with held due to "public safety" concerns, and many other disclosures are with held due to "national security" It is a no win situation when the entity and many of its members are involved, and said entity makes the rules and decides what and who is considered viable.
If anything 9-11 and the history of this less then benevolent government proves that the American public is helpless when trying to address their grievances especially of the magnitude of the 9-11 attacks.
Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means.
"Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means"- sister jones .

the above is a fine example of complete propaganda with no evidence at all to support the allegation!
Hey twinkie, how are supposed to be proving anything in court when you stated no such thing, or are you admitting you lied about your insinuation like I pointed out?
Besides we need someone with some balls to go against the big people involved and you don't even have faith in your prospective clients you asshole. I might reconsider if you can prove that kerosene and matches are all that is needed to globally collapse 47 story reinforced skyscrapers into their foot prints, but geez you don't even have the faith in yourself to do that, so fuck you...twinkie.

Woo. You truly are a foil-hatted CT poster girl. Stupid, shrill, ignorant and either unaware or damned proud of it!
Read the following at least three (3) times so maybe you will understand it:

I will not be trying your case in court. I will secure from the insurers, on your behalf, a 10% contigency fee of all monies recovered and we will not be going against the insurers but rather for them. What I believe about your lunacy is irrelevant, Princess, and my motivation is simple ... 20% of what you get!
In order to have your day in court you will have to have something more than Youtubes, pseudoscience, fantasies, gut feelings, hairs on the back of your neck, little devils or angels sitting on your shoulder (*Crimson Tide*) to impress a jury.
If you want me to act as your agent - your option - you will need to compile your case and send me the outline at which time I will approach the insurers, who surely would love to get 90% of their BILLIONS back (with you getting the other 10% less expenses).
Now quit your spinning and get busy compiling! I'm depending on you! The insurers are depending on you! The world is depending on you! :D

Recent history with attempts to get anything that counters the OCT in any court has been met with stiff resistance already, what makes you think you would provide any better "representation" twinkie?

Woo. You really are every bit as stupid as you seem. I will not be taking your case to court, Princess. You will need a strong law firm to do that and you don't need me to rep you with the insurers. Feel free to find your own or be your own negotiator. In any event, stop stalling and get busy organizing! :D
Just because I feel sorry for you guys, I will help you.
That's right, Slackjawed Rothschild, aka, S.L.Ackjawed, PE(ret) Dir, USDDI, is here from your government, and I am here to help you.

looky here;

"The Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA")

Historically, under the doctrine of "sovereign immunity," you were not permitted to sue the king. Sovereign immunity has carried over to modern times in the form of a general rule that you cannot sue the government -- unless the government says you can. Fortunately, the Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA") allows certain kinds of lawsuits against federal employees who are acting within the scope of their employment.

If you believe you may have a claim for negligence (careless conduct, or other wrongful or "tortious" conduct) against a federal agency or employee, you must first determine whether you can sue the federal government under the FTCA. Unless your claim is allowed by the FTCA, there is a good chance it will be barred by sovereign immunity. (To learn more about what constitutes negligence, read Nolo's article Who's at Fault for an Accident FAQ.)"

It's from here;

Suing the Government for Negligence: The Federal Tort Claims Act | Nolo.com

I think your group could classify a paid membership on this site as an investment.

Now carry on.......

Yes and proper explanations of the WTC 7 is being with held due to "public safety" concerns, and many other disclosures are with held due to "national security" It is a no win situation when the entity and many of its members are involved, and said entity makes the rules and decides what and who is considered viable.
If anything 9-11 and the history of this less then benevolent government proves that the American public is helpless when trying to address their grievances especially of the magnitude of the 9-11 attacks.
Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means.
"Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means"- sister jones .

the above is a fine example of complete propaganda with no evidence at all to support the allegation!

Typical CT BS. They cover their lies with more lies and hope no one will notice. :D
Just because I feel sorry for you guys, I will help you.
That's right, Slackjawed Rothschild, aka, S.L.Ackjawed, PE(ret) Dir, USDDI, is here from your government, and I am here to help you.

looky here;

"The Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA")

Historically, under the doctrine of "sovereign immunity," you were not permitted to sue the king. Sovereign immunity has carried over to modern times in the form of a general rule that you cannot sue the government -- unless the government says you can. Fortunately, the Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA") allows certain kinds of lawsuits against federal employees who are acting within the scope of their employment.

If you believe you may have a claim for negligence (careless conduct, or other wrongful or "tortious" conduct) against a federal agency or employee, you must first determine whether you can sue the federal government under the FTCA. Unless your claim is allowed by the FTCA, there is a good chance it will be barred by sovereign immunity. (To learn more about what constitutes negligence, read Nolo's article Who's at Fault for an Accident FAQ.)"

It's from here;

Suing the Government for Negligence: The Federal Tort Claims Act | Nolo.com

I think your group could classify a paid membership on this site as an investment.

Now carry on.......

Yes and proper explanations of the WTC 7 is being with held due to "public safety" concerns, and many other disclosures are with held due to "national security" It is a no win situation when the entity and many of its members are involved, and said entity makes the rules and decides what and who is considered viable.
If anything 9-11 and the history of this less then benevolent government proves that the American public is helpless when trying to address their grievances especially of the magnitude of the 9-11 attacks.
Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means.
"Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means"- sister jones .

the above is a fine example of complete propaganda with no evidence at all to support the allegation!

Yeah these guys have big challenge ahead, don't they. One would have thought that after over 11 years the twoofers would have more than some weak excuses.
You guys best get to organizing.....
I made a training thread for twoofers some time ago, I will see if I can locate it and bump it to further assist the "movement".

Remember, I am from the government,and I am here to help you.
The United states department of defense of information....USDDI
Just because I feel sorry for you guys, I will help you.
That's right, Slackjawed Rothschild, aka, S.L.Ackjawed, PE(ret) Dir, USDDI, is here from your government, and I am here to help you.

looky here;

"The Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA")

Historically, under the doctrine of "sovereign immunity," you were not permitted to sue the king. Sovereign immunity has carried over to modern times in the form of a general rule that you cannot sue the government -- unless the government says you can. Fortunately, the Federal Tort Claims Act ("FTCA") allows certain kinds of lawsuits against federal employees who are acting within the scope of their employment.

If you believe you may have a claim for negligence (careless conduct, or other wrongful or "tortious" conduct) against a federal agency or employee, you must first determine whether you can sue the federal government under the FTCA. Unless your claim is allowed by the FTCA, there is a good chance it will be barred by sovereign immunity. (To learn more about what constitutes negligence, read Nolo's article Who's at Fault for an Accident FAQ.)"

It's from here;

Suing the Government for Negligence: The Federal Tort Claims Act | Nolo.com

I think your group could classify a paid membership on this site as an investment.

Now carry on.......

Yes and proper explanations of the WTC 7 is being with held due to "public safety" concerns, and many other disclosures are with held due to "national security" It is a no win situation when the entity and many of its members are involved, and said entity makes the rules and decides what and who is considered viable.
If anything 9-11 and the history of this less then benevolent government proves that the American public is helpless when trying to address their grievances especially of the magnitude of the 9-11 attacks.
Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means.
"Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means"- sister jones .

the above is a fine example of complete propaganda with no evidence at all to support the allegation!
Well then maybe you will be posting evidence of the propaganda, and evidence that supports your allegations, or you can
STFU and stop being the obvious asshole who says things he can't back up.
There have been many instances of evidence that counters the NIST theory posted here and is available elsewhere. There are many instances of the court filings that have been ignored as well, as well as all the peculiar circumstances that whistleblowers have met their demise as well. It is you that does not debate the findings of the more logical theories that counter the OCT.
Yes and proper explanations of the WTC 7 is being with held due to "public safety" concerns, and many other disclosures are with held due to "national security" It is a no win situation when the entity and many of its members are involved, and said entity makes the rules and decides what and who is considered viable.
If anything 9-11 and the history of this less then benevolent government proves that the American public is helpless when trying to address their grievances especially of the magnitude of the 9-11 attacks.
Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means.
"Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means"- sister jones .

the above is a fine example of complete propaganda with no evidence at all to support the allegation!

Typical CT BS. They cover their lies with more lies and hope no one will notice. :D

Perhaps you will be uncovering "all the lies" and make people notice them?
what! that totally bullshit clip again!

I agree...the absurd OCT story and circumstances ARE total BS, but it touches on almost all of the things that a person who thinks the OCT is legit, and totally viable! It makes fun of the absurd things about the OCT that you and people like you actually believe in.
as always you'd be wrong

Then we expect you to point out where we would be wrong, or what parts of the video are wrong.. After all it does touch on all the things you are in agreement with doesn't it?

You truly are a narcissistic piece of shit as evidenced by the way you shamelessly promote your own old, tired and intellectually deficient threads.
You've done nothing to discount what is already up for discussion regarding this topic, and you've even managed to post on one of the threads information that actually shows how difficult it is for an American citizen to have their grievances heard in a US Federal court!
You are truly a poster who fits their user name, slackjawed is very fitting as you are nothing but a slacker, and nothing comes out of your jaw that is of any importance when referring to the OCT that you believe in so adamantly, but who never ever can dismiss the counter theories against the NIST report, and only creates useless threads for our entertainment and that prove what an idiot you are....
mr jones, you have yet to prove yourself of any worth....glass houses dude!

Your desperate attempts at bumping your own discredited worthless threads, and your constant desperation to prove I'm not of "any worth" by continuously responding to my posts, defies your own twisted logic! You really suck at this you intellectually handicapped slackjawed
piece of shit! :razz: Now go back to what your good at.... your nuthugging of your fellow trolls, you've done nothing to help substantiate their lunacy conspiracy theory...or yours either...
"Plus the physical evidence, and many potential witnesses are dead by mysterious circumstances, or "encouraged" to not come forward by various means"- sister jones .

the above is a fine example of complete propaganda with no evidence at all to support the allegation!

Typical CT BS. They cover their lies with more lies and hope no one will notice. :D

Perhaps you will be uncovering "all the lies" and make people notice them?

It goes on here all the time, Princess. You have closed your mind to reality. :cuckoo:




You truly are a narcissistic piece of shit as evidenced by the way you shamelessly promote your own old, tired and intellectually deficient threads.QUOTE]

You're a typically whiny, snivelly CT crybaby. Get a life, Princess. :cuckoo:
Last edited:
mr jones, you have yet to prove yourself of any worth....glass houses dude!

Your desperate attempts at bumping your own discredited worthless threads, and your constant desperation to prove I'm not of "any worth" by continuously responding to my posts, defies your own twisted logic! You really suck at this you intellectually handicapped slackjawed
piece of shit! :razz: Now go back to what your good at.... your nuthugging of your fellow trolls, you've done nothing to help substantiate their lunacy conspiracy theory...or yours either...

I see you DO follow my methodology.

Here is an snip from my profound classic thread "training for twoofers Free!!!!"

"a) No matter the outcome of any argument the twoofer engages in, once it is over the twoofer must claim victory. This is usually done by claiming to “have taken the denier to school”, or “PWNED him”. Never admit to being wrong or losing an argument. This only serves to hurt the movement as a whole, as well as to diminish the credibility of the twoofer.
b) Always, always discredit the sources or the points made by any adversary. This is actually best done by never addressing the point the adversary was attempting to make. One of the best ways to do this is to pronounce the source as a tool of the government disinformation campaign, and to question the intelligence of the adversary as well. (An example would be “Oh, you expect me to put any stock into what the police on the ground at the time reported? Well, you’re simply too stupid to see they are just a tool of this corrupt government, and part of the cover-up! What an imbecile you are!”)
c) Refrain from any attempts to discuss anything reasonably and rationally. Reason is the enemy of the twoofer. The end justifies the means."

Good job mr jones. you can follow directions, hooray for you.
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