Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

no our little 911insidenutjob did actually say the quotes attributed to him.

Sounds like a textbook case of seditious libel:
"In law, sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority to tend toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interests of sedition." - Wikipedia
For a time, before the issues that happened with someone who used to post here, I collected quotes.

Here are a few of my all time favorite twoofer quotes.
"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010

"And BTW, under todays controlled government climate, if you're not paranoid you're either a fool or you're stupid."shorebreak, USMB 10/7/09

"Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist. It's a neutral term for those who defend the Bush Admin's version of 9E." curvelight, USMB 4/3/2010

"This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal........"

eots, USMB, 11-12-2007

"I happen to know more about secrecy than the average person so I know how the infiltrations work." Christophera, USMB 3/15/2010

"They laughed at Noah too, right up until it started raining...." Terral, USMB 2/6/10

"not here in the good ole USA despite America's filthy, corrupt, evil history." Proudtwoofer, USMB 3/28/2010

Execpt for 9/11 Hand Job quote they are all just stupid but harmless POVs. I particularly enjoyed the IDeots quote ("This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal
........"). Classic CT lunacy.
I would like to know about what happened to someone here to get you to stop collecting the moron's quotes. PM if you prefer and I will read and destroy the evidence. :D
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For a time, before the issues that happened with someone who used to post here, I collected quotes.

Here are a few of my all time favorite twoofer quotes.
"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010

"And BTW, under todays controlled government climate, if you're not paranoid you're either a fool or you're stupid."shorebreak, USMB 10/7/09

"Official Conspiracy Theory Apologist. It's a neutral term for those who defend the Bush Admin's version of 9E." curvelight, USMB 4/3/2010

"This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal........"

eots, USMB, 11-12-2007

"I happen to know more about secrecy than the average person so I know how the infiltrations work." Christophera, USMB 3/15/2010

"They laughed at Noah too, right up until it started raining...." Terral, USMB 2/6/10

"not here in the good ole USA despite America's filthy, corrupt, evil history." Proudtwoofer, USMB 3/28/2010

Execpt for 9/11 Hand Job quote they are all just stupid but harmless POVs. I paticularly enjoyed the IDeots quote ("This ain't no alien conspiracy theory, this shit is real
Written on the dollar underneath the Masonic seal
........"). Classic CT lunacy.
I would like to know about what happened to someone here to get you to stop collecting the moron's quotes. PM if you prefer and I will read and destroy the evidence. :D

My favorite is Terral's "they laughed at Noah too, until it started raining."
In fact, I sometimes use it in real life.
pm in your box
Still awaiting PM of SAYIT's personal info. If you wanna' represent me, I gotta' know all about you.

Unless you're just full of sh*t.
Still awaiting PM of SAYIT's personal info. If you wanna' represent me, I gotta' know all about you.

Unless you're just full of sh*t.

As you well know I'll only be representing you in securing a 10% contingency fee from the insurers. All you'll need to know about me, and you will at the appropriate time, is whether my efforts bore fruit. In the meantime, stop sitting around waiting for my "personal info" and get your CT case together.
We will need defendants with deep pockets in order to ensure a large recovery so be sure your "smoking gun" has the fingerprints of worthy perpetrators. You do have a "smoking gun," right Princess? :D
Still awaiting PM of SAYIT's personal info. If you wanna' represent me, I gotta' know all about you.

Unless you're just full of sh*t.

As you well know I'll only be representing you in securing a 10% contingency fee from the insurers. All you'll need to know about me, and you will at the appropriate time, is whether my efforts bore fruit. In the meantime, stop sitting around waiting for my "personal info" and get your CT case together.
We will need defendants with deep pockets in order to ensure a large recovery so be sure your "smoking gun" has the fingerprints of worthy perpetrators. You do have a "smoking gun," right Princess? :D
yeah, but the most important 18 minutes are mysteriously missing.
Still awaiting PM of SAYIT's personal info. If you wanna' represent me, I gotta' know all about you.

Unless you're just full of sh*t.

As you well know I'll only be representing you in securing a 10% contingency fee from the insurers. All you'll need to know about me, and you will at the appropriate time, is whether my efforts bore fruit. In the meantime, stop sitting around waiting for my "personal info" and get your CT case together.
We will need defendants with deep pockets in order to ensure a large recovery so be sure your "smoking gun" has the fingerprints of worthy perpetrators. You do have a "smoking gun," right Princess? :D
yeah, but the most important 18 minutes are mysteriously missing.

Oh noooo, Mr. Beale! You mean there is just smoke and no gun? I can feel my dreams of gynormous wealth slipping away. :(
As you well know I'll only be representing you in securing a 10% contingency fee from the insurers. All you'll need to know about me, and you will at the appropriate time, is whether my efforts bore fruit. In the meantime, stop sitting around waiting for my "personal info" and get your CT case together.
We will need defendants with deep pockets in order to ensure a large recovery so be sure your "smoking gun" has the fingerprints of worthy perpetrators. You do have a "smoking gun," right Princess? :D
yeah, but the most important 18 minutes are mysteriously missing.

Oh noooo, Mr. Beale! You mean there is just smoke and no gun? I can feel my dreams of gynormous wealth slipping away. :(
Still awaiting PM of SAYIT's personal info. If you wanna' represent me, I gotta' know all about you.

Unless you're just full of sh*t.

As you well know I'll only be representing you in securing a 10% contingency fee from the insurers. All you'll need to know about me, and you will at the appropriate time, is whether my efforts bore fruit. In the meantime, stop sitting around waiting for my "personal info" and get your CT case together.
We will need defendants with deep pockets in order to ensure a large recovery so be sure your "smoking gun" has the fingerprints of worthy perpetrators. You do have a "smoking gun," right Princess? :D
Now is the appropriate time to get all our ducks in a row and review strategy, BEFORE we get in Court.

PM me your personal info so that I can get the back ground check of you out of the way and we can get the ball rolling on this!
Still awaiting PM of SAYIT's personal info. If you wanna' represent me, I gotta' know all about you.

Unless you're just full of sh*t.

As you well know I'll only be representing you in securing a 10% contingency fee from the insurers. All you'll need to know about me, and you will at the appropriate time, is whether my efforts bore fruit. In the meantime, stop sitting around waiting for my "personal info" and get your CT case together.
We will need defendants with deep pockets in order to ensure a large recovery so be sure your "smoking gun" has the fingerprints of worthy perpetrators. You do have a "smoking gun," right Princess? :D

Now is the appropriate time to get all our ducks in a row and review strategy, BEFORE we get in Court.
PM me your personal info so that I can get the back ground check of you out of the way and we can get the ball rolling on this!

I agree we need to get our ducks in a row, Princess, but I won't approach the insurers until I have at least the outline of your case, including who it is we are suing and what it is you will be proving in court. You can hang on to the details for now but if they are to take me seriously enough to commit to you, I'll need something which shows you are serious. So far all I get from you is incessant whining about my personal info which will not be forthcoming until the insurers sign on and that depends on you and your ducks. Good hunting! :D
If you wanna' argue on my behalf I have to know all about you. Why would I set everything up by myself and then let you have a cut?

This is YOUR offer not mine. If you have something to offer lay it all out via PM with all your personal info so can determine for myself if you'll be a positive or a negative to the case.

All I've seen from you so far is Negative. Princess.
If you wanna' argue on my behalf I have to know all about you. Why would I set everything up by myself and then let you have a cut?

This is YOUR offer not mine. If you have something to offer lay it all out via PM with all your personal info so can determine for myself if you'll be a positive or a negative to the case.

All I've seen from you so far is Negative. Princess.

Indeed it is my offer, Princess, and I set the rules of that offer. If you want to cut me out, take your case to the insurers yourself (or choose an agent of your own). You have been deflecting for days. The fact is, I don't need you either. I could approach far more serious and knowledgeable CTs with the same offer - they may have already been approached with similar agent offers or even contacted the insurers directly - but I'm betting they know they have nothing that real experts couldn't chop to little pieces in court. This case doesn't turn on my agency but rather your ability to prove your story in a civil court so get off your duff and get your little ducks in a row. :D
As you well know I'll only be representing you in securing a 10% contingency fee from the insurers. All you'll need to know about me, and you will at the appropriate time, is whether my efforts bore fruit. In the meantime, stop sitting around waiting for my "personal info" and get your CT case together.
We will need defendants with deep pockets in order to ensure a large recovery so be sure your "smoking gun" has the fingerprints of worthy perpetrators. You do have a "smoking gun," right Princess? :D

Now is the appropriate time to get all our ducks in a row and review strategy, BEFORE we get in Court.
PM me your personal info so that I can get the back ground check of you out of the way and we can get the ball rolling on this!

I agree we need to get our ducks in a row, Princess, but I won't approach the insurers until I have at least the outline of your case, including who it is we are suing and what it is you will be proving in court. You can hang on to the details for now but if they are to take me seriously enough to commit to you, I'll need something which shows you are serious. So far all I get from you is incessant whining about my personal info which will not be forthcoming until the insurers sign on and that depends on you and your ducks. Good hunting! :D

Hey twinkie, how are supposed to be proving anything in court when you stated no such thing, or are you admitting you lied about your insinuation like I pointed out?
Besides we need someone with some balls to go against the big people involved and you don't even have faith in your prospective clients you asshole. I might reconsider if you can prove that kerosene and matches are all that is needed to globally collapse 47 story reinforced skyscrapers into their foot prints, but geez you don't even have the faith in yourself to do that, so fuck you...twinkie.
Man let it go. It's seven pages in and should be clear no one has anything.

It started the thread, boasted about itself, and got toasted and exposed using his own tactic.
The challenge I posed to say(it) was to prove how a successful insurance fraud scam equates with the truthfulness of his belief in his official government sponsored conspiracy theory, that upon serious scrutiny is physically impossible, without the the aid of something that removed the WTC buildings resistance.
He failed..miserably and made a fool of him/itself in the process.

Seriously just take 5 minutes to review this little video and pay attention to what we are asked to believe, it's hilarious.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98]9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube[/ame]
Man let it go. It's seven pages in and should be clear no one has anything.

It started the thread, boasted about itself, and got toasted and exposed using his own tactic.
The challenge I posed to say(it) was to prove how a successful insurance fraud scam equates with the truthfulness of his belief in his official government sponsored conspiracy theory, that upon serious scrutiny is physically impossible, without the the aid of something that removed the WTC buildings resistance.
He failed..miserably and made a fool of him/itself in the process.

Seriously just take 5 minutes to review this little video and pay attention to what we are asked to believe, it's hilarious.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98]9/11: A Conspiracy Theory - YouTube[/ame]
what! that totally bullshit clip again!
Now is the appropriate time to get all our ducks in a row and review strategy, BEFORE we get in Court.
PM me your personal info so that I can get the back ground check of you out of the way and we can get the ball rolling on this!

I agree we need to get our ducks in a row, Princess, but I won't approach the insurers until I have at least the outline of your case, including who it is we are suing and what it is you will be proving in court. You can hang on to the details for now but if they are to take me seriously enough to commit to you, I'll need something which shows you are serious. So far all I get from you is incessant whining about my personal info which will not be forthcoming until the insurers sign on and that depends on you and your ducks. Good hunting! :D

Hey twinkie, how are supposed to be proving anything in court when you stated no such thing, or are you admitting you lied about your insinuation like I pointed out?
Besides we need someone with some balls to go against the big people involved and you don't even have faith in your prospective clients you asshole. I might reconsider if you can prove that kerosene and matches are all that is needed to globally collapse 47 story reinforced skyscrapers into their foot prints, but geez you don't even have the faith in yourself to do that, so fuck you...twinkie.

Woo. You truly are a foil-hatted CT poster girl. Stupid, shrill, ignorant and either unaware or damned proud of it!
Read the following at least three (3) times so maybe you will understand it:

I will not be trying your case in court. I will secure from the insurers, on your behalf, a 10% contigency fee of all monies recovered and we will not be going against the insurers but rather for them. What I believe about your lunacy is irrelevant, Princess, and my motivation is simple ... 20% of what you get!
In order to have your day in court you will have to have something more than Youtubes, pseudoscience, fantasies, gut feelings, hairs on the back of your neck, little devils or angels sitting on your shoulder (*Crimson Tide*) to impress a jury.
If you want me to act as your agent - your option - you will need to compile your case and send me the outline at which time I will approach the insurers, who surely would love to get 90% of their BILLIONS back (with you getting the other 10% less expenses).
Now quit your spinning and get busy compiling! I'm depending on you! The insurers are depending on you! The world is depending on you! :D
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