Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

Actually none of you have researched anything. You just copy and paste existing stuff over and over and never do anything yourselves. I would suggest taking your own advice.

Don't hold your breath.

And just have you done to dispel what is being said against the OCT, and NIST? Looks like nothing at all.

We put up people, science and physics, links, and easily understood videos that better illustrate why NIST and the OCT is bogus, and you do nothing except deny their existence.
You produce nothing at all.

And this is how the conspiratists roll. Insults and attacks. I don't have to put up proof because I a am not making the claims. And no you don't put up anything as I said. You put up other people's stuff. None of it proves anything but that's not the point. How about you or anyone else here for that matter show us your research and interviews on the ground. Not something copied from the comfort of your keyboards.

There's no need, there is much information that refutes the NIST narrative already available. You don't want to acknowledge it, so I ask you to engage in debate about what is counter to it, and how it compares with what NIST says, concerning their theory.
Remember NIST is only theorizing that their version is correct, while those that object to their theory simply point out how unscientifically inaccurate it is when applying ALL data properly.
NIST tried to make their theory plausible by omitting data and using misleading figures.
We point out these discrepancies, you deny them. All we ask is for you explain why you do so.
You claim NIST is correct, Show us why, and I;ll show you why they are wrong.
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I'm not ignoring evidence, you don't even know what my opinions on 9/11 are. You simply seem to assume that anyone who doesn't agree with what you say must agree with the government's report of the events.
That's usually the case. You either believe the NIST theory, or the alternative. Or do you have another? Please share.

More, you continually harp on the 'facts' that undeniably prove that the government report was wrong.
The facts are science and physics. Namely, the fires could not achieve the elevated temps, for the short duration, to explode the towers, and cause WTC 7 to fall in on itself, while producing FF for 2.25 secs. I've posted easily understood information regarding this that substantiates the opinions that NIST did a bogus job, in various ways. Would you like me to produce the work that can confirm this?

From what I've gathered in these types of discussions and reading some links, watching a video or three, it is conclusions based on oftentimes controversial data that you have, not incontrovertible laws of physics.
Perhaps you will enlighten us with what you have gathered from reading discussions, and watching a video or 3?
What do you find, specifically, that is controversial?

The 9/11 truth movement (if it fits that description) is not some leviathan popular movement, filled with the majority of relevant scientists. If these are such obvious, undeniable facts, why are so few people up in arms that we've been lied to about the biggest event in the past few decades of US history?
This shouldn't be an issue that stops you from investigating what the fuss is about, should it? Or do you have the herd mentality, and afraid to look into this because others are too apathetic to do so?

As far as what constitutes direct involvement in the 9/11 conspiracy, that would be someone that either helped plan or execute the various parts of the events.
You are a fool, to expect this.
Someone who helped apply the explosives to whichever buildings are supposed to have been brought down with controlled demo.
Again, this is foolish and stupid to assume this, and akin to generational suicide. Discussing reasons for this with you is pointless. You either get it or naively don't.

Whoever was involved in hiding evidence after the event happened.
Those that ordered the removal of the crime scene and ship it off have been known already. Guess what? Nothing happened. Surprise surprise....

Whoever gave orders for the explosives to be set, the evidence to be removed, the media to be lied to, it's dependent on what your personal idea is about what happened. It's hard to be TOO specific when there are so many different CT's about the day floating around.
Look...you are jumping way down the road, and seem to be basing your opinion, that the OCT is true simply because of all of these unknowns.
I base my opinion that the OCT is not true, including the NIST report, based on what is known so far.
You seem to be using the same flawed logic that another poster is using, by saying that insurance fraud took place and was successful, this automatically cancels out what IS known...Sorry man, but that's shitty logic, and directly ignores what we do know so far.

As to what incentive someone would have to talk, I already covered that. Guilt, fame, money, anger at the government, there are plenty of reasons someone would come forward and say, 'We did it! I was part of it!'.
Man....you are displaying some really naive tones here. That will never happen, as I explained above already, not knowing this does not cancel out the science and physics work that shows how wrong NIST is..This is good speculation fodder for down the road...We're still trying to get you to understand what the MAIN fuss that started this whole thing is...And you seem to just want to go around it, without acknowledging this important thing first...

Even barring that, someone else could be investigating the events and pressure that sort of confession from someone else. Why do any criminals discuss their crimes? It's a good way to get caught, but they still do it.
This was the crime and false flag of our lifetimes, One needs to consider the intelligence, magnitude and ruthlessness that would have to be undertaken to accomplish this, and the power of the people/nations behind it. I already posted a link that mentions just a few that have spoken out, but alas they are ignored and marginalized, called insane, thrown in jail, had careers ended, had to flee the US, or even died (suicided).

You continue to misread, misinterpret, misrepresent my posts. You assume I am saying things I have not, you read more into what I post than what is there. You talk about my 'staunch beliefs' when you don't actually know what I believe.
I'm all ears as to what your beliefs are, but it seems that you are a OCT believer by the way you
so adamantly defend it. Without any serious input I might add. Still waiting to hear what it was that you "gathered" from your intense research trolling other discussions, and "watching a video or 3."

You seem incapable of accepting there is anything other than fervent government supporters and 9/11 truthers. Well, have fun with your black and white world of fighting the evils only a select few can see. It's lucky for the rest of us that you have been able to pierce the veil of secrecy
Again I await your position on the matter for clarification with interest.
I wanted to take SAYIT up on his offer so I asked him to PM me who he is, what Law Firm he works for and what State Bar Exam he has passed and he just told me he's "very retired" and that I should re-read his offer.

Translation: He's full of sh*t. What a surprise huh? :D

And the inevitable conspiratist stage two. Confronted with no where to go. Apply misdirection and change the subject.
What I have gathered from what little reading/watching I have done regarding 9/11 is that none of the supposedly incontrovertible facts are generally considered as such. Fires couldn't have burned hot enough? There seem to be plenty who disagree that the fires could burn however hot you (or the NIST report) think was necessary, and others who disagree that the fires would need to reach that temp. Freefall speeds couldn't happen? Many seem to disagree that this is the case, while others disagree with the amount of freefall that occurred.

I think that the planes and subsequent fires very likely are the only things that caused the collapse of the buildings. I simply haven't seen evidence to convince me otherwise, whereas I did, as so many others, watch the planes hit the buildings.

If there is any cover-up, I think it's much more likely to be one of government/military/law enforcement trying to hide their mistakes or incompetence in allowing the events of that day to occur. I tend to agree with the axiom of 'don't ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence'. Until I see more conclusive evidence, I find it much easier to believe that what I saw happen was, in fact, a terrorist attack which ended up bringing down multiple buildings. That doesn't mean the NIST report is completely accurate; again, either through incompetence or an attempt to hide same, it may come to erroneous conclusions. However, I can accept errors in minutae without thinking the entire premise is false.

There are plenty of sites and videos out there debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories as well as the ones promoting them. There are supposed scientists and engineers who fall into both camps. Despite this, truthers often seem to think their take is obvious, that no one can possibly honestly disagree with their conclusions, that physics and science prove their case. And yet, there are scientists and engineers who completely reject many of the claims made about the impossibility of the collapse being caused by the planes and fires. So, why should I accept the conclusions of this fringe group of people, most of whom seem to latch onto every conspiracy that pops up, not just about 9/11? I see the same people who argue so vociferously about 9/11 truth also pop up in threads about Sandy Hook, Obama's birth certificate, etc. That makes it much harder to take such people seriously. I do NOT believe the government is the monolithic evil that seems to be the usual description by CT's.

As to people speaking out about involvement in 9/11, I think we may just have to disagree. People talk. They talk to their friends, they talk to their spouses, they talk to their families. People often feel the need to confess their sins/crimes. I think a conspiracy of this magnitude would require enough people that it's almost inevitable that someone would have popped up saying they had direct involvement, or at LEAST someone else saying they know someone who had direct involvement. You think I am naive to think someone would speak up about this, but I think you may give people too much credit for making rational decisions, or even just for doing what you think would be in their best interest. People do strange, inexplicable things all the time.

The NIST report may well have many errors. At this point I have not seen enough to convince me that it is so off base that the planes and fires could not have been responsible for the collapse of the buildings. Feel free to post anything you think constitutes irrefutable proof that it must have been something else. As long as it isn't something like the 3 hours of videos someone posted in another thread, I'll at least take a cursory look. For now, however, I am still confident that what you believe are controversial conclusions rather than fact.
I wanted to take SAYIT up on his offer so I asked him to PM me who he is, what Law Firm he works for and what State Bar Exam he has passed and he just told me he's "very retired" and that I should re-read his offer.

Translation: He's full of sh*t. What a surprise huh? :D

One need not be a practicing attorney to approach the insurers and negotiate our share of the large cash recovery you and your fellow CTs will be winning on their behalf. Hell, even you could do it (but I could do it better) so stop with the tap-dancing and get your case in order, Princess. We could both use the money, right? Note: I'll not be pleading our case in court so you will need to hire a firm that will. :D
So you're not a Lawyer, you won't plead anyones case but you want a cut of the payout without doing any of the work and assuming none of the risk?

PM me all your personal info, I'll do a background check on you and we'll get started.

I like to know everything about my potential business partners before I decide to proceed with them, don't youthink that's smart?
I wanted to take SAYIT up on his offer so I asked him to PM me who he is, what Law Firm he works for and what State Bar Exam he has passed and he just told me he's "very retired" and that I should re-read his offer.

Translation: He's full of sh*t. What a surprise huh? :D

One need not be a practicing attorney to approach the insurers and negotiate our share of the large cash recovery you and your fellow CTs will be winning on their behalf. Hell, even you could do it (but I could do it better) so stop with the tap-dancing and get your case in order, Princess. We could both use the money, right? Note: I'll not be pleading our case in court so you will need to hire a firm that will. :D

What a pussy..He was taken up on his offer to represent someone in a vast legal procedure, but admits he isn't even an attorney, and now says one wont be needed? What a douche bag.

Despite your verbosity, English apparently isn't your first language so I have copied and pasted my offer below. See if you can find where I offer my services as anything more than a negotiating agent:

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

I've read enough 9/11 conspiracy posts to know that at least some of the authors are serious, so I have a challenge to propose.
Gather your case for your particular CT and offer to fight in court for the return of the insurance money - perhaps as much as $10 Billion - from those you know to be the real perpetrators. I will gladly negotiate on your behalf a 10% (up to $1BIL) contingency fee from the insurers on any money you recover. My fee will be a modest 20% of whatever you get. The insurers will love you, the CT World will love you, I will love you, and the "truth" will finally be known by all. Of course, you will have to pay your own way until the 10% kicks in - good research assistants can be pricey and travel can be expensive and time-consuming - but you know you are right so any smart investors will gladly line-up to lend you what you need to finally get justice for the real 9/11 perps and the $1BIL, less expenses, for you. I can envision millions in endorsements, book offers and the stuff that comes with fame (women!). We can even do a line of t-shirts, foil hats, and full size blow-up dolls!
So c'mon guys ... stop wasting time trying to convert the "gov't paid trolls" here and put your money where your mouth is! The clock is ticking.
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I wanted to take SAYIT up on his offer so I asked him to PM me who he is, what Law Firm he works for and what State Bar Exam he has passed and he just told me he's "very retired" and that I should re-read his offer.

Translation: He's full of sh*t. What a surprise huh? :D

And the inevitable conspiratist stage two. Confronted with no where to go. Apply misdirection and change the subject.

You will note that nowhere in my challenge do I offer to try their case. In fact, I specifically offer only to negotiate - for a modest 20% agent's fee - a 10% fee from the insurers for the winning CTs. This board's lame CTs must lie in order to make their bones, in this case they've willfully lied about what I said. Typical 12 year olds. :D

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

I've read enough 9/11 conspiracy posts to know that at least some of the authors are serious, so I have a challenge to propose.
Gather your case for your particular CT and offer to fight in court for the return of the insurance money - perhaps as much as $10 Billion - from those you know to be the real perpetrators. I will gladly negotiate on your behalf a 10% (up to $1BIL) contingency fee from the insurers on any money you recover. My fee will be a modest 20% of whatever you get. The insurers will love you, the CT World will love you, I will love you, and the "truth" will finally be known by all. Of course, you will have to pay your own way until the 10% kicks in - good research assistants can be pricey and travel can be expensive and time-consuming - but you know you are right so any smart investors will gladly line-up to lend you what you need to finally get justice for the real 9/11 perps and the $1BIL, less expenses, for you. I can envision millions in endorsements, book offers and the stuff that comes with fame (women!). We can even do a line of t-shirts, foil hats, and full size blow-up dolls!
So c'mon guys ... stop wasting time trying to convert the "gov't paid trolls" here and put your money where your mouth is! The clock is ticking.
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I wanted to take SAYIT up on his offer so I asked him to PM me who he is, what Law Firm he works for and what State Bar Exam he has passed and he just told me he's "very retired" and that I should re-read his offer.

Translation: He's full of sh*t. What a surprise huh? :D

One need not be a practicing attorney to approach the insurers and negotiate our share of the large cash recovery you and your fellow CTs will be winning on their behalf. Hell, even you could do it (but I could do it better) so stop with the tap-dancing and get your case in order, Princess. We could both use the money, right? Note: I'll not be pleading our case in court so you will need to hire a firm that will. :D

So you're not a Lawyer, you won't plead anyones case but you want a cut of the payout without doing any of the work and assuming none of the risk?

My challenge specifically states what I will be doing for my agent's fee, Princess, but apparently your comprehension skills need some work so I've reposted the deal below. If you believe you can do this without an agent, feel free to negotiate directly with the insurers.

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

I've read enough 9/11 conspiracy posts to know that at least some of the authors are serious, so I have a challenge to propose.
Gather your case for your particular CT and offer to fight in court for the return of the insurance money - perhaps as much as $10 Billion - from those you know to be the real perpetrators. I will gladly negotiate on your behalf a 10% (up to $1BIL) contingency fee from the insurers on any money you recover. My fee will be a modest 20% of whatever you get. The insurers will love you, the CT World will love you, I will love you, and the "truth" will finally be known by all. Of course, you will have to pay your own way until the 10% kicks in - good research assistants can be pricey and travel can be expensive and time-consuming - but you know you are right so any smart investors will gladly line-up to lend you what you need to finally get justice for the real 9/11 perps and the $1BIL, less expenses, for you. I can envision millions in endorsements, book offers and the stuff that comes with fame (women!). We can even do a line of t-shirts, foil hats, and full size blow-up dolls!
So c'mon guys ... stop wasting time trying to convert the "gov't paid trolls" here and put your money where your mouth is! The clock is ticking.
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I agree to your terms SAYIT. PM me with all your personal information and examples of other cases you may have argued or represented.

If you're as good as you say you are we're gonna' be rich! Eagerly awaiting your PM!
I agree to your terms SAYIT. PM me with all your personal information and examples of other cases you may have argued or represented.

If you're as good as you say you are we're gonna' be rich! Eagerly awaiting your PM!

The quality of my representation will only impact on the size of the fee to be negotiated from the insurers. It will be the strength of your case which will make us rich, Princess. Send me your E-Mail address and I will scan and send a standard agency contract which will include a clause which states if I don't get a guarantee of at least 10% from the insurers, our contract will be null and void. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. :D
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Don't try to weasel out!

This is YOUR IDEA so give me YOUR personal info via PM and I'll do a background check on you.
I agree to your terms SAYIT. PM me with all your personal information and examples of other cases you may have argued or represented.

If you're as good as you say you are we're gonna' be rich! Eagerly awaiting your PM!

The quality of my representation will only impact on the size of the fee to be negotiated from the insurers. It will be the strength of your case which will make us rich, Princess. Send me your E-Mail address and I will scan and send a standard agency contract which will include a clause which states if I don't get a guarantee of at least 10% from the insurers, our contract will be null and void. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. :D

Wait a minute....If you're such a good representative, and expect him to task you with such an endeavor, why can't you negotiate the terms yourself??
Your lack of confidence inspires a vote of no confidence.
If you produced satisfactory results with this case, perhaps we could have retained your services to represent our grievances regarding the 16th amendment, and the Fed Reserve act....Too bad you weren't able to put up your end of the bargain..
I wanted to take SAYIT up on his offer so I asked him to PM me who he is, what Law Firm he works for and what State Bar Exam he has passed and he just told me he's "very retired" and that I should re-read his offer.

Translation: He's full of sh*t. What a surprise huh? :D

And the inevitable conspiratist stage two. Confronted with no where to go. Apply misdirection and change the subject.

You will note that nowhere in my challenge do I offer to try their case. In fact, I specifically offer only to negotiate - for a modest 20% agent's fee - a 10% fee from the insurers for the winning CTs. This board's lame CTs must lie in order to make their bones, in this case they've willfully lied about what I said. Typical 12 year olds. :D

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

I've read enough 9/11 conspiracy posts to know that at least some of the authors are serious, so I have a challenge to propose.
Gather your case for your particular CT and offer to fight in court for the return of the insurance money - perhaps as much as $10 Billion - from those you know to be the real perpetrators. I will gladly negotiate on your behalf a 10% (up to $1BIL) contingency fee from the insurers on any money you recover. My fee will be a modest 20% of whatever you get. The insurers will love you, the CT World will love you, I will love you, and the "truth" will finally be known by all. Of course, you will have to pay your own way until the 10% kicks in - good research assistants can be pricey and travel can be expensive and time-consuming - but you know you are right so any smart investors will gladly line-up to lend you what you need to finally get justice for the real 9/11 perps and the $1BIL, less expenses, for you. I can envision millions in endorsements, book offers and the stuff that comes with fame (women!). We can even do a line of t-shirts, foil hats, and full size blow-up dolls!
So c'mon guys ... stop wasting time trying to convert the "gov't paid trolls" here and put your money where your mouth is! The clock is ticking.

Yeah right you lying shit! here is a direct quote in which civil court, and your offer for representation is mentioned in the same paragraph.

As the first (and only) CT with the balls to respond I'd salute you but your post is really a non-response.
Look Princess, I'm just trying to cut through the competing CTs and find the one that not only makes sense but makes money. BIG MONEY. If you truly believe you have a viable case, put your money where your big fucking mouth is and step up to the plate. Convincing me to try on your foil cap won't get you any closer to exposing 9/11 for the fraud or hoax or conspiracy you claim to believe it was. So quit your whining, gather your evidence and make the case in civil court where only a preponderance of evidence is required for proof and hey, you might get lucky. Maybe a dozen 9/11 Hand Jobs will fill the jury box.
If my modest 20% commission is the prob, I'll settle for 18%. After all, I am a reasonable man. :D

A bit disingenuous of you, but hey that's how you conspiracy theorists that believe kerosene will explode/implode buildings with FF acceleration, roll.
Oh wait, great idea!!! Since you believe that kerosene can do such repeticous destruction
this could certainly revolutionize the controlled demolition industry!!! Holy shit why don't you try to sell this idea that you seem to hold as very plausible, to them??
Think of the contracts you could negotiate and represent! Think of all the dilapidated buildings in like Detroit you could implode with a simple box of matches and some kerosene!! You could actually call it "Jetz fuel" you know, make it sound reeealy heavy duty, no one will be the wiser trust me, I've seen it happen :eek:

Seriously man, if you reeealy think you can represent us with the billion dollar insurance companies, and are strong enough to go against Silverstein and his friends in Israel including the Mossad, shit this should be a piece of cake for someone like you!
I can see it now, in big bold lettering

**Subject to available fuel loads within the structure,
**not responsible for massive ejected projectile damage flung more then 100yards away.

Hey Go for it man! I'll supply the first box of matches even!
Don't try to weasel out!

This is YOUR IDEA so give me YOUR personal info via PM and I'll do a background check on you.

Don't be silly. I'm not giving you anything but a standard contract which we can modify. You'll forgive my doubts about you but the same post in which you denigrated my assistence as getting paid for doing nothing you demanded my personal info. You smell fishy, Princess, and I'm not stupid.
BTW, you don't need me at all if you think you can get the insurers to kick back 10%. The point is all of you CT loons have had 11 years to make your case and approach the insurers. So far, you've done nothing but whine and squeal on an obscure and anonymous message board, hotshot. :D
I agree to your terms SAYIT. PM me with all your personal information and examples of other cases you may have argued or represented.

If you're as good as you say you are we're gonna' be rich! Eagerly awaiting your PM!

He doesn't need to give anything to anyone until they produce a case. That hasn't happened.
And the inevitable conspiratist stage two. Confronted with no where to go. Apply misdirection and change the subject.

You will note that nowhere in my challenge do I offer to try their case. In fact, I specifically offer only to negotiate - for a modest 20% agent's fee - a 10% fee from the insurers for the winning CTs. This board's lame CTs must lie in order to make their bones, in this case they've willfully lied about what I said. Typical 12 year olds. :D

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

I've read enough 9/11 conspiracy posts to know that at least some of the authors are serious, so I have a challenge to propose.
Gather your case for your particular CT and offer to fight in court for the return of the insurance money - perhaps as much as $10 Billion - from those you know to be the real perpetrators. I will gladly negotiate on your behalf a 10% (up to $1BIL) contingency fee from the insurers on any money you recover. My fee will be a modest 20% of whatever you get. The insurers will love you, the CT World will love you, I will love you, and the "truth" will finally be known by all. Of course, you will have to pay your own way until the 10% kicks in - good research assistants can be pricey and travel can be expensive and time-consuming - but you know you are right so any smart investors will gladly line-up to lend you what you need to finally get justice for the real 9/11 perps and the $1BIL, less expenses, for you. I can envision millions in endorsements, book offers and the stuff that comes with fame (women!). We can even do a line of t-shirts, foil hats, and full size blow-up dolls!
So c'mon guys ... stop wasting time trying to convert the "gov't paid trolls" here and put your money where your mouth is! The clock is ticking.

Yeah right you lying shit! here is a direct quote in which civil court, and your offer for representation is mentioned in the same paragraph.

As the first (and only) CT with the balls to respond I'd salute you but your post is really a non-response.
Look Princess, I'm just trying to cut through the competing CTs and find the one that not only makes sense but makes money. BIG MONEY. If you truly believe you have a viable case, put your money where your big fucking mouth is and step up to the plate. Convincing me to try on your foil cap won't get you any closer to exposing 9/11 for the fraud or hoax or conspiracy you claim to believe it was. So quit your whining, gather your evidence and make the case in civil court where only a preponderance of evidence is required for proof and hey, you might get lucky. Maybe a dozen 9/11 Hand Jobs will fill the jury box.
If my modest 20% commission is the prob, I'll settle for 18%. After all, I am a reasonable man. :D

Thank you for proving my point. My post instructs you - you (plural) meaning any or all you CT loons - to "gather your evidence and make the case in civil court." Nowhere do I state I will be there with you but I do state I will represent you in negotiating 10% of the insurer's winnings. You really are every bit as dim as you make yourself appear. :D
I agree to your terms SAYIT. PM me with all your personal information and examples of other cases you may have argued or represented.

If you're as good as you say you are we're gonna' be rich! Eagerly awaiting your PM!

He doesn't need to give anything to anyone until they produce a case. That hasn't happened.

I've offered to scan and E-Mail a standard agent's contract with a clause guaranteeing the 10% of any money recovered for the insurers but these wimps are more interested in trashing me than making big money. :D
You will note that nowhere in my challenge do I offer to try their case. In fact, I specifically offer only to negotiate - for a modest 20% agent's fee - a 10% fee from the insurers for the winning CTs. This board's lame CTs must lie in order to make their bones, in this case they've willfully lied about what I said. Typical 12 year olds. :D

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!

I've read enough 9/11 conspiracy posts to know that at least some of the authors are serious, so I have a challenge to propose.
Gather your case for your particular CT and offer to fight in court for the return of the insurance money - perhaps as much as $10 Billion - from those you know to be the real perpetrators. I will gladly negotiate on your behalf a 10% (up to $1BIL) contingency fee from the insurers on any money you recover. My fee will be a modest 20% of whatever you get. The insurers will love you, the CT World will love you, I will love you, and the "truth" will finally be known by all. Of course, you will have to pay your own way until the 10% kicks in - good research assistants can be pricey and travel can be expensive and time-consuming - but you know you are right so any smart investors will gladly line-up to lend you what you need to finally get justice for the real 9/11 perps and the $1BIL, less expenses, for you. I can envision millions in endorsements, book offers and the stuff that comes with fame (women!). We can even do a line of t-shirts, foil hats, and full size blow-up dolls!
So c'mon guys ... stop wasting time trying to convert the "gov't paid trolls" here and put your money where your mouth is! The clock is ticking.

Yeah right you lying shit! here is a direct quote in which civil court, and your offer for representation is mentioned in the same paragraph.

As the first (and only) CT with the balls to respond I'd salute you but your post is really a non-response.
Look Princess, I'm just trying to cut through the competing CTs and find the one that not only makes sense but makes money. BIG MONEY. If you truly believe you have a viable case, put your money where your big fucking mouth is and step up to the plate. Convincing me to try on your foil cap won't get you any closer to exposing 9/11 for the fraud or hoax or conspiracy you claim to believe it was. So quit your whining, gather your evidence and make the case in civil court where only a preponderance of evidence is required for proof and hey, you might get lucky. Maybe a dozen 9/11 Hand Jobs will fill the jury box.
If my modest 20% commission is the prob, I'll settle for 18%. After all, I am a reasonable man. :D

Thank you for proving my point. My post instructs you - you (plural) meaning any or all you CT loons - to "gather your evidence and make the case in civil court." Nowhere do I state I will be there with you but I do state I will represent you in negotiating 10% of the insurer's winnings. You really are every bit as dim as you make yourself appear. :D

Not as dimwitted as someone who thinks kerosene fires could produce the results witnessed on 9-11 at the WTC. C'mon now,if your such a savvy negotiator, surly you could help sell the CD company I proposed. Heck think of the profits with such low overhead costs of matches and "Jetxfuel"
Yeah right you lying shit! here is a direct quote in which civil court, and your offer for representation is mentioned in the same paragraph.

Thank you for proving my point. My post instructs you - you (plural) meaning any or all you CT loons - to "gather your evidence and make the case in civil court." Nowhere do I state I will be there with you but I do state I will represent you in negotiating 10% of the insurer's winnings. You really are every bit as dim as you make yourself appear. :D

Not as dimwitted as someone who thinks kerosene fires could produce the results witnessed on 9-11 at the WTC. C'mon now,if your such a savvy negotiator, surly you could help sell the CD company I proposed. Heck think of the profits with such low overhead costs of matches and "Jetxfuel"

Whatever my intellectual shortcomings I'm still a regular Einstein compared to you CT wimps. :D
Thank you for proving my point. My post instructs you - you (plural) meaning any or all you CT loons - to "gather your evidence and make the case in civil court." Nowhere do I state I will be there with you but I do state I will represent you in negotiating 10% of the insurer's winnings. You really are every bit as dim as you make yourself appear. :D

Not as dimwitted as someone who thinks kerosene fires could produce the results witnessed on 9-11 at the WTC. C'mon now,if your such a savvy negotiator, surly you could help sell the CD company I proposed. Heck think of the profits with such low overhead costs of matches and "Jetxfuel"

Whatever my intellectual shortcomings I'm still a regular Einstein compared to you CT wimps. :D

Then surely you'll have no problem helping us get that Controlled Demolition Company off the ground right? That is just a money pot sitting there for the taking. But the CD industry
might give you a hard time about it since you could charge so much less to demolish buildings since your overhead would be so low, heck you could even but the matches from China at half the cost!
Man it's amazing no one has thought of this sooner, just like your idea to go against the US Federal government, NIST Silverstein, Israel, the Mossad...Piece of cake right?

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