Putin aims to Divide and Conquer

France was doing business with Iraq before we invaded too. So?

Its funny you guys are now honestly trying to suggest Russia is the good guy and our friends. I didn't hear the GOP cry when Obama put sanctions on Russia back when Russia was invading. We all knew what they were doing was wrong but what could we say after Iraq?

So now you want to make nice with Hitler after he invaded Poland? Hope he's done land grabbing?

What if putin decides to " liberate" another soverign nation? What will you do then?

Putin is going to test this

The Cold War is over. Trump knows that, and Putin knows that Trump knows that.

We have two grown ups here that both know that they do not want needless conflict.

Peace is very likely.

Not every authoritarian strongman is a Hitler.
Putin is pretty evil. Remember he gave that one guy radioactive cancer because the guy challenged him? Of course you Wont believe it about your buddy putin

Doesn't make him a threat to the world balance of power.

Hell, the Castro regime is worse than that, and you guys want to make lovey dovey with them.
It is propaganda by the way. Who knows who´s behind the killings that they blame on Putin.
If you looked into Putin's history you'd see a very evil kgb murderer but you won't believe it because you clearly have taken the Republican position of defending him.

You can't even be honest you're such a political hack.

If you would just be honest and say trump keeps his friends close and his enemies closer I'd have an ounce of respect for your political opinion.

What do you want from Putin? Netherlands ordered! Putin just did :)
France was doing business with Iraq before we invaded too. So?

Its funny you guys are now honestly trying to suggest Russia is the good guy and our friends. I didn't hear the GOP cry when Obama put sanctions on Russia back when Russia was invading. We all knew what they were doing was wrong but what could we say after Iraq?

So now you want to make nice with Hitler after he invaded Poland? Hope he's done land grabbing?

What if putin decides to " liberate" another soverign nation? What will you do then?

Putin is going to test this

The Cold War is over. Trump knows that, and Putin knows that Trump knows that.

We have two grown ups here that both know that they do not want needless conflict.

Peace is very likely.

Not every authoritarian strongman is a Hitler.
Putin is pretty evil. Remember he gave that one guy radioactive cancer because the guy challenged him? Of course you Wont believe it about your buddy putin

Doesn't make him a threat to the world balance of power.

Hell, the Castro regime is worse than that, and you guys want to make lovey dovey with them.
It is propaganda by the way. Who knows who´s behind the killings that they blame on Putin.
When I read your comment I read it with a thick Russian accent.

Do you hear any another voices with thick Russian accent inside your head? :) Do you mean, Russian hackers hacked your mind?
Liberates from whom? What you don’t understand is that too many people in Ukraine don’t want this “liberation”.
Ukraine has no voice as all parties are Nato puppets and all MPs hand-selected by the US.

Blue: Party of Regions (2012 elections), now banned under Nato puppet regime:
Your map shows the results of so-called “одномандатный округ”. The Party of Regions got 30% of the votes in that election.

But I don’t understand how it disavows what I said in my previous post.
The violent overthrow was carried out by a small nazi minority, supported by the West and its puppet media.

Ukrainian parliamentary election, 2012 - Wikipedia
Yes, the overthrow was carried out by ultra-nationalist groups. The vast number of the Ukrainians supported this overthrow and don’t want a union with Russia.

Your link says what I said before – the Party of Regions got 30% of votes (look at numbers under Azarov’s photography). How the elections to Verkhovna Rada are organized (what is the difference between “одномандатные округа” and “многомандатный округ”) I can explain you in Russian if you wish (you can then use Google translate) because I am lazy to write this in English.
Yeah, sure... And why do you lie about the elections result again?

Of course, everyone likes nazis with spiked maces and wants them to govern. Sure....



Ukraine´s Nazi party in the government.
Read again the article about the 2012 elections and try to comprehend what is written there.
Also, you can try to read the official site of Ukrainian Central Election Committee. Here there are the results of the 2012 elections in “многомандатный округ”: Центральна виборча комісія України - WWW відображення ІАС "Вибори народних депутатів України 2012"
Here the results in "одномандатные округа": Центральна виборча комісія України - WWW відображення ІАС "Вибори народних депутатів України 2012"

Good luck!
Fear-mongering. Russia is a good partner.

Yes, but a bit undpredictable :)
Really? Why that?

Because of the monarchy. You never know who is going to be the next Csar and when he goes crazy.

Comrade, it's easy! They plan to be next this gang of swindlers, named as "Romanovs" from a "Kirill" fork, and pope and patriarch are to upkeep them


It seems, there are no any chances for Russia to perform another communistic revolution and to establish USSR 2.0. Such a great food for US future propaganda :))

P.S. There are only one way else. Trump is unfinished gestalt of Russian people - just let him to enlarge USA by poitical tools up to 130 states :)
It seems, there are no any chances for Russia to perform another communistic revolution and to establish USSR 2.0.

Hi, comrade!
Do you think that we really need the USSR-2? Comminists will break it apart again, what is the use in trying? And I don't think that the communist czars were any better. That's why Putin is so popular - he is not a serial murderer as Stalin, not a village idiot as Chruschev, not a drunkard as Yeltsin...
It seems, there are no any chances for Russia to perform another communistic revolution and to establish USSR 2.0.

Hi, comrade!
Do you think that we really need the USSR-2? Comminists will break it apart again, what is the use in trying? And I don't think that the communist czars were any better. That's why Putin is so popular - he is not a serial murderer as Stalin, not a village idiot as Chruschev, not a drunkard as Yeltsin...

The world need Red Alert to tickle the nerves ;) But keyword is not USSR but 2.0. There are no now useful, modern communist theory. There are no useful in tzar practice. Nikolay 2 was a good people - but a catastropic tzar. Stalin was a ruthless authocrat - but made many good for country... I think the only way - to find more stable structure of government, instead of personality-oriented. But I'm afraid, Russia at least could kick down all major world players for the one-two decades to do it, because while they permanently perform anti-Russian propaganda and aggression - there's a few chances to concentrate on problems inside...
For example, I'm living and speaking with you, not burned either by Hitler's crematory, either by US nuclear bombs... :)

Ha, ha. Stalin did everything he could against it. He (with Lenin) killed one half of the Russian Army in the Civil War, and another half before the German attack. He killed all intelligence service and that's why Germans took him by surprise.
His 'peasant-worker Army' was crushed competely in the first three weeks of the war. It was millions of 'ordinary' people who faught and gave their lives for our living.
Then he did everything he could for nuclear bombing of Russia when he started another round of that idiotic quarrel with the West. So thank God that Stalin was unsuccessful.
For example, I'm living and speaking with you, not burned either by Hitler's crematory, either by US nuclear bombs... :)

Ha, ha. Stalin did everything he could against it. He (with Lenin) killed one half of the Russian Army in the Civil War, and another half before the German attack. He killed all intelligence service and that's why Germans took him by surprise.
His 'peasant-worker Army' was crushed competely in the first three weeks of the war. It was millions of 'ordinary' people who faught and gave their lives for our living.
Then he did everything he could for nuclear bombing of Russia when he started another round of that idiotic quarrel with the West. So thank God that Stalin was unsuccessful.

Looking, how easy you prepare to murder millions people for the imaginary crimes of one, I can only pray for Stalin and Beria, constructed nuclear-rocket shield of USSR and Russian Federation :)

Do you really think, Cold War was started by Stalin's speech?
Looking, how easy you prepare to murder millions people for the imaginary crimes of one, I can only pray for Stalin and Beria, constructed nuclear-rocket shield of USSR and Russian Federation

Do you really think, Cold War was started by Stalin's speech?

Imaginary crimes? He he…

Thanks to the Bolsheviks several millions died in the Civil War, several millions died in 30-s and 30 millions died in WWII because of the leadership of the mentally ill person. Of course, survivors may be thankful that another people were killed, not them.

The nuclear shield has nothing to do with Beria, Americans did the same without killing all their army commanders and intelligence service.

The Cold War started when Lenin and his crazy idiots declared that all the word is an enemy of 'peasants and workers'. The US was the one and only country which helped us in the most terrible moment of our history and they were our allies in that war. Stalin promised them to take elections in the countries of Eastern Europe and as always lied.

When I have time I will give a list of idiotic mistakes of Stalin which put Russia on the verge of ruination. Actually, he lost the war against Hitler. We are talking to each other since the emperor of Japan refused to attack the Soviet Union in 1941 and said 'no' to his ministers. Stalin and other Bolsheviks did everything they could for our total collapse.

Praying for Beria is the same thing as praying for Himmler and other war criminals.
Looking, how easy you prepare to murder millions people for the imaginary crimes of one, I can only pray for Stalin and Beria, constructed nuclear-rocket shield of USSR and Russian Federation

Do you really think, Cold War was started by Stalin's speech?

Imaginary crimes? He he…

Thanks to the Bolsheviks several millions died in the Civil War, several millions died in 30-s and 30 millions died in WWII because of the leadership of the mentally ill person. Of course, survivors may be thankful that another people were killed, not them.

The nuclear shield has nothing to do with Beria, Americans did the same without killing all their army commanders and intelligence service.

The Cold War started when Lenin and his crazy idiots declared that all the word is an enemy of 'peasants and workers'. The US was the one and only country which helped us in the most terrible moment of our history and they were our allies in that war. Stalin promised them to take elections in the countries of Eastern Europe and as always lied.

When I have time I will give a list of idiotic mistakes of Stalin which put Russia on the verge of ruination. Actually, he lost the war against Hitler. We are talking to each other since the emperor of Japan refused to attack the Soviet Union in 1941 and said 'no' to his ministers. Stalin and other Bolsheviks did everything they could for our total collapse.

Praying for Beria is the same thing as praying for Himmler and other war criminals.

Which "choking truth" we could listen from voices in your head else? :)

Your mind is filled by very interesting, but not original mix from Soviet and anti-Soviet propaganda. You should clean your mind and leave all propaganda behind, before talking about Russian or world history. Try to read books, documents (it's not difficult, a lot of documents now out of secrecy), and think logically :)

May I ask, where do you live now and what are you doing, having your info useful or, at least, non-harmful for your activity?
I am afraid that your mind is full of propagandas of all sorts, comrade, if you are praying for mass murderers. Try to read something and use your brains. And start with the history of Russia when the Bolsheviks took power and began to kill millions of people (then communists did the same in China, Korea etc.). Didn't you ever think why Canada, for example, doesn't need any nuclear shields against the US? Try to understand that it's because Canada haven't been ruled by ghouls like Stalin or Lenin. If Stalin had ruled Canada, no Canadians would have left at all.

Yes, sure. I live in Moscow. What do you mean by 'having your info useful'?
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I am afraid that your mind is full of propagandas of all sorts, comrade, if you are praying for mass murderers. Try to read something and use your brains. And start with the history of Russia when the Bolsheviks took power and began to kill millions of people (then communists did the same in China, Korea etc.). Didn't you ever think why Canada, for example, doesn't need any nuclear shields against the US? Try to understand that it's because Canada haven't been ruled by ghouls like Stalin or Lenin. If Stalin had ruled Canada, no Canadians would have left at all.

Yes, sure. I live in Moscow. What do you mean by 'having your info useful'?

If you use myth about "Stalin's repression" in your current activity - such a politics, ot eating grants or somewhere else, where they pay for Russophobia or for de-Stalinization - it's understandable. If your family took part in political games of USSR and got a repression - it's a tragedy, but it's a tragedy of your own family, not a Russia.
How do you combine your beliefs with histocial facts?

I understand your questions about Canada, but it's only one answer at your question - Russia is not Canada. Now is open borders, you can any moment to try living in Canada at practice - and then reveal to us, where is Russia wrong :)

You talking, Stalin or Lenin is a reason of anti-Russian aggression. Ok, now there are no any Stalin and Lenin, but NATO already cut off Baltic countries from Russian territory and now concentrates army forces there... Were the Stalin or Lenin alive during Crimea war? During Napoleonic war? Were the Stalin or Lenin in Japan, when US bombed Hirosima? You'd better thank Stalin, he showed, MIG-15 and Voschod rocket were more effective reason not to perform nuclear bombing of Russia, than any "peaceful intentions". USSR gave to NATO control for demonstration of "peaceful intentions" all Warsaw agreement countries, Baltic REPUBLICS - not a "countries" - who's remember now about this materialized "peaceful intentions", when western media roaring about Russian aggression every day?

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