Putin and Russian Scientists Dismiss Anthropogenic Climate Change


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Putin’s comments likely came after his staff “did very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate,” according to Andrey Illarionov, Putin’s former senior economic adviser, who’s now a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute.

“We found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the anthropogenic role is very limited,” Illarionov said. “It became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.”

The New York Times published an article on how the Russian media’s skepticism of global warming is being driven by Putin’s laissez faire attitude on the issue. The Times bashed the Russian autocrat for offering “only vague and modest pledges of emissions cuts ahead of December’s U.N. climate summit in Paris.”

Russia’s largely state-run media has spent little to no time covering global warming despite huge fires raging across Siberia. Instead of blaming the fires on warming, Russian news outlets tended to focus on “locals who routinely but carelessly burn off tall grasses every year, and the sometimes incompetent crews struggling to put the fires out.”
Guess What Vladimir Putin Thinks About Global Warming

So here we have the scientific establishment of a major nation state that dismisses the Climate Change bullshit that reigns supreme in Western nations. The science establishments of the nations of China and India are also skeptical about the human driving of Climate Change.

So, no there is no consensus among all the worlds scientists except among the Marxists that engage in climate science and want more state power in the West.
Putin’s comments likely came after his staff “did very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate,” according to Andrey Illarionov, Putin’s former senior economic adviser, who’s now a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute.

“We found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the anthropogenic role is very limited,” Illarionov said. “It became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.”

The New York Times published an article on how the Russian media’s skepticism of global warming is being driven by Putin’s laissez faire attitude on the issue. The Times bashed the Russian autocrat for offering “only vague and modest pledges of emissions cuts ahead of December’s U.N. climate summit in Paris.”

Russia’s largely state-run media has spent little to no time covering global warming despite huge fires raging across Siberia. Instead of blaming the fires on warming, Russian news outlets tended to focus on “locals who routinely but carelessly burn off tall grasses every year, and the sometimes incompetent crews struggling to put the fires out.”
Guess What Vladimir Putin Thinks About Global Warming

So here we have the scientific establishment of a major nation state that dismisses the Climate Change bullshit that reigns supreme in Western nations. The science establishments of the nations of China and India are also skeptical about the human driving of Climate Change.

So, no there is no consensus among all the worlds scientists except among the Marxists that engage in climate science and want more state power in the West.

So here we have the scientific establishment of a major nation state that dismisses the Climate Change bullshit that reigns supreme in Western nations.

You have no such thing. You have the comments of one biased person who represents the Cato Institute and a most likely faulty synopsis of the Russian media's coverage of the debate. Why do you people have such a difficult time with the English language?
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