Putin Believes More in Personal Freedom than Today's Demonrats

Sad what half the American population has become

Sad that half the population worships a cretin who represses his people, is an enemy of the West and has destroyed his country’s nascent democracy. No wonder Trumpers like the OP love Putin. They believe what he does.
Sad what half the American population has become

Sad that half the population worships a cretin who represses his people and has destroyed his country’s nascent democracy. No wonder Trumpers like the OP love him.

Nobody "worships" him. We love that he has so destroyed the Democrat Party and you dont even see your own meltdown

No you do worship Putin and you just can’t wait for Trump or a Trump acolyte to do to the USA what Putin has done to Russia, i.e. destroy democracy and repress the opposition.
Sad what half the American population has become

Another Putin ass-licker thread. Yay

Maybe your party should think about becoming less oppressive and less immoral

The Republoicans have cornered the market on oppression and immorality. Republicans attack voting rights and free speech rights in America. No wonder they admire Putin.

If you're against giving 5 year olds the vote, you're suppressing voting rights.

See how simplistic the mind of the Democrat is?

Don't be stupider than you have to be, Son.
Putin is beloved by his people. I lived in Russia for 4 years, I've got a decent perspective on this. They thought Barry Soetoro was the most sissified, limp-wristed, faggoted twink to ever swish into the White House and I can imagine what they think of the window-licking stuttering fuck with the thousand-yard drooling stare that shits the bed every time it's trotted out to a camera.

Let's listen in on Sleepy hitting on a 6-year old like it's a Tinder date:

It's amusing to watch the deaf signer.... she stops in mid stutter and makes a career decision not to sign about a little 6-year old girl's legs being crossed..... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
These guys do love Putin, don't they?

if that's what your pea brain tells you....we think of it as being a scum demonRAT is the worse choice to make.... and i see the TRUTH hurts you...hey, you made your bed...now lie in it....

Your brain is too small to be classified as a peabrain. Trump supporters are the scunbags.
if its small, i guess it's better than not having 1--like you--you actually show it w/your spelling...thanx 4 proving that 1 so easily...scumbag
Sad what half the American population has become

This post shows just how truly detached and deranged Trumpers have become.

Putin kills his political opposition so the evidence shows you are wrong.

Basically Trumpers will say any lie they want if it sounds good/cool/tough, because that is what Trump does.

Trumpers just make up their own facts as they go along. The truth is kryptonite to a Trumper. Trumpers need the lies in order to justify the repeated failure of Bush and Trump.

If Trumpers didn't have these fabricated lies, then they would have to accept reality, which they can not do.

Basically scum demonRATS will say any lie they want if it sounds good/cool/tough, because that is what xiden and PIG-lousi do.

scum demonRATS just make up their own facts as they go along. The truth is non-existant to a scum demonRAT...... xiden idolers need the lies in order to justify the repeated failure of barrag-o

If scum demonRATS didn't have these fabricated lies, then they would have to accept reality, which they can not do.
Putin is beloved by his people. I lived in Russia for 4 years, I've got a decent perspective on this. They thought Barry Soetoro was the most sissified, limp-wristed, faggoted twink to ever swish into the White House and I can imagine what they think of the window-licking stuttering fuck with the thousand-yard drooling stare that shits the bed every time it's trotted out to a camera.

Let's listen in on Sleepy hitting on a 6-year old like it's a Tinder date:
View attachment 498044

It's amusing to watch the deaf signer.... she stops in mid stutter and makes a career decision not to sign about a little 6-year old girl's legs being crossed..... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
the corrupted xiden family are a bunch of PEDOPHILE pieces of shit....and the wife/mommy is an ENABLER
Putin is beloved by his people. I lived in Russia for 4 years, I've got a decent perspective on this. They thought Barry Soetoro was the most sissified, limp-wristed, faggoted twink to ever swish into the White House and I can imagine what they think of the window-licking stuttering fuck with the thousand-yard drooling stare that shits the bed every time it's trotted out to a camera.

Let's listen in on Sleepy hitting on a 6-year old like it's a Tinder date:
View attachment 498044

It's amusing to watch the deaf signer.... she stops in mid stutter and makes a career decision not to sign about a little 6-year old girl's legs being crossed..... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Imagine the 24/7 outrage if those words came out of Trump's mouth. At least he doesn't lust after prepubescent children (the actual definition of a pedophile)
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Sad what half the American population has become
You must be from Russia and working for Putin, or completely ignorant.
Putin is a killer and is afraid of free speech.
Afraid of Navalny and his supporters, so he prevents them from free speech. Under Putin's regime, lots of journalists have been killed or forced to leave Russia. And he supports the highjacking of an airliner in Belarus to catch a free-speech patriot!
Sad what half the American population has become

You actually believe anything Vlad says? How old are you or are you just a trump republican?

How old are you, or are you just a bleating demonRAT sheep?

When you use that "bleating demonRAT sheep" line, I wonder how old YOU are. You haven't the vaguest clue about policy, or government. You just come in here with childish, puerile insults, suitable for a middle schooler.
Sad what half the American population has become

You actually believe anything Vlad says? How old are you or are you just a trump republican?

Vlad is a better man in every way than any Democrat. Pick one

The guy is fucked up and so is his country in a lot of ways. He isn't what is call a good guy.

But, I will admit I admire his desire to protect his country, how he manages to keep Russia true to its own values and rules, how he doesn't kneel for anyone, he deep down only wants what's best for his people and country, believes in his country, is tough as nails, and that when he says something he means it.

I wish we had a president right now that had the same convictions, balls, no nonsense attitude, pride, and love for america as he does for Russia.

Putin Believes More in Personal Freedom than Today's Demonrats​

Don’t know the man nor am I privy to his thoughts, but to believe more in personal freedom than today’s Dimocraps is not a high bar to cross.
under Biden, Russia's relations with America are the worst they've been since post-communist Russia emerged in 1992.

under Trump, America got along well with Putin

if you want America to be enemies with everyone and the world's policeman, vote for Biden again in 2024

if you want peace, prosperity, and love, vote for Trump/DeSantis!

despite a GDP smaller than Italy's, demographic decline, decaying infrastructure, and a victim of US sanctions, Russia is a global competitor for America, despite Obama once calling it "only a regional power, and not a threat to the US and the world"

growing up poor in postwar Leningrad, judo transformed Putin's life. it was a way of defending himself against larger, tougher boys who tried to beat him up, "it was a tool to assert myself in the pack", Putin bellowed.

in Judo, a seemingly weak practitioner can rely on inner strength and force of will to defeat a larger, more aggressive foe. putting an opponent off-balance and taking advantage of their disorientation to strike the winning blow is a basic technique. Putin has proven to be adept at seizing opportunities presented to him by the disarray in America and the indecisiveness of Biden.

here's something else that helps Putin: the initial euphoria over the collapse of communism has given way to a sober realization that Europe won't become "whole and free", the mantra of the 90s. Democratic backsliding in Eastern Europe, the persistence of a post-Soviet "syndrome" in former Soviet states, and waves of migrants that has led to a rise of populism worldwide have all played into the hands of Putin...and he couldn't wish for a more weaker American president than Biden

there's more! Russia's close ties to China represent a major success of the Putin era and a remarkable development considering the history of conflict between both countries, as they worked together on mitigating the corona, and now they are collaborating on weakening the US, another headache for Weak Biden
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Sad what half the American population has become

You actually believe anything Vlad says? How old are you or are you just a trump republican?

How old are you, or are you just a bleating demonRAT sheep?

When you use that "bleating demonRAT sheep" line, I wonder how old YOU are. You haven't the vaguest clue about policy, or government. You just come in here with childish, puerile insults, suitable for a middle schooler.

your are WRONG AGAIN....but, as long as it gets under your skin, i'll celebrate
you type like you never got out of pre-k
btw....if you weren't a 'bleating sheep', then the comment would not upset you...point proven....BOO-HOO
Sad what half the American population has become
You must be from Russia and working for Putin, or completely ignorant.
Putin is a killer and is afraid of free speech.
Afraid of Navalny and his supporters, so he prevents them from free speech. Under Putin's regime, lots of journalists have been killed or forced to leave Russia. And he supports the highjacking of an airliner in Belarus to catch a free-speech patriot!
and your nazi piece of shit, Xiden, is anti-AMERICA, and supports all the INSURRECTIONs that happened in all those cities last year....the twat, kum-inme paid bail for the criminals, and PIG-lousi bussed the criminals into the capitol for the demonRAT riots on 1-6
Sad what half the American population has become
You must be from Russia and working for Putin, or completely ignorant.
Putin is a killer and is afraid of free speech.
Afraid of Navalny and his supporters, so he prevents them from free speech. Under Putin's regime, lots of journalists have been killed or forced to leave Russia. And he supports the highjacking of an airliner in Belarus to catch a free-speech patriot!
and your nazi piece of shit, Xiden, is anti-AMERICA, and supports all the INSURRECTIONs that happened in all those cities last year....the twat, kum-inme paid bail for the criminals, and PIG-lousi bussed the criminals into the capitol for the demonRAT riots on 1-6
Do you read your own garbage? Did you pass 6th grade?
I now doubt you're a Putin puppet; you're not smart.

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