Putin Blames "Ukrainians Or Jews" For Election Meddling: "Maybe The US Paid Them"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
So there you have it. We all know Hillary paid for many, many things. However, she screwed over Bernie Sanders for free


A week after initial excerpts of Megan Kelly's interview Russian President Vladimir Putin were released, the Russian presidential office published the full transcript of the full interview on its website on Saturday morning, specifying the conversation took place in two seatings, in the Kremlin on March 1 and in Kaliningrad on March 2

As we noted last week from the initial excerpts, despite Mueller's 37-page indictment, Putin said he has seen no evidence thus far that the alleged meddling broke any laws.

"We in Russia cannot prosecute anyone as long as they have not violated Russian law... At least send us a piece of paper... Give us a document. Give us an official request. And we'll take a look at it."


"Could anyone really believe that Russia, thousands of miles away... influenced the outcome of the election? Doesn't that sound ridiculous even to you?" Putin asked...


"It's not our goal to interfere. We do not see what goal we would accomplish by interfering. There's no goal," Putin said.

Putin said Russia has neither the tools nor the will to meddle in elections. He repeatedly complained during the interview that Washington has brushed off Russian initiatives to work together on cybersecurity issues.

Putin Blames "Ukrainians Or Jews" For Election Meddling: "Maybe The US Paid Them"
The only question is in which elections the US did not interfere. It´s really enough about that alleged Russian election meddling. Look at all the morons baring their teeth. How can anybody meddle in an election where one of the candidates barely can stand up in the morning? Either this was serious and the office of the President is a joke or this was a joke and the next President was already determined.

Uncle Sam prepares candidates for next Ukrainian Presidential Elections
The only question is in which elections the US did not interfere. It´s really enough about that alleged Russian election meddling. Look at all the morons baring their teeth. How can anybody meddle in an election where one of the candidates barely can stand up in the morning? Either this was serious and the office of the President is a joke or this was a joke and the next President was already determined.

Uncle Sam prepares candidates for next Ukrainian Presidential Elections

Everyone seems to forget that Obama meddled in BiBi's reelection a few years ago. Tried to keep him out. So while I take Putin with a grain of salt, I believe election meddling is widespread by many countries, which makes this whole thing with Trump a farce. The Left is just trying to leverage the overturn of the will of the people under an umbrella of fake news stories and accusations.
We can meddle, but not the Ruskies. Trump downed 12 rhino's and to think he would need help to down Hillary is laughable

Trump won because Obama was a horrific POTUS. Has nothing to do with him being black but all to do with him being a king liberal. The left idolizes government control for everything from light bulbs, to guns, to the lunch our kids eat, and the soda the worker wants. But when a communist country post meme's all over the web, there is sudden outrage.

The left are 'want a be commies' but lack the courage to go all in


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