Putin bought brexit as well as trumps election.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Arron Banks ‘met with Russian officials multiple times before Brexit vote’

Arron Banks, the millionaire businessman who bankrolled Nigel Farage’s campaign to quit the EU, had multiple meetings with Russian embassy officials in the run-up to the Brexit referendum, documents seen by the Observer suggest.

Banks, who gave £12m of services to the campaign, becoming the biggest donor in UK history, has repeatedly denied any involvement with Russian officials, or that Russian money played any part in the Brexit campaign. The Observer has seen documents which a senior Tory MP says, if correct, raise urgent and troubling questions about his relationship with the Russian government.

And now the cowardly little fuck is dodging parliament.

Heres a pic of putins bitches.

Vlad – the Bane of Democracy.

Putin’s war on Western democracies is comprehensive: undermine democracies with lies, misinformation, and fake news, foment an unwarranted fear of immigration (Brexit), and support the neo-fascist right.
Putin bought brexit as well as trumps election.

You should respect British and American citizens who voted for brexit and for Trump but you don't. And you are trying to undermine the role of citizens of both Britain and US instead and to substitute it with an alleged Russian interference. That's exactly how propaganda supposed to work.

But thank you for making Putin look so powerful :badgrin:
Vlad – the Bane of Democracy.

Putin’s war on Western democracies is comprehensive: undermine democracies with lies, misinformation, and fake news, foment an unwarranted fear of immigration (Brexit), and support the neo-fascist right.
Putin bought brexit as well as trumps election.

You should respect British and American citizens who voted for brexit and for Trump but you don't. And you are trying to undermine the role of citizens of both Britain and US instead and to substitute it with an alleged Russian interference. That's exactly how propaganda supposed to work.

But thank you for making Putin look so powerful :badgrin:

Rulers of the West care a sh.. for own citizens and their opinion.
Arron Banks ‘met with Russian officials multiple times before Brexit vote’

Arron Banks, the millionaire businessman who bankrolled Nigel Farage’s campaign to quit the EU, had multiple meetings with Russian embassy officials in the run-up to the Brexit referendum, documents seen by the Observer suggest.

Banks, who gave £12m of services to the campaign, becoming the biggest donor in UK history, has repeatedly denied any involvement with Russian officials, or that Russian money played any part in the Brexit campaign. The Observer has seen documents which a senior Tory MP says, if correct, raise urgent and troubling questions about his relationship with the Russian government.

And now the cowardly little fuck is dodging parliament.

Heres a pic of putins bitches.

View attachment 197518
Thanks Uncle Vlad!
Arron Banks ‘met with Russian officials multiple times before Brexit vote’

Arron Banks, the millionaire businessman who bankrolled Nigel Farage’s campaign to quit the EU, had multiple meetings with Russian embassy officials in the run-up to the Brexit referendum, documents seen by the Observer suggest.

Banks, who gave £12m of services to the campaign, becoming the biggest donor in UK history, has repeatedly denied any involvement with Russian officials, or that Russian money played any part in the Brexit campaign. The Observer has seen documents which a senior Tory MP says, if correct, raise urgent and troubling questions about his relationship with the Russian government.

And now the cowardly little fuck is dodging parliament.

Heres a pic of putins bitches.

View attachment 197518
Thanks Uncle Vlad!
Commie! :eek:
Arron Banks ‘met with Russian officials multiple times before Brexit vote’

Arron Banks, the millionaire businessman who bankrolled Nigel Farage’s campaign to quit the EU, had multiple meetings with Russian embassy officials in the run-up to the Brexit referendum, documents seen by the Observer suggest.

Banks, who gave £12m of services to the campaign, becoming the biggest donor in UK history, has repeatedly denied any involvement with Russian officials, or that Russian money played any part in the Brexit campaign. The Observer has seen documents which a senior Tory MP says, if correct, raise urgent and troubling questions about his relationship with the Russian government.

And now the cowardly little fuck is dodging parliament.

Heres a pic of putins bitches.

View attachment 197518

Bwahaha, Pooootin is now going to be blamed for every election the globalists lose.
Leave.EU 'led people up the garden path'

And here we have the leading brexiter admit that they lied.

"leading people up the garden path".

What a shock said no one.

Meanwhile, talking about liars.........................

Ministers win Brexit vote after concession

Theresa may lies to her own MPs in order to stave off a defeat in parliament.

Following a meeting with Theresa May, Tory MPs said they had been promised "input" into what the government would do if the UK faced a no-deal scenario.

But one minister told the BBC he would commit only to "further discussions".

Solicitor General Robert Buckland said the government remained "open-minded", but this may or may not result in it coming forward with new proposals in the coming days.

The BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg said she had been told by a government source that no actual concessions had been agreed and the only agreement was to keep talking.

You only get to do that once. Brexit is on its last legs and is desperate for someone to put a bullet between its ears.

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