Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

Oh, so no link required, as you already have a prescribed fantasy in response all at the ready.

Moving on...

Isn't interesting how you leftists always refuse to back your claims and act like everything you say is absolute.

You still believe in peepee dossier and what was alleged in it. Watch the video.

Isn't interesting how you leftists always refuse to back your claim
Never, eh? Pretty childish language, onyour part. Apparently you forgot the two links I provided to you to debunk your two lies.

Your entire support for your blame of Biden was two lies that I swiftly debunked with links.

I believed in the peepee tape? No I didn't.

See what you have? Lies and whining.

Big fail there, my man.
Never, eh? Pretty childish language, onyour part. Apparently you forgot the two links I provided to you to debunk your two lies.

Your entire support for your blame of Biden was two lies that I swiftly debunked with links.

I believed in the peepee tape? No I didn't.

See what you have? Lies and whining.

Big fail there, my man.

You said "link not required" to back your claim that Trump is a Russian puppet. Putin said himself he has nothing on him.

This clip should be played on loop until it sinks in what Obama and Biden, along with media cheerleaders have helped cause. This was said during Trump’s impeachment when Schiff’s quest to ensure unimpeded US weapons to “fight Russia” in Ukraine was deemed a noble fight to save democracy, while Obama refusing to approve lethal weapons to do just that.

Both, Obama and Biden let Russians do whatever they want, and unlike Trump they didn't question their annexation of Crimea. The US created this crisis, that was put on hold while Trump was in the office, to just continue when he was out.
You said "link not required" to back your claim that Trump is a Russian puppet.
Oops, you confused yourself again.

My claim was that Russian state media, with Putin's blessing, called Trump Putin's puppet.

Are you saying this is not true?

Try to focus, please.
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Authorization to send weapons to Ukraine came out just yesterday.
Bul Crap Trump was impeached because he tried to extort political dirty tricks out of Zelinski in order to receive military weapons that were already approved for delivery by the Pentagon. It was javelin anti-tank missiles I believe. They were to be stored in The west border of Ukraine and not to be used in the separatist regions on the east. Apparently they’ve kept them and learn to use them and they’re knocking out tanks and trucks by the score right now. So quit lying.
These imbeciles don't understand that not cheering to Biden's failures doesn't mean cheering for Putin.
They understand psy ops tactics. They always want you to be on the defensive. Never the Offensive...........So they always attack and blame and accuse you of what they are actually guilty of on the topic.

Don't let them do it..............ATTACK BACK.........Put them on the defensive. It's very simple.........Given that Russia did this under Obama and now Brandon....
Oops, you confused yourself again.

My claim was that Russian state media, with Putins blessing, called Trump Putin's puppet.

Are you saying this is not true?

Try to focus, please.

True, that is what you said. It's also true that you believe it.

Here is more truth. Trump challenged Putin on Crimea, while neither Obama or Biden did. Now Biden let him march into Ukraine. Putin was quiet about Ukraine even after Trump approved lethal weapons to them. With Trump out of office, he attacked again, I say with Biden's blessing.

Only thing is, it didn't work as planned.

Putin was given short time to invade, and he is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be done in 1-4 days. Why is this important? Remember what Biden first offer to Zelensky was? On the first day of invasion, instead of military support/weapons, Biden offered airlift from Ukraine. An airlift?

If Zelensky flees, Putin will be happy with Donetsk, Luhansk, and probably would keep what he had taken and install pro-Russian government.

Russians didn’t have a tactical plan. Their soldiers captured in Ukraine thought they were doing drills. The war costs them about $20B a day. There have rockets for 3-4 days at most before they can get them delivered by supplier, they use them sparingly. They lack weapons, the Tula and 2 Rotenberg plants can’t physically fulfil the orders for weapons. Rifles and ammo are the most they can do. The next Russian weapons can be produced in few months, if even that. They have no raw materials. What was previously supplied mainly from Slovenia, Finland and Germany is now is cut off.

If Ukraine manages to hold the Russians off for 10 days, then the Russians will have to enter negotiations. Because they have no money, weapons, or resources. Nevertheless, they are indifferent about the sanctions. Alpha Spec Ops have been near Kiev since the 18th February. The goal was to take Kyiv and install a puppet regime. They were preparing provocations against innocent civilians, women and children, to sow panic. Russia’s whole plan relies on panic, that the civilians and armed forces surrender and Zelensky flees. They expect Kharkiv to surrender first so the other cities would follow suit to avoid bloodshed. The Russians are in shock of the fierce resistance they have encountered.

The Ukrainians must avoid panic. The missile strikes are for intimidation, the Russians fire them at random to “accidentally” hit residential buildings to make the attack look larger than it really is.

Since Zelensky rejected Biden's offer to flee, Biden had no choice but to help Ukraine now, otherwise he wouldn't wait for five days before he signed the release of military help. Biden is trying to save his face in front of the world. Putin played Biden like a fiddle, Biden allowed him to invade Ukraine, just as Obama allowed him to invade Crimea. That was part of the plan. Only thing... Zelensky also played him as a fiddle, ruined his plans.

Now Putin has no choice but play the "nuke" card, trying to turn Europe / NATO from the further involvement. He's sending in other bigger guns, like thermobaric launchers. He has to save face too, in front of his own people.
True, that is what you said. It's also true that you believe it.
It's also a fact.

Do you deny it?

Yes or no.

(If you say "no", you look pretty dumb for ranting over it for 2 pages. If you say "yes", you know I will demonstrate that you are wrong)

Pick your poison.
I like number two, but not sure if Biden is respected enough to negotiate anything with the Russians. Remember he was part of the lie's that continually said that DJT was a Russian puppet, and in light of all the evidence suggesting that the lies were just that "LIES", he still doubled down for political reasons and all for the insecurities he has concerning Trump.

We have been weakened from within, and we are no longer respected by places like Putin's Russia, and this is all because of the lies and destruction against our president from within, otherwise suggesting that Russia was the bad guy's causing all the trouble in our election process, when in fact it's been proven to be a lie now.

The world has got to be looking at us as a corrupt nation who will dispose a leader even if that targeted leader had done nothing while in office, otherwise to be disposed over.

The wave effect that it has caused may have reached tsunami heights. Diplomacy is highly important to get Putin to pause in his actions, but that depends on how the campaign is going within. If he's struggling to achieve his goals, then it's doubtful he will be willing to listen to much while under high-tensions in the Fields of operations.

There was a third option, back in 2015, a year after Putin annexed Crimea, the Ukraine was still hot spot because of Donbas and whole eastern part of the country.

Watch this clip, which to me explain that what's happening today in Ukraine is for most part our fault.

It's also a fact.

Do you deny it?

Yes or no.

(If you say "no", you look pretty dumb for ranting over it for 2 pages. If you say "yes", you know I will demonstrate that you are wrong)

Pick your poison.

You believe that what Russian media allegedly said is true. Otherwise you wouldn't post it.

Even if they never said it, and I am not saying they did, you would still claim that Trump is Putin's puppet.

Now you're just trying to back of from what you said, by saying... "they said it, not me".

You're leftist, that IS what you leftists do.
You believe that what Russian media allegedly said is true. Otherwise you wouldn't post it.
Wait, that's pretty dumb. So, if you see a dog, and it has not yet bitten you, you conclude the dog can't bite you? Kind of childish illogic, there.

So, do you deny it? Yes or no will suffice.

Your whataboutism and whining are not going to help you.

Yes or no.
British Petroleum To Offload Stake In Russian State Owned Roseneft After Russia's " Act of Agresssion In Ukrainde".

Also in the above link Norway's Soverign Fund Will Freeze and Divest Its $2.83.Billion Investment In The Russian Bank Sberbank and Has takes In Russian Energy Firms Gazprom and Lukoil.

Russia lives off Petro-Dollars. The Russian Economy is tanking. There is no wide spread support for the war.
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Wait, that's pretty dumb. So, if you see a dog, and it has not yet bitten you, you conclude the dog can't bite you? Kind of childish illogic, there.

So, do you deny it? Yes or no will suffice.

Your whataboutism and whining are not going to help you.

Yes or no.

What exactly I have to confirm or deny?

You are not backing your claims, and until you do, you are in no position to demand answers.
What exactly I have to confirm or deny?

You are not backing your claims, and until you do, you are in no position to demand answers.
You are dodging. I get it. I get why. You know that either answer you give isn't going to reflect very well on you, at this point.


Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’​


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