Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

Russian Military Losses.


Apparently Ukraine did not get the memo about rolling over and playing dead for Putin.
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You are dodging. I get it. I get why. You know that either answer you give isn't going to reflect very well on you, at this point.


Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’​

Not dodging anything, I am just asking from you to back your claim. You still haven't done that.

There are no links on Russian State TV claiming that. Only links with those claims are for leftist US media claiming that Russians said that, and even them are not providing links to the source.

When you provide the link to source of claims, you can demand answers, until then do what you usually do- keep shilling.
Just did it in the post you just quoted.

This is just getting bizarre.

Get it together man.

And why did you omitted from quoting this part or my post?

"There are no links on Russian State TV claiming that. Only links with those claims are for leftist US media claiming that Russians said that, and even them are not providing links to the source."
And why did you omitted from quoting this part or my post?

"There are no links on Russian State TV claiming that. Only links with those claims are for leftist US media claiming that Russians said that, and even them are not providing links to the source."
Because that is a pathetic lie completely obliterated by the article I mentioned.

That's why.

Can we move on, now? This subtopic has turned you into a bizarre liar with memory issues. Our earlier discussion was much better.
Because that is a pathetic lie completely obliterated by the article I mentioned.

That's why.

Can we move on, now? This subtopic has turned you into a bizarre liar with memory issues. Our earlier discussion was much better.

Still no link to the actual source?

US media saying something that Russian media said without providing a link of what Russian media said is just a propaganda.
Still no link to the actual source?
No, you would have to google the article title, as I cant copy paste links on mobile.

But you won't. You could have googled this yourself hours ago.

Which is a pretty clear indication that you have no honest interest, and that I am just a foil for your tantrum.

Moving on, like I said...
Interesting. And where were these aerial photographs all 8 years during which the Western press and politicians claimed that Russian troops were in the Donbas? Or have they finally delivered fresh batteries to spy satellites?
Maybe your propaganda masters hid this from you, but this was common knowledge in the West by 2015.

Maybe your propaganda masters hid this from you, but this was common knowledge in the West by 2015.

Where did this general knowledge come from? From the tabloids?
Bul Crap Trump was impeached because he tried to extort political dirty tricks out of Zelinski in order to receive military weapons that were already approved for delivery by the Pentagon. It was javelin anti-tank missiles I believe. They were to be stored in The west border of Ukraine and not to be used in the separatist regions on the east. Apparently they’ve kept them and learn to use them and they’re knocking out tanks and trucks by the score right now. So quit lying.
Impeached for trying to find out the information in which the American citizens needed to know, and that was whether or not Biden broke the law by requesting a prosecutor in Ukraine be fired at his command or a huge some of money would be withheld from them .. "Well whatta ya know, they fired the SOB"... Sounds to me like they got the wrong guy in the impeachment. Should have been Joe Biden that got fired for his quid pro quo alledgedly committed for his son. Of course it's all Trump's fault eh ??
Putin now whining that the US is helping the Ukrainian Navy with surveillance drones.

Oh is Putty Pute crying in his beer?

The United States and its N.A.T.O. Allies are defending a Freely ELected Democratic Country from Russian Invasion.

Putin is tyrant. Fuck him.

Ukraine does NOT want to be part of Putin rebuilt Communist Empire.

Fuck Putin.

here is a clip. Enjoy!

Thanks for wasting 30 minutes of my time, where in this video several political commentators are talking about politics in Russia and the US.

One of them saying: "Democrats were warned there was no interference in this elections... and crazy Clintons for 6 years talking about the fact that Russia chose president Trump and Trump is a Russian agent."

What you and other leftists wants us to believe is that Russian state television said "Trump is a Russian agent", when in fact, they were talking about crazy Hillary claims of Trump being Russian agent. Since you didn't watch it, here are the screenshots. The only claims of Trump being Russian agent are from Hillary and Democrats, not from Russians or their state TV, which Durham's investigation clearly confirms.





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