Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

True Turkey is a member, but they were never a primary Soviet target. All eyes were on Western Europe all through the Cold War. The only real incident that involved Turkey was US intermediate missiles placed there. They were removed as part of the Cuban Missile Crisis, though not as publicly.

I don't see NATO allowing Poland nukes, that would invite more problems than it would solve.
At that time, Turkey was neither economically nor militarily capable of resisting the Soviets. Today, if Turkey had been able to integrate into European Policies, Law and Economy, Russia would not have been able to expand militarily so much. There is still hope. For most people in Turkey, especially between the ages of 15-55, things like welfare and quality life come first before communism or religious movements. But for people who are unhappy materially or spiritually, communism or religious ideologies are almost starting to be used as a means of healing.
Guys, I am worried about Ukraine. Putin has obviously lost his fucking mind and is shelling civilians and cities at this point. This man is insane.
Listen, softy. You can only always be a pacifist and a humanist, and if this pacifism turns on on command and also turns off when it is not profitable, it is called hypocrisy.
Guys, I am worried about Ukraine. Putin has obviously lost his fucking mind and is shelling civilians and cities at this point. This man is insane.
Let me ask this - Would the damage and death be as bad if Zelinksky would have just turned himself in to Putin in hopes to save Ukraine's people and infrastructure ? Is Zelinksky hiding behind human shields, and if so why is Putin after the government of Ukraine like this ? Just questions is all.... If Putin would have thrown Zelinksky in prison, then couldn't the international community work to gain his release over time ? What is actually going on here ?
Guys, I am worried about Ukraine. Putin has obviously lost his fucking mind and is shelling civilians and cities at this point. This man is insane.
Actually, he didn't even start a real bombing company, but already in control of 40% of Ukraine. May be, he is going to take only pro-Russian south-eastern regions, and only then start bombing Western Ukraine you know, like Idlib or Vietnam.
Oh now that's funny. Obama and the left spied on reporters. The left has alphabet networks in its pocket and the media only spouts the leftist line. Trump never put any jounalists in jail. But many of them deserve jail and worse for what they've done to this country.
Oh now that's funny. Obama and the left spied on reporters. The left has alphabet networks in its pocket and the media only spouts the leftist line. Trump never put any jounalists in jail. But many of them deserve jail and worse for what they've done to this country.
Your master never put any journalists in jail, because he couldn't.

Now go slob his knob some more. Maybe post another meme, see if you fool anyone.
Not that I want to climb into the demented mind of Putin, but if he wanted to take Ukraine so badly, why is he destroying buildings and its infrastructure? Oh and killing innocent civilians isn't going to win the hearts and minds of the Ukrainian people either. I think Lindsey Graham just said what everyone was thinking.
exactly what i'm talking about. I understand that you would rather not have to face the truth....but it is the manly thing to do. be a man.

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