Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

Piers Akerman, writing in my Sunday Telegraph today says it true:

Vladimir Putin finds little resistance beyond Ukraine borders.

Ukrainians are paying a cruel price in blood and treasure to the murderous Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin as his missiles destroy their lives and property.
But the Western liberal democracies are also paying a massive price as any illusions that international safeguards against brutality can be effective are destroyed.

Putin has told French President Emmanuel Macron Russia has no intention of halting the attacks, let alone withdrawing from the captured territory, and his goal is to seize the nation in its entirety to "de Nazify Ukraine to the end".

His fantasy is to recreate the imperial Russia of the tsars and with his annexation of Donetsk and Luhansk - the so-called breakaway republic's- and his capture of Georgia and Crimea, he is well on his way to fulfilling his dream.

The European Union has so far done little more than offer refuge to a million or so civilians who have fled the Russian bombardment.

Strong words in Brussels don't match high explosives in Kyiv, no matter how strongly former German defence minister, Ursula von der Leyen, now President of the European Commission, codemns Putin's actions.

Europe has been left vulnerable because of the insane acceptance of the highly dubious claims of fanatical green climate extremists who successfully demanded that reliable coal-powered plants be closed.

Germany's former leader Angela "Mutti" Merkel, an unreconstructed East German - born socialist, went even further, decommissioning her nation's nuclear power plants. Bowing to green lunacy played into the hands of Russia which supplies the gas essential to power Western Europe.

With their energy in Russia's hands and Ukraine falling (after a probably protracted and terribly bloody siege involving thousands of deaths on both sides), the European nations will accept Russian seizure of most of Ukraine's critical resources so they can continue to have airconditioning and hot showers without resorting to nasty coal power.

US President Joe Biden also gave away the US's strategic fuel advantage when he reversed Donald Trump's domestic energy certainty for foreign oil dependency, playing into Russia's hands.


Well there you go.
The facts of how it all is, the mess it all is, in one true and brilliant piece of writing.
Your vision of reality is so crooked, that I have to ask: how do you get into your pants, when you put them on in the morning? How often do you wear them backwards?
Aww, poor little guy realizes nobody is buying what he is selling.
Ukrainians have a plan for "continuity of power" in case Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is killed (с) the head of the US State Department Blinken.

In general, there is a feeling that the unwinding flywheel of events may soon engulf Zelensky in every sense, including in the physical. He has already actually played his role in fomenting war. Then other people will lead it.
Let me ask this important question - Why didn't the UN blue helmet's, otherwise that are totally neutral in a war zone, and that are there mainly to assist civilian non-combatants, and to monitor illegal acts of war, and attrocities from being committed hopefully by it's presence there, not in theater right now ???????? In the Serbia and Bosnian war they were there doing exactly what I've written here.

Did Zelenski refuse their entry into the theater early on (did the UN even offer), otherwise did he stop their presence in which many are hoping that such a presence would have curbed the appetite for possible war crime's to be committed while in their presence, otherwise that now the world is accusing Russia of without the UN being on the ground to counter any propaganda that might take place without the blue helmet's being there ???? Where are the neutral bule helmet's in theater on the ground in Ukraine, and why are they not there if they aren't ???????
Let me ask this important question - Why didn't the UN blue helmet's, otherwise that are totally neutral in a war zone, and that are there mainly to assist civilian non-combatants, and to monitor illegal acts of war, and attrocities from being committed hopefully by it's presence there, not in theater right now ???????? In the Serbia and Bosnian war they were there doing exactly what I've written here.

Did Zelenski refuse their entry into the theater early on (did the UN even offer), otherwise did he stop their presence in which many are hoping that such a presence would have curbed the appetite for possible war crime's to be committed while in their presence, otherwise that now the world is accusing Russia of without the UN being on the ground to counter any propaganda that might take place without the blue helmet's being there ???? Where are the neutral bule helmet's in theater on the ground in Ukraine, and why are they not there if they aren't ???????
The Blue Helmets are not there, because Russia is on the UN Security Council.
Yes, the world is quite aware of the evil turd Putin slaughtering civilians in Syria.
Ok. And now compare Syria and Ukraine. There are much less devastation in Ukraine than it was in Syria, Afghanistan or Chechnya.
The Russians (by their own standarts) didn't even start a serious "police operation", say nothing about a "war". If you want to see how the Russians act in wars - look at Berlin-1945.
Ok. And now compare Syria and Ukraine. There are much less devastation in Ukraine than it was in Syria,
That's because, in Syria, Putin the murdering Maniac was able to swoop into an already devastated country and start slaughtering civilians.

In Ukraine, he had to start at square one at their borders. And now the murdering Maniac's military is getting embarrassed on the world stage.

Credit goes to the Ukrainians. Not to the evil, murderous maniac Putin.
That's because, in Syria, Putin the murdering Maniac was able to swoop into an already devastated country and start slaughtering civilians.

In Ukraine, he had to start at square one at their borders. And now the murdering Maniac's military is getting embarrassed on the world stage.

Credit goes to the Ukrainians. Not to the evil, murderous maniac Putin.
You see, in your picture of the world - the Russians are evil, murderous maniacs. In some Russian pictures of world - the Americans are evil, murderous maniacs. But in most Arabocentric or Pashtocentric pictures of the world there are almost same - recall the Battle of Mosul. But Melitopol doesn't look like Aleppo or Mosul. Why? Because there were no resistance and, therefore - there was no need to destroy the city.

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