Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

And I'm also surprised why the nazi bastards aspired to the USA, and not to the USSR... Hmmm...
Selective memmory. The USSR were total assholes. When they collapsed a shout of Freedom was heard all over the world.

Tear down these walls.
Some think that Putin is correct about nazis in Ukraine. The claim of biological weapons laboratories implicates NATO and the Pentagon, as we have already posted to another thread. Putin is destroying Ukrainian military infrastructure due to these nazis, who are not Hitlerist but products of CIA-MI6 thinktanks. Nuland was trained in a camp like Avoz Battalion. Soros is also implicated. Today, Putin told Russian women that military servicemen would not be in combat missions, but the chikenshit Western media hasn't the stones to report such things.
The news is tainted everywhere. Both sides. Cant trust any of them.

So you go old school who was Putin. He's old school KGB from the USSR. They were Tyrannical mfrs.

He could have moved into the break away regions. He didnt. He launched a full War which intends to take all of Ukraine. Mr. KGB wants a return to Glory of the USSR.

One more point. That royally pissed me off. A youtube video that was later Banned. He openly threatened to use nukes on Europe and all of NATO. That is not RATIONAL
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Name some of these german scientists used in USSR? I mean in the rank of war criminals, like von Braun and Reinhard Gehlen.
Stalin slaughtered his own people to gain power. Built a wall to keep people in. Fucked over Poland with no vasoline.

NATO was created for his sorry ass. And it is against you if you want the old USSR back.

Thats why you buy politicians off like Biden and Clinton

The tweet you copypasted.

It's literally right here on this page.

You are one slippery little weasel.

You lying shmuck, I don't control what someone else says in the tweet.

Again... point where I mentioned them, and giving them credibility.
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Huh ? The United States and the USSR both got their fair share of German scientist, engineers, and other, otherwise in order to find out how Germany got so powerful, and so strategic to do what they did in the war. Neither worshipped the Nazi's, but both weren't opposed to exploring the potential benefit's of the knowledge they possessed.
The Swedish swastika migrated to Ukraine. The recent Russian article on Ukraine biological weapons labs links the residue of Operation Paperclip. On another thread, we will be scrutinizing CCHF virus of Old Germany because this is tick-borne as it is in Russian-controlled Crimea.

2020 Oct CCHF Mutations / Atlanta CDC / Berlin, Germany
One Chinese CDC author of the above Atlanta-Berlin article, Hua, B. also published in the year of the drought in the Crimea, 2018, which would affect the vector ticks there:

2018 Hua B. / CCHF / Thrombocytopenia
'....Third Military Medical University, Chongqing....Fourth Military Medical University, Zi'an....Kunming Medical University, Yunnan.'
Selective memmory. The USSR were total assholes. When they collapsed a shout of Freedom was heard all over the world.

Tear down these walls.
That's right. The entire world celebrated what was one of the happiest events of the 20th century.

Putin, on the other hand, calls it a tragic event.
Selective memmory. The USSR were total assholes. When they collapsed a shout of Freedom was heard all over the world.

Tear down these walls.
They were definitely old school serious bully's who ruled with an iron fist. When we talked them into tearing down that wall, I believe we had their ear back then, but just like everything after time goes by, they might be experiencing a little buyers remorse after what has happened here in our own country.

Those Javelins are pure hell on convoy's, but I bet the air strike that was probably called in as a response was probably seriously unimaginable. Even though Ukraine soldier's are fighting gallantly and heroically, the overwhelming odds are against them. Now this Zelinksky makes me wonder, otherwise if he figured that he could play on the world sympathy's in order to drag NATO into the conflict and/or war ??? He would do this maybe in order that he can say to his sworn enemy Putin, "nowwwwww you've done it", so we are going to destroy you once and for all if out in the east, and out in the west of Ukraine if you come here ?

But who truly is right in it all, because after the dealings that went on between our heads of state and the Ukraine back in the day, who knows really ??
Ukraine should've surrendered the day Russian military first crossed the border.
But then the Russian rape hordes would've struck.
Tough living in Ukraine...Russia f's you over one way or the other.

Ukraine should never have trusted anyone and disarmed from its nukes.
Ukraine should've surrendered the day Russian military first crossed the border.
But then the Russian rape hordes would've struck.
Tough living in Ukraine...Russia f's you over one way or the other.

Ukraine should never have trusted anyone and disarmed from its nukes.
Not Ukraine, but maybe Ukraine leadership if that was who Russia had an issue with. The international community could have worked to gain their release from Russia, but now we have the carnage, destruction, and death that war brings, and all because Ukraine's leadership wouldn't step down until things could be worked out peacefully.

Not for coward surrender, but to spare my country of certain anialation, I would have left the country if I was the one Putin had an issue with.
Not Ukraine, but maybe Ukraine leadership if that was who Russia had an issue with.
But the people chose the leadership. Remove Zelensky, and they will elect another pro western president, just like him and the one before him.

So Russia has an issue with the population of Ukraine. A big one. Russia will be the occupiers, not the liberators.
But the people chose the leadership. Remove Zelensky, and they will elect another pro western president, just like him and the one before him.

So Russia has an issue with the population of Ukraine. A big one. Russia will be the occupiers, not the liberators.
Zelensky said it himself, that Putin was after him, so there's that..

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