Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

Ukrainians too. Don't underestimate their ability to fight, even little girls are shooting Russians after school and when their homework is done. Didn't you know that?
The only little girls I see are the Russian soldiers crying for their mommies on video.
There was another video about the Snake Island and the 13 undead soldiers. I had a good laugh too.
Oh, so the Russians soldiers are actually fighting soldiers, too? I thought they were just killing civilians and stealing food. Can't rape Ukrainian girls on an empty stomach, right?
Oh, so the Russians soldiers are actually fighting soldiers, too? I thought they were just killing civilians and stealing food. Can't rape Ukrainian girls on an empty stomach, right?
I just wonder, how much shit can an American hold in his head? You are supermen! Half of you at least.
I just wonder, how much shit can an American hold in his head? You are supermen! Half of you at least.
So, when the Russin qar criminals target civilians, do you think they get off on it? Or do you think their commanders lie to them about what they are targeting?
So, when the Russin qar criminals target civilians, do you think they get off on it? Or do you think their commanders lie to them about what they are targeting?

It would only be fair to mention that both sides are doing it.

And it didn't started few weeks ago, it started in 2014.
So, when the Russin qar criminals target civilians, do you think they get off on it? Or do you think their commanders lie to them about what they are targeting?
They don't, for crying out loud. They target criminals that you for some unworldly reason defend now and been defending since that stupid maidan. Why, for the hundred's time, didn't you pay attention when those criminals killed these civilians and thousands more?

Putin's been patient for eight years, now he's run out of it, it's a payback time called denazification.
Ukrainians too. Don't underestimate their ability to fight, even little girls are shooting Russians after school and when their homework is done. Didn't you know that?

Video I posted clearly shows targeting civilian building. Ukrainians were hiding BM-21 Grad rocket launchers under the building.

So, who is to blame, or who has higher ground here?
Video I posted clearly shows targeting civilian building. Ukrainians were hiding BM-21 Grad rocket launchers under the building.

So, who is to blame, or who has higher ground here?
A civilian turns combatant the moment he takes a Grad rocket launcher in his hand, you know that?
I didn't see no Grad there though. You think a lonely Launcher is worth a Caliber or Kinzhal rocket? It must have been some military complex full of military shit that needed some termination.
A civilian turns combatant the moment he takes a Grad rocket launcher in his hand, you know that?
I didn't see no Grad there though. You think a lonely Launcher is worth a Caliber or Kinzhal rocket? It must have been some military complex full of military shit that needed some termination.

I don't think it was lonely launcher.

I can't get it, pal. What's your stance on the matter? Are you pro or con regarding Bandera & Co?

I don't see how anyone can be on side of people that collaborated with Nazis. However, I do understand why they did it, based on what Soviet orcs, or Stalin to be precise, did to Ukrainians.

Ukraine saw the chance to get from under Russian boot, and they went for it. Wherever there is turmoil, all kind of scum pops up. The most ironic is, that Ukraine could've become independent without them, and I guess that is their way to piss off Russians in most efficient way. At the time, they were useful idiots, that have been taken for a ride and used by the neocons who actually masterminded the Maidan. Now they are canon fodder to Zelensky.

Just like the dissident right in the West has been used and ensnared by Dugin, Ukranian nationalists have been used by western Trotskyite globohomo. Both sides use neo-Nazis as pawns. Hell even Muslim Chechens are fighting each other in Ukraine right now. Its an utter shit sandwich. Both sides are faggots. Rainbow Trotsky West vs Rainbow Stalin East. Its all a power struggle between globalist goblins. Putin is just one faction of rats and the West is another. Putin just wants to be slightly less faggot and pozzed about committing genocide, but that's really the only difference. Both sides are bad, and I can't side with either one.

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