Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

Kennedy realized his mistake and grew a pair. Fuck Biden can't be bothered to get out of bed.
Kennedy didn’t show weakness. The CIA and the Exiles had convinced Ike that the Cuban people would rise up to support the invasion. Kennedy wisely decided to withhold active US support pending the reaction of the Cuban people. Well, they didn’t rise up against Castro, so US forces didn’t directly support the exile’s invasion.
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Toro great news tonight for Ukranians. If it is not disinformation. Russians hoping the Ukrainians relax and stop killing them.. then blitz...? Seems a stretch.

Lviv, Ukraine (CNN)A top Russian general gave some of the most detailed public remarks to date on Russia's military strategy in Ukraine, claiming on Friday that the "first stage" of Russia's military plan is now complete, with their primary focus now centered on eastern Ukraine.


"Oh, we never meant to take Kyiv or any major cities. We merely wanted to liberate Donbas. "

If not misdirection, that's the beginning of the end of sieges of a few cities.
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You mean when the UN stepped in to stop the Serb genocide of the Muslims?
No. I mean Kosovo War - unilateral NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The Russians consider this conflict as the starting point for Cold War 2.0 and this is why they decided to elect Putin and join anti-American camp.
Toro great news tonight for Ukranians. If it is not disinformation. Russians hoping the Ukrainians relax and stop killing them.. then blitz...? Seems a stretch.


"Oh, we never meant to take Kyiv or any major cities. We merely wanted to liberate Donbas. "

If not misdirection, that's the beginning of the end of sieges of a few cities.
And at the same time Russian war photographers make pictures of Kievan statue of Rodina-Mother and comment that they are coming to liberate her from Nazies.
Or, not letting Kosovo be slaughtered.
Yes, of course, there were pretty good reasons to invade (almost same that the Russians use to excuse their own invasion in Ukraine), but it doesn't change the facts, that it was committed without permission of SC UN, and one of it consequence was changed course of the Russian policy.
Yes, very touching. So, what's next? Just peace, right?
As they said earlier - just peace after de-Nazification, de-militarization of Ukraine, recognition of Russian Crimea, recognition independence of Donbass Republics, and, according the recent statements of Russian MFA - end of Ukrainian independence.
It's for Ukraine. But conflict in Ukraine is just a part of the European Security Crisis.
Was that the hypersonic ?

I don't know. Could've been smart bomb.

What's that parked underneath those stairs ?

If you watched other video, those launchers would fire and then run back to this building to hide and reload. That's how they track them down.

Is Zelinksky this important of a figure that an entire country is to be destroyed because of him ? Why does Putin hate him so bad ??

To a globohomo, he is. I believe he really cares about his country, but he's mistaken it he think that West cares about Ukraine or him at all. He's rather tool for the West to get them what they want, and they couldn't care less if Ukraine is completely destroyed and half of the population displaced elsewhere. Imagine money being poured in Ukraine to rebuild, imagine how much money is to be made, and launder when all this is done. Some day Ukraine will have to pay back those investments, and they won't be dictating the terms. At first sign of not complying with demand from the West, Zelensky will be thrown under the bus.
What's that parked underneath those stairs ?
These are military trucks. I saw a video showing trucks with missile systems entering and leaving this building. Do you think the russians have nowhere else to put missiles, except to fire at empty abandoned buildings?
I don't know. Could've been smart bomb.

If you watched other video, those launchers would fire and then run back to this building to hide and reload. That's how they track them down.

To a globohomo, he is. I believe he really cares about his country, but he's mistaken it he think that West cares about Ukraine or him at all. He's rather tool for the West to get them what they want, and they couldn't care less if Ukraine is completely destroyed and half of the population displaced elsewhere. Imagine money being poured in Ukraine to rebuild, imagine how much money is to be made, and launder when all this is done. Some day Ukraine will have to pay back those investments, and they won't be dictating the terms. At first sign of not complying with demand from the West, Zelensky will be thrown under the bus.
Yes I thought I saw the firing of rocket launchers near a building by heat signature video like you say, and so that was the building that was hit eh ?? So are we being lied too about the use of these buildings after they are hit ? I hope not, but would I be surprised if the propaganda is being poured on thick and heavy within the conflict from both sides be it ukranian or russian ? Not really.

They need to get to the negotiation table, because killing each other isn't the answer, and they don't need the world agging it on or saying or doing things that make matters worse for the one's fighting. Give peace a chance. No sense in destroying people and their homes to make a point. Guess the world has forgotten once again how ridiculous war really is, and how in the end no one really wins. If the laws regarding cultural tendencies were enforced, otherwise to not allow them to get out of hand in the world, then the dogs of war wouldn't be howling once again. Disrespect brings about war either on the individual level or upon the broader level, so whenever nations begin to stray to far away from keeping a moral standard involved, then that's when things begin to fall apart, and the disrespect comes. The world is in grave danger these days, because the deterioration of societies is at hand.
These are military trucks. I saw a video showing trucks with missile systems entering and leaving this building. Do you think the russians have nowhere else to put missiles, except to fire at empty abandoned buildings?
Empty abandoned buildings ? Wasn't it said that the buildings were occupied ? With what who knows, but occupied none the less.

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