Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

These imbeciles don't understand that not cheering to Biden's failures doesn't mean cheering for Putin.
But the only failures you tried to argue were both false.

So, when people see that, don't be surprised if they speculate at your motivations for lying, or for, at the very least, just pulling talking points out of your ass.
One Typhoon left. They are toast
No.1) Eurofighter is still not able to use nuclear weapons. 2) Eurofighter isn't able to delivery even one bomb to Moscow. 3) Few bombs won't kill all Russians, but will make them very angry. 4) Europeans won't attack if Russian retaliation will kill them all, and the USA already lost.
No.1) Eurofighter is still not able to use nuclear weapons. 2) Eurofighter isn't able to delivery even one bomb to Moscow. 3) Few bombs won't kill all Russians, but will make them very angry. 4) Europeans won't attack if Russian retaliation will kill them all, and the USA already lost.
Putin has shown the world how inept, unorganized, and weak his military is. I'm sure this is the opposite of the message he thought he would send.
Ok, and what's the solution then ??

I have a friend that married a Ukrainian woman after bringing her here to the U.S.
This was years ago, and when she would go back to visit, she couldn't visit family members in the east due to the war. Like I said it's been going on for years now.

Let's look into recent history.

In 2014 Ukraine had pro-Russian president, Yanukovych. At the time, there was not even mention of Ukraine joining NATO and Putin still invaded because Ukraine was seeking closer ties with the EU.

This time Putin's excuse to attack is Ukraine seeking NATO membership. We know that's bullshit excuse and propaganda, because there are already former Soviet countries (Baltic states) that are members of NATO and bordering with Russia.

So what's the solution?

One, call Putin's bluff and accept Ukraine to NATO immediately, send air support, weapons, stop Putin in his tracks. That would show him we don't tolerate his expansion in Ukraine or elsewhere, since he has already threatened Finland and Sweden.

Two, US could just sign bilateral agreement with Russia and assure them Ukraine wouldn't join NATO if they pull back to original borders. Deal is off if they don't withdraw and we'll use solution one. It seems cheaper than war doesn't it?

The bottom line, the US and NATO wants this war. Even if Putin pulls back, he'll still be a boogie man. That guarantees great future for our military complex cabal.
Really? How long did it take to crush Iraq? Ukraine is larger than Iraq and supported by NATO.
Nice try, propaganda boy. US tanks had much further to travel in Iraq.

60 miles from Belarus to Kyiv. Putin is now stalled, because Ukrainians are killing so many Russians and and destroying so many Russia vehicles that they can't make progress.

That never happened to the US in Iraq.

But thanks for strengthening my points.
About the only one. Poland is the only one honoring their word.

You mean their obligations to NATO? There are couple of others, new members like Romania and Croatia.

If we would ask, Poland would be first to join us in war against Russians. That's how much they hate them, for WWII, and post WWII era during Warsaw pact.
You mean their obligations to NATO? There are couple of others, new members like Romania and Croatia.

If we would ask, Poland would be first to join us in was against Russians. That's how much they hate them, for WWII, and post WWII era during Warsaw pact.
Nearby nations have promised to deliver weapons to Ukraine.
What happens when Russia bombs these transports?
Putin Puts Russian Nuclear Forces High Alert.

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — In a dramatic escalation of East-West tensions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin ordered Russian nuclear forces put on high alert Sunday in response to what he called “aggressive statements” by leading NATO powers.

The directive to put Russia’s nuclear weapons in an increased state of readiness for launch raised fears that the crisis could boil over into nuclear warfare, whether by design or mistake.

Putin’s step is “potentially putting in play forces that, if there’s a miscalculation, could make things much, much more dangerous,” said a senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Putin's Invasion is slowing down as Ukrainian Forces continue to resist the Russian Military. German and Poland of send Anti-Weapons and Stinger Missles to Ukraine.

Putin is spiraling right now. He probably Ukraine would just fold like someone holding a pair of dueces and instead the Ukrainian Military and Civilian Forces are fighting.

Use of Nuclear Weapons is nothing MADD and he knows this.

Yes Cons, Cheer the this Russian Communist Dictator as he leads the world Nuclear War...
No one's cheering Putin you ignoramus, so keep your idiot political bull crap out of this. It's idiot's like you that have brought about the perceived weakness in which has empowered the thinking by a world super power leader to make nuclear threat's to our nation and other's when he made his move to do what he has now done. Then we have a compromised president that is having trouble making a sentence being taunted to act tough in the situation. I said it years ago, that the left would have the world burn if it can't get it's way.
The Russians are invading Europe. Putin puts his nuclear forces on alert and President Potatohead leaves DC and goes home.

Anybody that voted for Potatohead is a fucking idiot.
Let's look into recent history.

In 2014 Ukraine had pro-Russian president, Yanukovych. At the time, there was not even mention of Ukraine joining NATO and Putin still invaded because Ukraine was seeking closer ties with the EU.

This time Putin's excuse to attack is Ukraine seeking NATO membership. We know that's bullshit excuse and propaganda, because there are already former Soviet countries (Baltic states) that are members of NATO and bordering with Russia.

So what's the solution?

One, call Putin's bluff and accept Ukraine to NATO immediately, send air support, weapons, stop Putin in his tracks. That would show him we don't tolerate his expansion in Ukraine or elsewhere, since he has already threatened Finland and Sweden.

Two, US could just sign bilateral agreement with Russia and assure them Ukraine wouldn't join NATO if they pull back to original borders. Deal is off if they don't withdraw and we'll use solution one. It seems cheaper than war doesn't it?

The bottom line, the US and NATO wants this war. Even if Putin pulls back, he'll still be a boogie man. That guarantees great future for our military complex cabal.
I like number two, but not sure if Biden is respected enough to negotiate anything with the Russians. Remember he was part of the lie's that continually said that DJT was a Russian puppet, and in light of all the evidence suggesting that the lies were just that "LIES", he still doubled down for political reasons and all for the insecurities he has concerning Trump.

We have been weakened from within, and we are no longer respected by places like Putin's Russia, and this is all because of the lies and destruction against our president from within, otherwise suggesting that Russia was the bad guy's causing all the trouble in our election process, when in fact it's been proven to be a lie now.

The world has got to be looking at us as a corrupt nation who will dispose a leader even if that targeted leader had done nothing while in office, otherwise to be disposed over.

The wave effect that it has caused may have reached tsunami heights. Diplomacy is highly important to get Putin to pause in his actions, but that depends on how the campaign is going within. If he's struggling to achieve his goals, then it's doubtful he will be willing to listen to much while under high-tensions in the Fields of operations.
I like number two, but not sure if Biden is respected enough to negotiate anything with the Russians. Remember he was part of the lie's that continually said that DJT was a Russian puppet, and in light of all the evidence suggesting that the lies were just that "LIES", he still doubled down for political reasons and all for the insecurities he has concerning Trump.

We have been weakened from within, and we are no longer respected by places like Putin's Russia, and this is all because of the lies and destruction against our president from within, otherwise suggesting that Russia was the bad guy's causing all the trouble in our election process, when in fact it's been proven to be a lie now.

The world has got to be looking at us as a corrupt nation who will dispose a leader even if that targeted leader had done nothing while in office, otherwise to be disposed over.

The wave effect that it has caused may have reached tsunami heights. Diplomacy is highly important to get Putin to pause in his actions, but that depends on how the campaign is going within. If he's struggling to achieve his goals, then it's doubtful he will be willing to listen to much while under high-tensions in the Fields of operations.
Funny, Russian state TV, with the blessing of Putin, said Trump was his puppet.

So, if anything, that will be common ground in negotiations with Russia.
Funny, Russian state TV, with the blessing of Putin, said Trump was his puppet.

So, if anything, that will be common ground in negotiations with Russia.
Link ? If they said it, then they were basically saying that as a sarcastic get back at the drooling left that wanted so bad for it to be so. Trump loved to antagonize the left in such a way also.
Link ? If they said it, then they were basically saying that as a sarcastic get back at the drooling left that wanted so bad for it to be so. Trump loved to antagonize the left in such a way also.
Oh, so no link required, as you already have a prescribed fantasy in response all at the ready.

Moving on...

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