Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

Which Chapter?

The UN Charter is a non-binding treaty, unless a unanimous vote can be had in the Security Council. . . if I remember correctly? :dunno:

IMO? I don't think you will get that from Russia and China who are both parts of the Security Council.

Chapter II, Article V Membership?

Article 5 /
"A Member of the United Nations against which
preventive or enforcement action has been taken
by the Security Council may be suspended from
the exercise of the rights and privileges of mem-
bership by the General Assembly upon the recom-
mendation of the Security Council. The exercise
of these rights and privileges may be restored by
the Security Council."
I think he meant NATO, which would be wrong.

If it were NATO, the nuclear bombers would be in the air already.
9:15 p.m. Central standard Time ABC News special Russia has begun The invasion it's not just the two separatist States they're attacking all of the Ukraine. Putin has gone insane. Now there is the threat of world war III in the end of everything because of idiots, tyrants like him. Biden keeps saying he will not send troops to the Ukraine. But once Poland does and other European nations follow we will get involved.
If you are restricting your propaganda to just ABC?

You are probably getting a really, REALLY biased picture.


Hard West

Medium West

Putin has for years explained how important Ukraine is to Russian national security, this only happened because of fascist democrats/rinos/China cheating a depraved psychopath into the white house, this would not have happened under Trump. Indeed, if Trump had not been repeatedly subjected to coup's, and he had had an actual loyal administration, one loyal to the United States and its president, and not to China, and the tech billionaires, then Trump fully intended to make a friend of Russia & Putin.

This is precisely why China and the traitors in the US federal government whom China owns, specifically the leadership in both party's, and both houses of the congress, along with the state department, and the Orwellian national security council, destroyed Trump's presidency, by launching a bio-attack and shutting down the United States and its white hot economy, and after years of baseless, grossly irresponsible abuse of Russia, succeeded in forcing Russia into the waiting arms of communist China, Russia friends with US was a gross threat to China and the billionaires who built its economy!

Putin is not trying to regrow the Soviet Empire, he was all but baited into this by a feckless psychopath, whose word is worth the dog shit on bottom of a shoe, if he had a treaty declaring Ukraine a neutral nation, excluded from ever attaining Nato membership, this would not likely have happened... This is the consequence of cheating a known psychopathic reprobate into the white house, pray Biden is swiftly removed, because Biden is a traitor, and he always has been a traitor, selling out US national security for his tens of millions, he has never had a real job in his entire life, yet he worth several hundred million dollars!
I would gather Russia's powers would be suspended by the council first. And I was thinking of NATO Article 5, but in my error, I may have landed on a mechanism by which Russia can be punished.
Why not have the US be punished?

Why not have Ukraine be punished?

The reason for the invasion was because diplomacy failed. :rolleyes:
There's no confidence in Dunce-in-Chief Biden. Let's hope and pray they don't let him do anything stupid... which for him is anything he believes is a good idea.
Biden has been around a long time...we all know that he is one stubborn man and hates to admit that he was wrong...he will never change course no matter what anyone says...in fact asking him to do so will just make him dig his heels in deeper....

We are screwed.... we are going to pay for this idiots lack of ability to do the job....
British Defense Minister: "Unfortunately, we have an annoying opponent in the person of Putin, who completely broke the chain." "the UK has 1,000 people on standby to respond to threats." "The Scottish Guard kicked the ass of Tsar Nicholas I in 1853 in the Crimea. We can always do it again." "Tsar Nicholas I made the same mistake as Putin... he had no friends, no alliances." The Minister made a speech against the background of a painting depicting the Inkerman battle of the Crimean War.

The Russian Defense Ministry responded to the words of the British Minister of War about the Crimean War

The words of the head of the British Ministry of Defense Ben Wallace about the events of the Crimean War are nothing more than mythology, according to the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov.

Earlier, Wallace said that Britain could at any moment "kick" Russia, like the Scottish Guards regiment to Emperor Nicholas I during the Crimean War.

Konashenkov reminded the British servicemen that the Scottish regiment "suffered very bloody losses" and "did not win any victories."

"The Balaklava battle of the Crimean War on October 25, 1854 went down in history not at all thanks to the perseverance of the Scottish 93rd regiment, about which Wallace was so drunkenly telling. The only feat of this unit was that he simply did not escape, like the others, from the onslaught of the Russian cavalry," the representative of the department said.

According to him, other events entered the history of the Balaklava Battle much more vividly: Russian gunners destroyed an entire aristocratic English light cavalry brigade under the command of Lord Cardigan in just 20 minutes.

"It was this "feat" of the British in the Crimean War that enriched all the languages of the world and military textbooks with the concept of "cannon fodder," Konashenkov stressed.

The representative of the Ministry of Defense noted that not so long ago, the head of the British Foreign Ministry, while in Moscow, "already demonstrated her wonderful knowledge of the geography of Russia." Therefore, Wallace's public deepening into the history of Russia is no longer surprising, he added.

"We recommend that British servicemen study well not only the geography of Russia, but also its history. In order not to enrich our common military history with our lives for the sake of poorly educated British politicians," Konashenkov concluded.
He cannot feel secure with the threat from the Ukraine. He is declaring a military operation against Ukraine...war...

Remember his demands he wanted NATO out of all of Eastern Europe. Ukraine is just the start for this maniac. Next he will attack all the nations of the former Soviet block Eastern Nations. He is the threat,; not the Russian people.
Read the charter, any member of the Permanent Security Council can veto ANYTHING. Plus China would veto such a thing even if it was possible.
Turns out Article 27 would prevent Russia from voting if it happens to be involved in a dispute with another UN member.

Article 27, Clause 3.

"Decisions of the Security Council on all other matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members including the concurring votes of the permanent members; provided that, in decisions under Chapter VI, and under paragraph 3 of Article 52, a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting."

However, China would veto it. They would then be violating Article 52 paragraph 3 of the charter, which requires pacific (peaceful) resolutions between two member states. China would be interfering with that, and as such could be construed as a party to the conflict.
Remember his demands he wanted NATO out of all of Eastern Europe. Ukraine is just the start for this maniac.
No, Ukraine without nazies would be enough for now. And cleaning up going on.
Now every resident of Donetsk closes his account for the eight-year strikes of the Ukrainian Nazis on their cities. There is no need to hold back now.

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