Putin Declares War on the Ukraine

The stupidity of humankind, but hopefully it won't be anything like that.

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No one wants war. Today Putin is attacking the Ukraine. Tomorrow who else is in danger Poland again the Baltic states the Czech Republic the Slovak Republic Hungary Romania all the countries that Yugoslavia dissolved into. What will be enough for this madman
No one wants war. Today Putin is attacking the Ukraine. Tomorrow who else is in danger Poland again the Baltic states the Czech Republic the Slovak Republic Hungary Romania all the countries that Yugoslavia dissolved into. What will be enough for this madman

IMO,, this won't be the cause of a World War III sorry to disappoint you.
9:15 p.m. Central standard Time ABC News special Russia has begun The invasion it's not just the two separatist States they're attacking all of the Ukraine. Putin has gone insane. Now there is the threat of world war III in the end of everything because of idiots, tyrants like him. Biden keeps saying he will not send troops to the Ukraine. But once Poland does and other European nations follow we will get involved.
That’s a nuclear war. That hopefully doesn’t happen.
Putin still has the red-ass over the break-up of the Soviet Union and I think it has become his driving force.

I mean he is arguably the richest man in the world as far personal wealth goes so all he really has left is to do gather-up the wayward cubs of the Russian bear.

I really don't think he has designs on the former Eastern Block countries that are now part of NATO unless pushed......Then it's game-on in the Baltic States.
No one wants war.

Biden wants war. He is the cause of it all. Putting a weak man like him in was bad enough, they didn't dare try this with Trump in office. Then the world saw that Biden was a hapless clown the way he literally tripped over his own feet from beginning to end in Afghanistan, from grossly overestimating the Afghan army to the leaving, that showed Putin that NOW was the time to move, when the West was led by a fool like Biden whose worst threats are all on paper rather than the actual battlefield.

Democrats should have KNOWN this would happen with a suffering fool like Joe Bedpan in office but all they thought about was themselves instead of the country or the world.

How many more hundreds of billions will the Left's obsession with Trump Derangement System cost us this time?

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