Putin draws red line against U.S.

Smart people all over the world know that WW3 is right around the corner, thanks to Trump's election and the same rise of angry, global nationalism that occurred before WW 1 and 2.

Trump campaigned on staying the hell out of the middle east shitstorm. I propose that his supporters hold him to that, and let Russia drown in that quagmire for a while, instead of escalating the pissing contest until the shit hits the fan.

RUSSIA and Iran have said they will respond to further American military actions following the air strike in Syria last week.

The statement read: “What America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines. From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well.”

Russia and Iran say they will respond to American aggression following air strike in Syria

Agree--and we're still wary of war. How many decades now, how many lives, and how much money have we wasted in the middle east. You can never win a war in the Middle East.

They aren't going to change! They're not like the Japanese or Germans who became allies after the war. These people are tribal, there is no government, and if there is they ignore it. If they're not fighting us or another foreign enemy they will fight and kill each other. That's the middle east. We should know this by now.

That's funny. EVERY major war the US has ever been in (save for the Civil War) was at the instigation of Democrat politicians,
When the French left Vietnam, Eisenhower left US advisors there. Two were killed in 1959.
Both the Persian Gulf War under Bush 41 and the longest wars in American history in Iraq and Afghanistan were instigated by Republicans.
Reagan instigated the era of the war of terrorism attacks against the US in the 1980's and the creation of modern day Muslim terrorist organizations.

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