Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...
From the FOXNEWS article...

"At their joint press conference, President Putin was calculated and in control. Conversely, President Trump seemed to lack authority, praising Putin when he should have been condemning him, and ceding opportunities to confront Putin on his most egregious actions of the past decade – including meddling in the 2016 election and the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014."

Just what does Putin have on trump? Perhaps Mueller is finding out right now....Can you imagine the members of the intelligence agencies watching trump trash them and then kiss Putin's ass? They will start turning over every stone to find out what is making trump, Putin's BITCH....
Pres. Trump has made a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:

The US has no trade with Russia. It’s all under sanctions so there is no upside for the US in trade.

Russia is broke. They have no money for trade. Putin talked about how beneficial it would be if the two countries cooperated to raise the price of oil. It would be beneficial to Putin but not Trump.

Everything that has happened in US foreign policy since Trump was elected has been to the detriment of the US and to the benefit of Putin and Xi, and their desire to expand their power and influence.

This is especially true in the fracturing of NATO, and the destruction of trade with America’s allies and trading partners.

Trump is a Manchurian candidate, wholly under Putin’s thrall. That was obvious today. Trump admits to private phone calls with Putin, who whispers poison in his ear. The President of the United States is a Russian operative.

How does the Republican Party spin their way out of this fiasco?
Brilliant conference. I was wondering how long it would take for the unAmerican dumbasses to start moaning. It has taken surprisingly long for them to carry out the usual temper tantrums, pussy fits and other demonstrations of Trump derangement.

So, has Putin sent you his check yet....this month?

The only check here is yours from the DNC.

Come back to me when you have evidence. You will spend a long time looking given it doesn't exist, but do go for it.

So you are okay with trump taking the word of Putin over his OWN intelligence chiefs? You must be a Russian Troll.
"you are a very cunning person" - Putin once told Oliver Stone in a conversation about Stalin.

pot, meet kettle!
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...
If you think Trump gives a fuck what any of you morons on the left or right think....you're dumber than I thought. He has his own way of handling the problems we face...and he will handle them his way...and the rest be damned.
Brilliant conference. I was wondering how long it would take for the unAmerican dumbasses to start moaning. It has taken surprisingly long for them to carry out the usual temper tantrums, pussy fits and other demonstrations of Trump derangement.

So, has Putin sent you his check yet....this month?

The only check here is yours from the DNC.

Come back to me when you have evidence. You will spend a long time looking given it doesn't exist, but do go for it.

So you are okay with trump taking the word of Putin over his OWN intelligence chiefs? You must be a Russian Troll.

The ones that proudly stated "Trump won't ever be president" and furthermore lied about "There are weapons of mass destruction...". Yeah, those guys about have the credibility of Russians.

Heck, they could not even catch Hillary after she destroyed 30.000 emails worth of evidence.
From the FOXNEWS article...

"During Putin and Trump’s prepared remarks, it was rather obvious who had led the discussion. While President Putin laid out a clear framework for advancing Russian interests within the context of U.S.-Russia relations, Trump appeared to have had little plan, alternating between vague promises of improving our relationship with Russia and spending too much time on U.S. domestic affairs, notably the 2016 presidential election. Instead of holding Putin accountable for his election interference, he referenced his defeat of Hillary Clinton."

That is because trump does not read. He does not prepare for meetings. He does no research. He is a clueless armature going up against people like Putin and Kim.
The USA has never meddled in another country's election??? cough OBAMA cough Israel. The faux outrage from the DC swamp is laughable. :icon_rolleyes:
Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...
If you think Trump gives a fuck what any of you morons on the left or right think....you're dumber than I thought. He has his own way of handling the problems we face...and he will handle them his way...and the rest be damned.

FOX news has multiple articles on trump being Putin's BITCH....I chose one...
The USA has never meddled in another country's election??? cough OBAMA cough Israel. The faux outrage from the DC swamp is laughable. :icon_rolleyes:

This is the kind of talk that goes in the back room:

There is not a single thing these guys didn't rig or attempt to rig.
I was wondering who the BOTTOM was in the Putin-trump relationship. It seems that trump is and he REALLY ENJOYS IT DOWN THERE!
The USA has never meddled in another country's election??? cough OBAMA cough Israel. The faux outrage from the DC swamp is laughable. :icon_rolleyes:

This is the kind of talk that goes in the back room:

There is not a single thing these guys didn't rig or attempt to rig.





Sorry....you dumb ass....trump is a Putin agent. It proved that today.
Pres. Trump has made a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:

Trading partner? They have nothing we want. Their GDP is 1/20 of the US. They are in recession. There is no benefit to the US to being "friends" with the Russian regime.
Pres. Trump has made a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:

The US has no trade with Russia. It’s all under sanctions so there is no upside for the US in trade.

Russia is broke. They have no money for trade. Putin talked about how beneficial it would be if the two countries cooperated to raise the price of oil. It would be beneficial to Putin but not Trump.

Everything that has happened in US foreign policy since Trump was elected has been to the detriment of the US and to the benefit of Putin and Xi, and their desire to expand their power and influence.

This is especially true in the fracturing of NATO, and the destruction of trade with America’s allies and trading partners.

Trump is a Manchurian candidate, wholly under Putin’s thrall. That was obvious today. Trump admits to private phone calls with Putin, who whispers poison in his ear. The President of the United States is a Russian operative.

How does the Republican Party spin their way out of this fiasco?

Russia has no money because they gave it to trump for his money losing golf courses.....there is proof and it is coming.
The USA has never meddled in another country's election??? cough OBAMA cough Israel. The faux outrage from the DC swamp is laughable. :icon_rolleyes:

This is the kind of talk that goes in the back room:

There is not a single thing these guys didn't rig or attempt to rig.





Sorry....you dumb ass....trump is a Putin agent. It proved that today.

Ah that's some crazy shit lib :cuckoo:
Pres. Trump has made a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:
I agree completely. A carefully structured and mutually satisfactory alliance with Russia would be a good thing.

Well, since many of his cultish supporters are mindless....he is probably right...
The USA has never meddled in another country's election??? cough OBAMA cough Israel. The faux outrage from the DC swamp is laughable. :icon_rolleyes:

This is the kind of talk that goes in the back room:

There is not a single thing these guys didn't rig or attempt to rig.

The hypocrisy from these politicians in DC is off the scale. CHINA has an army hacking us where's the outrage??? The USA butts its nose in other countries business all over the globe. We take out their governments. We bomb them to rubble. Then our politicians in DC fake moral outrage that Russia tried to stick their nose in our business? Is that what America is, do as we say not as we do???

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