Putin eats trump's lunch in Helsinki - FOX News

Putin eats Trump's lunch in Helsinki -- This is no way to win against Russia

How embarrassing was that? This...so called....president apologizing to a murdering dictator for his own intelligence agency findings. How can anyone look at trump and NOT become ill? The man is a Traitor and a Turn Coat...
From the FOXNEWS article...

"At their joint press conference, President Putin was calculated and in control. Conversely, President Trump seemed to lack authority, praising Putin when he should have been condemning him, and ceding opportunities to confront Putin on his most egregious actions of the past decade – including meddling in the 2016 election and the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014."
What a great thing to read all these Trump-haters take an event and twist it about 270° past what really happened thinking a negative comment on Fox changes anything as if no one on CNN never said anything against Obama. It was your inability to see clearly, exaggerate, bloviate and BELIEVE your own horsecrap that caused you to lose several major elections and will keep you mis-estimating several more. Right on!
Brilliant conference. I was wondering how long it would take for the unAmerican dumbasses to start moaning. It has taken surprisingly long for them to carry out the usual temper tantrums, pussy fits and other demonstrations of Trump derangement.
What was brilliant about it...the way Putin smacked Trump upside the head at one instance...or the part where he slapped him down the next?
I like Conservatives' new found Russian love. Their ability to turn the other cheek is a lesson to us all.
and the Trump butt-kisser stream continues to pucker up ..........

too sad.
From the FOXNEWS article...

"During Putin and Trump’s prepared remarks, it was rather obvious who had led the discussion. While President Putin laid out a clear framework for advancing Russian interests within the context of U.S.-Russia relations, Trump appeared to have had little plan, alternating between vague promises of improving our relationship with Russia and spending too much time on U.S. domestic affairs, notably the 2016 presidential election. Instead of holding Putin accountable for his election interference, he referenced his defeat of Hillary Clinton."
Pres. Trump has made a smart move by meeting with Putin.

Russia should be one of our closest allies and valued trading partner.

It's just basic strategic and business common sense. .... :cool:
Shia and Sunni will now be able to cooperate in Syria.
and the Trump butt-kisser stream continues to pucker up ..........

too sad.
Yep, libs are going bananas over Trump and there's only one thing they can do. Learn to live with it. Trump is your President and what he says goes. Sorry 'bout that.
Wow..................even FOX is saying this was a mess.
Russian media are calling it a great victory that russia and america are now equals America weeps
Trump didn't even meet his own low bar today All he needed to do was say the very basic things ,,,and he failed
Everyone should wonder now what putin has on trump
From the FOXNEWS article....

"For a sitting U.S. president to say publicly that he believes a foreign leader over his own intelligence team is shocking and admonishable. At a time when our democracy faces grave threats, it is deeply troubling that the president would side with the very country who attacked us."
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I never thought I would see the day that the media fed libtard parrots would be quoting fox!:21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Who'd have thought it would be Putin who showed the world what a HOAX Mueller is running. Told him to come to Moscow and PROVE it....I bet Mueller shit a brick when he heard that.
From the FOXNEWS article....

"For a sitting U.S. president to say publicly that he believes a foreign leader over his own intelligence team is shocking and admonishable. At a time when our democracy faces grave threats, it is deeply troubling that the president would side with the very country who attacked us."
Faux news? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

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