Putin has died. Report trending Russian Internet

Then leave. What is keeping you here?
Money . Not enough of it to move.

You should thank God. If you can't afford to move there you cannot afford to live there.
I was in Germany during July and August andit is very expensive to live. For example I would take my wife and SIL to a cafe for cofee and ice cream and it would cost almost $50.00
You can get that kinda of crazy pricing around D.C. At one place the price of an ice cream cone is $20 and the coffee is about $5.
If you eat at Ruths Chris Steakhouse at Crystal City in Arlington you need to take out a loan and have a co-signer.
I like to read the bad reviews sometimes: Ruth s Chris Steak House - 168 reviews - Yelp
There are those rare occasions when you ask yourself WTF when you are served a meal so poor you wonder what was going on in the kitchen. I have had better steaks at a Waffle House at 3 in the morning than the 14 oz pile of fat at this RC. When I brought it to the attention of my waiter he shrugged it off. Not to mention our bill was over $1100 for the group. (10). Avoid this place at all costs. We were All disappointed with our meal.
Despite the strange phone call, we went in anyway. The food was about as good as it normally is (I opted for the $52.95 special with a salad, ribeye steak, a side, and dessert). However, the service was the worst I've had in years. The restaurant was busy, but not at capacity, but our waitress simply neglected us the whole night. They didn't refill out water, never brought the drinks several of us ordered, got upset when my wife sent back her filet that was completely red (despite asking for it medium well), and never brought me the dessert I ordered.

We waited about 30-45 minutes for the check. Another waiter told us that our waitress was busy preparing for the NYE countdown taking place at the bar downstairs and suggested we could join down there and get our check from her directly.

We did this, but the waitress acted as if we were attempting to walk out on our bill and pressured was adamant about us paying right that minute (despite there being just 1 minute and 20 seconds until the ball would drop). I asked if we could watch that first and she said no... blocking the TV set as she rang up the checks that we had waited for all that time.
Sounds like a place I would like to avoid.
Putin has died.

We couldn't get that lucky...

I have to make a confession to you. I did think that when I first read the report. I have some strong feelings about what Putin has done and what he is planning to do and the only reason I didn't say what you said was that I felt it would be wrong to say it. Nevertheless, PMH. I did think it.
This is truly a bizarre turn of events. First a political opponent of Vladimir Putin's was assassinated in front of the Kremlin. Now a report on the internet is a story trending Russian internet - that Vladimir Putin has died.

Others are speculating that the person who assassinated his opponent has now turned on him and he is in fear for his life - in hiding. Other reports claim he is sick and the Kremlin does not want the public to find out. To be clear there is a range of stories coming out about Vladimir Putin right now but the biggest one appears to be that there are Russians who believe he has died! What do you think about that? Here is one story reported today about his disappearance.He's been missing since March 5, 2015.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance

Putin's absence might have no larger significance, and rumors of his illness or even death could be overblown. But the speculation surrounding his health shows just how fragile Putin's system really is — as well as its dependency on a single individual.

Even an absence of a few days raises some startling possibilities about what could really be going on in Moscow.

"While the talk is pretty speculative and quite wild now, it is clearly irking the Russians," Mark Galeotti, a New York University professor specializing in global affairs and Russian and Slavic studies, told Business Insider by email. "If Putin doesn't show in the next day or so or if all we get are some press stills, then that will suggest something serious is up — and the succession struggle begins."
Tom Nichols, a professor at the US Naval War College and a senior associate at the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, echoed Galeotti's view.

"I have no idea whether Putin is dead, but there is clearly something going on that the Kremlin is working hard to hide," Nichols told Business Insider.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance
how about Debbie Wasserman and Charlie Crist? are they alive?
Do ya think Russians know where Obama is? Half the time we don't know until he's already there. It is called "Security", and with all the tanks and armor circling Russia he might just be in his bunker getting ready to drop the big war on us..
More like the walking dead... both have a pulse but spiritually dead as door nails and void of any conscience. How am I doing so far, Rex?
This is truly a bizarre turn of events. First a political opponent of Vladimir Putin's was assassinated in front of the Kremlin. Now a report on the internet is a story trending Russian internet - that Vladimir Putin has died.

Others are speculating that the person who assassinated his opponent has now turned on him and he is in fear for his life - in hiding. Other reports claim he is sick and the Kremlin does not want the public to find out. To be clear there is a range of stories coming out about Vladimir Putin right now but the biggest one appears to be that there are Russians who believe he has died! What do you think about that? Here is one story reported today about his disappearance.He's been missing since March 5, 2015.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance

Putin's absence might have no larger significance, and rumors of his illness or even death could be overblown. But the speculation surrounding his health shows just how fragile Putin's system really is — as well as its dependency on a single individual.

Even an absence of a few days raises some startling possibilities about what could really be going on in Moscow.

"While the talk is pretty speculative and quite wild now, it is clearly irking the Russians," Mark Galeotti, a New York University professor specializing in global affairs and Russian and Slavic studies, told Business Insider by email. "If Putin doesn't show in the next day or so or if all we get are some press stills, then that will suggest something serious is up — and the succession struggle begins."
Tom Nichols, a professor at the US Naval War College and a senior associate at the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, echoed Galeotti's view.

"I have no idea whether Putin is dead, but there is clearly something going on that the Kremlin is working hard to hide," Nichols told Business Insider.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance
how about Debbie Wasserman and Charlie Crist? are they alive?

Wasserman is dead from the neck up
Best Theory: From the mainstream media Propagand Dept.: Keep up the barrage of non factual anti Putin and Russia news. Make things up if you have to, the American people are so gulliable they will believe anything. The more me put out the more they will fall in line with what we want them to believe.
Do ya think Russians know where Obama is? Half the time we don't know until he's already there. It is called "Security", and with all the tanks and armor circling Russia he might just be in his bunker getting ready to drop the big war on us..

You're a Russian, right? Maybe you're right - only it isn't Obama that is planning to do Russia in but Putin planning to do America in.

On the issue of not knowing where our leaders are (using term leader loosely here) The difference with Americans is we are not looking for Obama each day and if he were missing for a month we'd assume he was on vacation. Americans are not so quick to jump to such extreme conclusions.
This is truly a bizarre turn of events. First a political opponent of Vladimir Putin's was assassinated in front of the Kremlin. Now a report on the internet is a story trending Russian internet - that Vladimir Putin has died.

Others are speculating that the person who assassinated his opponent has now turned on him and he is in fear for his life - in hiding. Other reports claim he is sick and the Kremlin does not want the public to find out. To be clear there is a range of stories coming out about Vladimir Putin right now but the biggest one appears to be that there are Russians who believe he has died! What do you think about that? Here is one story reported today about his disappearance.He's been missing since March 5, 2015.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance

Putin's absence might have no larger significance, and rumors of his illness or even death could be overblown. But the speculation surrounding his health shows just how fragile Putin's system really is — as well as its dependency on a single individual.

Even an absence of a few days raises some startling possibilities about what could really be going on in Moscow.

"While the talk is pretty speculative and quite wild now, it is clearly irking the Russians," Mark Galeotti, a New York University professor specializing in global affairs and Russian and Slavic studies, told Business Insider by email. "If Putin doesn't show in the next day or so or if all we get are some press stills, then that will suggest something serious is up — and the succession struggle begins."
Tom Nichols, a professor at the US Naval War College and a senior associate at the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, echoed Galeotti's view.

"I have no idea whether Putin is dead, but there is clearly something going on that the Kremlin is working hard to hide," Nichols told Business Insider.

Here are the best theories about why Putin has disappeared - Yahoo Finance
how about Debbie Wasserman and Charlie Crist? are they alive?

Wasserman is dead from the neck up
Best Theory: From the mainstream media Propagand Dept.: Keep up the barrage of non factual anti Putin and Russia news. Make things up if you have to, the American people are so gulliable they will believe anything. The more me put out the more they will fall in line with what we want them to believe.

So you do not believe he had a baby with a 31 yr old gymnast? Why not?
Well, this should make most conservatives really sad.....they really loved Putin....they should probably send flowers...:eusa_clap:

I have to tell you, I have never understood how any American could admire the man or even suggest he would be a good leader for America. That is something I will never understand.

You know the old saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"......some hate Obama more than they love the country.
Wishful thinking, libbies.

Just like your wishing Hillary would simply go quietly away.

Not on.

Neither of them.

You are truly delusional....no lefty wishes Hillary would go away.......but you and many righties do......you're so skirred of her........:banana::banana:
well, if Putin has died, we have plenty of democrats here who we can ship to the USSR to take his place.

You've been in a coma? The GOP would have already 47 Senators to his funeral, with flowers and a letter of condolence, if Putin had died.....
I got it! Charlie Crisp is desperate to become a leader of Anything! Even the leader of the Mouskateers!, but hey, I think Crisp will be more than happy to replace Putin.
This is getting stranger and stranger....

Something with his health......?

The Kremlin is going to make a major announcement....

they say soon... but who knows if or when ...

very strange..

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