Putin Is A Threat To Democracy, And Democrats Want To Invalidate The Election To Prove It


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
This is the best article / argument / description of what's going on I have read yet:

Putin Is A Threat To Democracy, And Democrats Want To Invalidate The Election To Prove It

"Dismissing the fact that Russia “intended to interfere with the U.S. election process” is a short-sided and partisan reaction to a genuine threat from an illiberal regime. Overreacting to these events, and creating the impression that Vladimir Putin possesses some transcendent power to overturn the system and control your votes, is equally unhelpful for anyone who isn’t simply attempting to delegitimize an election.

Despite the suggestion of some clumsy headline writers, there’s no evidence (so far) that Russians tampered with votes or changed the outcome of 2016 in any tangible way. Fortunately, even if Putin had tried, our regional, decentralized voting system — the sort of system many Democrats would like to federalize — makes it virtually impossible for anyone to hack an American election.

What can we do, anyway? The Obama administration has ordered a review. The Republican Senate Intelligence Committee, the Armed Services Committee, and the Foreign Relations Committee are all going to conduct reviews. Are we going to cancel elections every time someone hacks us? Because China, Russia, and others have been engaged in this behavior for years."
Actually, I don't think too many Democrats want to invalidate the election. On CNN anyway, I haven't heard that supported at all. They're just talking endlessly about the fact that Trump doesn't seem to think it was the Russians.
Remember when the RWnuts cheered wildly in 2012 when Romney said Russia was our greatest threat?

When, exactly, did the full flip flop by the Right occur?
Remember when the RWnuts cheered wildly in 2012 when Romney said Russia was our greatest threat?When, exactly, did the full flip flop by the Right occur?
No, I don't remember that at all...probably because it never happened. I do remember, however, Obama making a joke out of the idea that Russia was a threat. Now he and Liberals are going bat-shit crazy about attempted Russian intervention which, as the article states and Barry has admitted, happens all the time - When did THAT flip-flop happen?
Putin is no threat to our democracy, that threat comes from within. If this whole hacking scenario was a real threat you can bet the USG would be handling it and handling it quietly. The fact that this is front page news is the tell that it is little more than a propaganda campaign being leveled against Americans by our own government.
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Democrats want to fuck around toward nullifying the election so their (former) New Messiah can remain on His Celestial Throne until the investigation is complete. Maybe in ten or twenty years - unless he lives to a ripe old age, in which case it (the query) will have to start over under his heir - which could be Moochelle or one of the couple's piccaninnies.

It's gonna be cute to watch the usual suspects try to deny that one......

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