Putin just legally annexed the Donbas region of Ukraine

Either way Russia loses, either because of defeats on the battlefield or the desolation of the Russian economy.
The Russian economy is doing great.
The ruble is at an all time high and inflation is very low.
Which is the opposite of the dollar and the Euro, and the sky high inflation numbers in the U.S. and Europe.
The point is, of course, that using nukes in Ukraine will not change the course of the war unless Putin decides to use them to kill some horrific number of civilians and if that happens that will pretty much end Russia's ability to trade with other countries, and that will cause the collapse of the Russian economy even sooner than the present sanctions will.

Either way Russia loses, either because of defeats on the battlefield or the desolation of the Russian economy.
Listen you american nitwit........... If Putin or Russia decides to use nuclear weapons, nobody is going to b reeeell concerned about Russia's economy or their ability to trade!
Option #1- Russia uses a nuclear weapon on the Ukraine and the US/Nato takes the issue up with the UN. That ends to war just in time.

Option #2- Russia uses a nuclear weapon and the USs responds with a large nuclear strike on Russia, and vice versa, Russia on America, and the whole world loses.

There's no better option for any country, including Australia. Maybe it's time for everybody to stop acting like unconcerned American spoiled brats?
The Russian economy is doing great.
The ruble is at an all time high and inflation is very low.
Which is the opposite of the dollar and the Euro, and the sky high inflation numbers in the U.S. and Europe.
The Russian government has announced that the Russian economy will contract this year and next and the ruble is only high because Putin passed laws that the ruble cannot be exchanged for other currencies' and demanded European nations pay for Russian oil and gas in rubles, thus creatin artificial scarcity and demand. Once energy exports to Europe end, the ruble will lose all its value.

The Russia inflation rate is 12.4% and the US inflation rate is 8.26%.
Listen you american nitwit........... If Putin or Russia decides to use nuclear weapons, nobody is going to b reeeell concerned about Russia's economy or their ability to trade!
If he uses nuclear weapons against a NATO member, no will worry about the Russian economy because Russia will be gone, but if he uses them only to kill tens of millions of Ukrainian civilians, the inability to trade will destroy the Russian economy.
........... :link:
  • Inflation expected to accelerate to 12.4% in 2022
  • Economy seen shrinking 3.2% in 2022, less than previous poll
  • Central bank expected to hold key rate at 7.5% this year
  • This content was produced in Russia where the law restricts coverage of Russian military operations in Ukraine

Russian inflation rate​

Russia inflation summary for June 2022​

Updated: June 30, 2022
Next update: July 29, 2022

Current Russia inflation rate​

June 2022
The Consumer Price Index for Russia is 230.8 for the month of June 2022. The inflation rate year over year is 15.9% (compared to 17.1% for the previous month). Inflation from May 2022 to June 2022 was -0.4%.

You sure do seem like an admirer.
Yes, I do greatly admire Putin.
He is the one world leader standing up and fighting the far left globalist pukes who control the U.S. and most EU governments.
Thank you for verifying what I've been saying. ... :thup:
That the Russians staged a tactical feign to draw Ukrainian forces from the Donbas region, and only advanced AFTER the Ukrainians sent many of their soldiers to defend the capitol city Kiev.

The battle was already over, numbnuts. The Ukrainians had their forces already guarding Kiev, and an even line along the Donbass region. Ukraine repelled the Russians from Kiev, and then reenforced their lines to the north and east after Russia and Belarus withdrew. The Russians only focused on the Donbass AFTER the battle for Kiev was lost.

April 2nd, Russian forces withdrew from Kiev. April 19th is When Putin announced his "New phase of the war" and focused on capturing the Donbass. Troop buildup in the Donbass began April 6th, a few days after the withdrawal from Kiev.
Yes, I do greatly admire Putin.
He is the one world leader standing up and fighting the far left globalist pukes who control the U.S. and most EU governments.

But there is a point where you have to stop and say, "what this guy is doing, is wrong". Adolf Hitler did great things for Germany, and fought against Leftism. BUT THEN he went apeshit, and created death, misery and chaos. That's why the world hates him to this day. Putin, will go down in history as Hitler 2.
The Russians only focused on the Donbass AFTER the battle for Kiev was lost.
There was no battle in Kiev for the Russians to lose.
The was a small number of Russian soldiers who engaged Ukrainian forces on the outskirts of Kiev for a short period of time and then withdrew when their feign mission was accomplished.
Ever the consummate statesman, Putin went the legal route and annexed the Donbas region of Ukraine according to Russian law and is now Russian territory.
Thus, the Special Military Operation can be officially upgraded to a Declared War status to counter any attacks by the illegal proxy U.S. / NATO / Ukraine globalist cabal by any means necessary.

It was a totally illegal annexation, useful idiot.
and proclaiming that Nazi Germany was a great place.
In 1930's to 60's one of the most popular magazines in America was "Time" magazine that was read by most everyone.
Which each monthly issue it featured a "Person of The Year" and their picture on the cover.
In 1938 one month featured a front cover picture of Adolph Hitler as their Person of the Year. (google it and have a look)
For his economic miracle of transforming Germany from a basket case after WWl to an industrial powerhouse and lifting the German people's standard of living from poverty to a modern first world lifestyle.
So yes, before WWll Hitler's Germany was lauded even by the American public and politicians as a great country and place to live.

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