Putin just legally annexed the Donbas region of Ukraine

There is no way Russia can avoid defeat. Clearly the Russian army can't compete effectively against the Ukrainian army and the Russia economy has already begun to contract because of the sanctions which will continue to increase.

The use of tactical nukes against military targets will not change the course of the war and if Putin decides to kill 20 or thirty million people in massive nuclear strikes against the civilian population, it will seal Russia's fate as a pariah state for the foreseeable future.

The only real question here is, how much damage will the Russian people allow Putin to inflict upon the state of Russia before they get rid of him?
What makes you so sure it would be Ukraine Russia would choose to kill millions from? They have said they want to do it to the UK several times.
^^ BS ---
you got some citations on the genocide of ethnic
Russians in Ukraine?
I think that if Russia decides to kill 20 or 30 million (or 200 or 300 million Americans, Putin will have long past stopped worrying about being a pariah.
Your comments need to stay within the bounds of sanity. If you can't manage that, you shouldn't reply to me.

It's a question!
I'm of the opinion that the Russian people in the huge majority are completely resolved to stand with their government on protecting their homeland against all America's military aggression.
And Russia can have no more strongly resolved leader than Putin! Nor could the Russian people have a better choice than Putin to lead.

First, Putin is extremely wise to US tactics.
Second, he is more resolute than any other choice.
And third, he has the backing of over 80% of the Russian people.

And fourth fwiw, Russia has the means to ensure it will never lose a major war!
Long ago----because of the work I did----I had
considerable contact with a few Russian immigrants to the USA. RUSSIAN ELECTIONS
were described like this: ' the ballots come in
the mail or get dropped at the home of each
voter. The voter fills in the REQUIRED answer
and then takes the ballots to a collection box.
My informant said "It's like taking out the garbage"
Zelensky since he has been president, has been putting journalists in jail, has closed down all opposition news and other media sources, outlawed opposition political parties and either jailed or exiled his political opponents.

I know he outlawed the communist party, which to be honest needs to happen everywhere. He did the whole imprisoning thing after the war started, and imprisoned those who were sympathetic/helpful to the Russians. Every country does this in times of war. America did it to thousands of Japanese Americans for no reason during WWII. Putin does this every other day it seems, with Russian police being famously brutal.
View attachment 703597View attachment 703598View attachment 703599T

Ah, yes. Russian law. Able to change on the whims of a dictator, unfairly, and unjustly. Cracking down on any and all opposition to the Putin regime.
The TimeLife photo of the Vietnamese family:

The Grandmother standing there with a look of complete terror.

The young teen daughter sobbing and trying to button her blouse after being raped by a US Marine.

The months old baby being held in the arms of the child's mother.

and no photo to show all of their dead bodies less than a minute later after they were machinegunned down by America's Marines. (does that photo exist?)

We should look on those photos too when we get into looking at war atrocities!
The TimeLife photo of the Vietnamese family:

The Grandmother standing there with a look of complete terror.

The young teen daughter sobbing and trying to button her blouse after being raped by a US Marine.

The months old baby being held in the arms of the child's mother.

and no photo to show all of their dead bodies less than a minute later after they were machinegunned down by America's Marines. (does that photo exist?)

We should look on those photos too when we get into looking at war atrocities!

Every country has these despicable soldiers. Some have more than others and do it far more.
Legally? I think this might shift Zelenski’s strategy to hold back from recapturing territory, which is hard to begin with. But now if they make gains in their attempt to recapture territory, Putin could use nukes, and justify it as defending Russian land. You never know if he’s crazy enough. He’s also dictating to his generals on the battle plans, which is stupid, because you professionals handle the tactics in war. Putin is certainly off his rockier.
The thing is Rocko, if Putin uses nuclear weapons then he's going to use them on the American homeland too.

And then America will have no choice but to do the same on Russia!

We all need to come to terms with reality and start thinking in terms of how the Christian equivalent of Armageddon might be avoided.

As for Putin being off his rocker? Yes, of course all leaders of America's victim countries are crazy!
And all of them got to be crazy even before their countries became victims.
But that is actually what happened.
Russian army sent a token force to the outskirts of Kiev with no intention of invading the city.
The Ukrainian army took the bait and sent a lot of its soldiers from the Donbas to defend the capitol city of Kiev.
This left the Donbas under defended and easier for the Russian army to advance and occupy the territory with minimal casualties.
Putin couldn't take Kiev without taking Donbas first unless he attacked from Belarus.
Easier? Dude, they captured the last major city in Luhansk region only in July. As for Donetsk region, not only haven't they occupied it entirely (more that 40% left), but they are now being pushed back from the northern part.
You watch too many U.S. media sources.
Try watching some independent news sources that are neither pro Russian or pro Ukrainian to find out what's really going on in this conflict.
Every country has these despicable soldiers. Some have more than others and do it far more.
Yes, that's somewhat true.

The level of 'despicable' might be measured by the number of a country's wars in which they performed the despicable.

As I've stated, some countries have provided many, many instances of examples on which to reference.
how the Christian equivalent of Armageddon
STFU, duck. You're a fucking idiot who doesn't pay attention to what he says. Armageddon is a Christian concept. It would be your agnostic equivalent of the Christian Armageddon. Canadian schools must be worse than US public schools--or is it Russian---or Chinese schools that did not educate you. Moron
Putin couldn't take Kiev without taking Donbas first unless he attacked from Belarus.
Putin and the Russian generals knew from the start their wasn't any logical military reason to waste men and materials fighting to occupy Kiev.
Ever the consummate statesman, Putin went the legal route and annexed the Donbas region of Ukraine according to Russian law and is now Russian territory.
Thus, the Special Military Operation can be officially upgraded to a Declared War status to counter any attacks by the illegal proxy U.S. / NATO / Ukraine globalist cabal by any means necessary.
Conquer by conquest was outlawed after WWII. So no, what Putin did was not legal. Although I'm sure the Israelis see nothing wrong in it.
The thing is Rocko, if Putin uses nuclear weapons then he's going to use them on the American homeland too.
And then America will have no choice but to do the same on Russia!

We all need to come to terms with reality and start thinking in terms of how the Christian equivalent of Armageddon might be avoided.

As for Putin being off his rocker? Yes, of course all leaders of America's victim countries are crazy!
And all of them got to be crazy even before their countries became victims.
There’s not a feasible way for Russia to attack the U.S. with nukes. I do however foresee Russia engaging in terrorism here in the U.S. depending on how the war goes. If there is a scenario where Putin knows his days are numbered he might try something to get revenge against the U.S. in his final swan song.
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STFU, duck. You're a fucking idiot who doesn't pay attention to what he says. Armageddon is a Christian concept. It would be your agnostic equivalent of the Christian Armageddon. Canadian schools must be worse than US public schools--or is it Russian---or Chinese schools that did not educate you. Moron
The end time battle of Armageddon is also a part of Islamic theology.
You watch too many U.S. media sources.
Try watching some independent news sources that are neither pro Russian or pro Ukrainian to find out what's really going on in this conflict.
I don't watch US media sources at all. And that you disagree with what I said above tells me that you are ignorant about the matter. What I stated is simple facts that can be easily verified.
Putin and the Russian generals knew from the start their wasn't any logical military reason to waste men and materials fighting to occupy Kiev.
There is nothing in Ukraine west of Kiev that Putin wants. He wants the warm-water port in Crimea and the bread basket of Ukraine, which also gives him access from Russia to Crimea. Simple strategy. It has nothing to do with the ethnic Russians in Ukraine--they were just the vanguard to justify the acquisition of strategic ground. Putin couldn't care less if Ukraine killed everyone in Donbas. His bullshit armed initiative gathering is proof of that. How would you vote if the person who collected your ballot showed up on your doorstep with an AK.

The end time battle of Armageddon is also a part of Islamic theology.
I said, the 'equivalent' of the christians Armageddon.

But Rocko assures everybody that Russia isn't capable of wiping America off the map!

So we can forget that idea!

The My Lai Massacre: 33 Disturbing Photos Of The War Crime The U.S. Got Away With (warning on graphic content)
Then why did they waste so much men and material making a fake run on Kiev?
Again, the Russians only used a small token force to attack the outskirts of Kiev and lost very few men and materials.
The Ukrainian military took the bait and redirected their forces to defend the capitol city.
It was a great tactical success for Putin and the Russian generals. ... :thup:
I said, the 'equivalent' of the christians Armageddon.
You are a fucking liar, duck. Here is what you said--We all need to come to terms with reality and start thinking in terms of how the Christian equivalent of Armageddon might be avoided.
Now run along and take your anti-American bullshit down the road. You're worse than a democrat--no morals and no truth.

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