Putin just legally annexed the Donbas region of Ukraine

He's not. There's Odessa, Nikolaev, Kharkov, Transnistria. All in due course.
Putin now must defend these territories because they are mostly populated by ethnic Russian people.
Because without the protection of the Russian army.
They would face total genocide by the Ukrainian military.
Which had been happening in the Donbas region for the last 8 years, and finally forced Putin to launch the special military operation to liberate them.
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Russia put out a peace offer to stop the war, all Ukraine had to do was recognize the independence of those eastern provinces and promise to not join NATO. The Western countries refused to allow Ukraine to do it.

So now Russia is just going to annex it and that’s that.

Having a bunch of idiots in charge who are completely incompetent has consequences. Putin is playing chess and Western leaders are busy pushing the Climate Hoax. This is what you lefties voted for, so own it.

First, I am not and never has been a Lefty, so fuck you. Why should Ukraine give up those provinces that were part of their sovereign nation 10 years ago? What makes you believe The West refused to allow Ukraine to do anything? Do you believe the rest of the world oughta just say "that's that" and move on? You think that's the end of Putin's plan to rebuild the old USSR? All he needed was a candy-ass dipshit in the WH and now he's got one.
So, Russia offered that if Ukraine just surrenders what they demand, they will have peace
It’s also what the people of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions wanted. They voted to be independent, although I know that type of democracy isn’t what you like. You only like democracy when the vote goes your way.

Ukraine overthrew it’s democratically elected government in 2014. Those types of actions have consequences.
Eventually, if pushed enough, resort to the use of weapons that will ensure Russia isn't defeated.

A good question deserves a good answer!

Is there a better answer?
There is no way Russia can avoid defeat. Clearly the Russian army can't compete effectively against the Ukrainian army and the Russia economy has already begun to contract because of the sanctions which will continue to increase.

The use of tactical nukes against military targets will not change the course of the war and if Putin decides to kill 20 or thirty million people in massive nuclear strikes against the civilian population, it will seal Russia's fate as a pariah state for the foreseeable future.

The only real question here is, how much damage will the Russian people allow Putin to inflict upon the state of Russia before they get rid of him?
Sunni Man
Obviously, it was an irony.
But that is actually what happened.
Russian army sent a token force to the outskirts of Kiev with no intention of invading the city.
The Ukrainian army took the bait and sent a lot of its soldiers from the Donbas to defend the capitol city of Kiev.
This left the Donbas under defended and easier for the Russian army to advance and occupy the territory with minimal casualties.
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Putin now must defend these territories because they are mostly populated by ethnic Russian people.
Because without the protection of the Russian army.
They would face total genocide by the Ukrainian military.
Which had been happening in the Donbas region for the last 8 years, and finally forced Putin to launch the special military operation to liberate them.
^^ BS ---
Russian law is the only one that counts. .. :cool:

Ah, yes. Russian law. Able to change on the whims of a dictator, unfairly, and unjustly. Cracking down on any and all opposition to the Putin regime.
But that is actually what happened.
Russian army sent a token force to the outskirts of Kiev with no intention of invading the city.
The Ukrainian army took the bait and sent a lot of its soldiers from the Donbas to defend the capitol city of Kiev.
This left the Donbas under defended and easier for the Russian army to advance and occupy the territory with minimal casualties.

Sure. They advanced from the North with the help of Belarus all aimed at Kiev. Hundreds of tanks, thousands of troops, and supply trucks, stretching out in miles long columns... It just magically happens that once they started taking heavy casualties that they quit thrusting toward Kiev, and THEN started focusing on the Donbass, AFTER the thrust to Kiev. They didn't invade the Donbass in conjunction with the Kiev thrust, they did it AFTER they had taken so many casulties, and pulled back from Kiev.
and if Putin decides to kill 20 or thirty million people in massive nuclear strikes against the civilian population, it will seal Russia's fate as a pariah state for the foreseeable future.

I think that if Russia decides to kill 20 or 30 million (or 200 or 300 million Americans, Putin will have long past stopped worrying about being a pariah.
Your comments need to stay within the bounds of sanity. If you can't manage that, you shouldn't reply to me.
The only real question here is, how much damage will the Russian people allow Putin to inflict upon the state of Russia before they get rid of him?
It's a question!
I'm of the opinion that the Russian people in the huge majority are completely resolved to stand with their government on protecting their homeland against all America's military aggression.
And Russia can have no more strongly resolved leader than Putin! Nor could the Russian people have a better choice than Putin to lead.

First, Putin is extremely wise to US tactics.
Second, he is more resolute than any other choice.
And third, he has the backing of over 80% of the Russian people.

And fourth fwiw, Russia has the means to ensure it will never lose a major war!
Legally? I think this might shift Zelenski’s strategy to hold back from recapturing territory, which is hard to begin with. But now if they make gains in their attempt to recapture territory, Putin could use nukes, and justify it as defending Russian land. You never know if he’s crazy enough. He’s also dictating to his generals on the battle plans, which is stupid, because you professionals handle the tactics in war. Putin is certainly off his rockier.
But that is actually what happened.
Russian army sent a token force to the outskirts of Kiev with no intention of invading the city.
The Ukrainian army took the bait and sent a lot of its soldiers from the Donbas to defend the capitol city of Kiev.
This left the Donbas under defended and easier for the Russian army to advance and occupy the territory with minimal casualties.
Easier? Dude, they captured the last major city in Luhansk region only in July. As for Donetsk region, not only haven't they occupied it entirely (more that 40% left), but they are now being pushed back from the northern part.
Ah, yes. Russian law. Able to change on the whims of a dictator, unfairly, and unjustly. Cracking down on any and all opposition to the Putin regime.
Zelensky since he has been president, has been putting journalists in jail, has closed down all opposition news and other media sources, outlawed opposition political parties and either jailed or exiled his political opponents.

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