Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

Bullies like PUtin behave better when they fear getting Thumped back...and Trump was seen as someone who would Thump him

Putin waited only to see if Trump could win in 2020 because Trump called for ending sanctions and recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and his bad mouthing NATO.

That April, Trump backed Russia's disputed claim of widespread support for its annexation of Crimea that month.

Trump said at a New Hampshire event that Putin is "absolutely having a great time." He says "Russia is like, I mean they're really hot stuff" and "and now you have people in the Ukraine — who knows, set up or not — but it can't all be set up, I mean they're marching in favor of joining Russia."
That December, he warned of the effects of the Obama administrations sanctions regime against Russia.

He told Fox News that Putin is "wounded" and that "wounded people and wounded animals can do lots of strange things and we'd better be a little bit careful."

Speculation? He didn’t attack during President Trump. That’s not speculation, it’s fact.
That is a meaningless fact because there’s more evidence that Putin waited until after the election only because he didn’t wanna ruin Trump‘s chances to stay in power four more years being friendly to him. And then when the January 6 riots and insurrection failed it looks like Putin decided To go forward with this plan because he thought Trump’s America they didn’t give a shit anymore about Ukraine.

You have to remember that Trump was nothing more than a useful idiot to Putin and the January 6 in surrection was a pretty good return on his investment by turning so many Americans into anti-democracy mini-Putins.
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Biden is to blame for the sanctions. Sanctions are an act of war. Ukraine is meaningless to the US. We have 100 times the trade with Russia than we do Ukraine.
You hear that rightwingers?

It's Biden holding Putin accountable for his illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Don't you forget that. :45:
That is a meaningless fact because there’s more evidence that Putin waited until after the election only because he didn’t wanna ruin Trump‘s chances to stay in power four more years being friendly to him. And then when the January 6 riots and insurrection failed it looks like Putin decided To go forward with this plan because he thought Trump’s America they didn’t give a shit anymore about Ukraine.

You have to remember that Trump was nothing more than a useful idiot to Putin and the January 6 in surrection was a pretty good return on his investment by turning so many Americans into anti-democracy mini-Putins
You hear that rightwingers?

It's Biden holding Putin accountable for his illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Don't you forget that. :45:
No, it’s Biden doing what he was paid to do by the corrupt Ukrainians.

It’s funny to see the left coming full circle and embracing white nationalists and white supremacists though.

No, it’s Biden doing what he was paid to do by the corrupt Ukrainians.
Jeezus, you idiots will belive ANYTHING to shit on American leadership that doesn't happen to be of your tribe.

Biden is doing whats right and if he wasn't slamming the shit out of Russia with sanctions he would losing tons of support among American people. Americans who unlike you useful Kremlin idiots care about Putin's insane invasion of Ukraine.
Jeezus, you idiots will belive ANYTHING to shit on American leadership that doesn't happen to be of your tribe.

Biden is doing whats right and if he wasn't slamming the shit out of Russia with sanctions he would losing tons of support among American people. Americans who unlike you useful Kremlin idiots care about Putin's insane invasion of Ukraine.
Funny how the Bidens have taken millions in bribes from Ukraine but you’re sitting tell me that I am a “Kremlin idiot” and that I am on “Putin’s side”.

Get bent. You’re the useful idiot for the globalists trying to take over Ukraine and start a war with Putin. So congratulations, you got the war you’ve been longing for. So fly to Ukraine and join the fight.
Funny how the Bidens have taken millions in bribes from Ukraine

Moron, I'm telling you that Biden is doing exactly what needs to be done to hold Putin's illegal war to consequence and account with sanctions.

Maybe idiots like you feel we should just let Putin invade his neighbors with impunity, but most Americans and the the rest of the world does not.

If Biden WASN'T doing this, Republicans and Democrats alike would be on every channel from CNN to FOX smashing him for it. Your half-baked theories about how Biden's positions require Ukranian pay off is is just stupid nonsense, aside from it's factual baselessness.
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Funny how the Bidens have taken millions in bribes from Ukraine but you’re sitting tell me that I am a “Kremlin idiot” and that I am on “Putin’s side”.

Get bent. You’re the useful idiot for the globalists trying to take over Ukraine and start a war with Putin. So congratulations, you got the war you’ve been longing for. So fly to Ukraine and join the fight.

Your evidence the Biden's took millions in bribes from Ukraine is ... ?
Your evidence the Biden's took millions in bribes from Ukraine is ... ?
Never mind getting into that bs, the actual suggestion that only a bribe could explain a POTUS wanting to sanction the shit out of Russia for thier illegal invation is the incredibly stupid part.

Sanctions against Russia have a broad bi-partisan support in US and around the world. Did Ukraine pay everyone off?

Yea, when Trump told the world in Helsinki that he believed Putin over our own intel agencies that really scared the beejesus out of him.
You'd be an idiot to trust blindly. OUr intel lies, illegally spys, perjuries, falsifies evidence, frames and so much worse. Trump saw this first hand. He and you would have to be stupid to TRUST our intel agencies blindly?

You seriously think our intel doesn't lie? After all these years of their antics coming to light?
You'd be an idiot to trust blindly. OUr intel lies, illegally spys, perjuries, falsifies evidence, frames and so much worse. Trump saw this first hand. He and you would have to be stupid to TRUST our intel agencies blindly?

You seriously think our intel doesn't lie? After all these years of their antics coming to light?
Trump is a degenerate liar and if you weren't so damn stupid you'd know that well by now.

Our intelligence said over month ago Putin will invade Ukraine. They were bang on.
Putin waited only to see if Trump could win in 2020 because Trump called for ending sanctions and recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and his bad mouthing NATO.

That April, Trump backed Russia's disputed claim of widespread support for its annexation of Crimea that month.

That is a meaningless fact because there’s more evidence that Putin waited until after the election only because he didn’t wanna ruin Trump‘s chances to stay in power four more years being friendly to him. And then when the January 6 riots and insurrection failed it looks like Putin decided To go forward with this plan because he thought Trump’s America they didn’t give a shit anymore about Ukraine.

You have to remember that Trump was nothing more than a useful idiot to Putin and the January 6 in surrection was a pretty good return on his investment by turning so many Americans into anti-democracy mini-Putins.
Delusions--stop blaming Trump for Biden fucking up/arranging for Putin to be able to invade.
Delusions--stop blaming
Not blaming. Is that what has you confused. I’m providing you with facts. So you have an opportunity to refute them.

Your post indicates that you can’t refute anything that I’ve posted. Trump said what he said and you said what you said. You have a serious problem.
Putin wouldn't have attacked if Trump was still in office. Putin attacked when weak corrupt Obama was in office, and Putin attacked when weak corrupt Biden was in office.

Bullies like PUtin behave better when they fear getting Thumped back...and Trump was seen as someone who would Thump him.
Is that what Uncle Vlad told you or did you just pull that out of your ass?
Trump administration made sure that Putin knew he would get his ass kicked if he tried this shit under Trump---hence why PUtin, and FAT KIM of NK, and others behaved under Trump.

Proof is in the putting hun. They didn't act up under Trump--not for very long anyways.
Uncle Vlad is not currently getting his ass kicked?

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