Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

You're omitting three facts:

(1) Nancy Pelosi rejected Trump's gracious offering the National Guard to protect the Capitol.​
(2) Nancy Pelosi ordered the Capitol Police to open the Capitol doors to the protesters so she could create a false narrative that President Trump caused the crisis she did in fact.​
(3) The only person who took a bullet was an unarmed retired female soldier of the United States of America. She died from her wound on the spot. Nobody else died that day from a bullet wound, and no Republican took a gun into the Capitol building.​

1. is a lie. It was the Capitol Police Board who was offered the National Guard, not Nancy Pelosi.

2. is a lie. There is no evidence Nancy Pelosi ordered anyone to let those insurgents inside.

3. is true but irrelevant as Trump's violent mob of domestic terrorists still attacked the U.S. government.
Norway Sweden Ireland added to list of those country's condemning Putin.
Add CHINA putting blame on USA, and Mexico not condemning seems now to have some thing to share with right wing Americans who love dictators.
I'm glad they did. They are neighbors with Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and other Putin targets. What would stop him from crossing and/or invading their neighbor Finland, then, Sweden, then, Norway? I've been there Northern Europeans are among the best people on earth. In better times, I also was impressed with the people who run the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. I saw them call a man on not using his camera to flash, since that could lighten up one of the few paintings that still exist painted by Leonardo de Vinci. The were firm but polite about their guest's error. That earned my respect for Catherine the Great's gifts to Russia still being cherished for the works of art her sharp eye determined well on her ventures to Europe that benefitted starving artists or their heirs.
1. is a lie. It was the Capitol Police Board who was offered the National Guard, not Nancy Pelosi.

2. is a lie. There is no evidence Nancy Pelosi ordered anyone to let those insurgents inside.

3. is true but irrelevant as Trump's violent mob of domestic terrorists still attacked the U.S. government.
Such bunk. Thank you for being the obnoxious narcissist I know you to be.
Such bunk. Thank you for being the obnoxious narcissist I know you to be.

^^^ URF (Utter Refutation Failure)

Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?
Because despite the fact that Russia is conducting an invasion of the Ukraine, Joe Biden is still not leveling the harshest sanctions possible on Putin? Duh? He sent Kamala to talk to people...that was his response to the Russian troop buildup. Does it shock you that Putin feels like he can act with impunity? He saw Biden in action in Afghanistan. He's seen him handle the border crisis and a crime wave in our streets! Putin KNOWS that Joe Biden is clueless and he's taking full advantage.
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?
I don't blame Brandon, rather the idiots who voted for him.
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?
because he’s a weak leader that putin played
Because despite the fact that Russia is conducting an invasion of the Ukraine, Joe Biden is still not leveling the harshest sanctions possible on Putin? Duh? He sent Kamala to talk to people...that was his response to the Russian troop buildup. Does it shock you that Putin feels like he can act with impunity? He saw Biden in action in Afghanistan. He's seen him handle the border crisis and a crime wave in our streets! Putin KNOWS that Joe Biden is clueless and he's taking full advantage.
Feel free to tell us what he should have been doing instead. Of course your response will be little more than insulting me which I don't think will solve the issue at hand.
Feel free to tell us what he should have been doing instead. Of course your response will be little more than insulting me which I don't think will solve the issue at hand.
Putin isn't going to respond to anything but HARSH sanctions, Candy! The problem however is that because of Joe Biden's policies that have decreased the amount of natural gas that the US produces and his allowing Russia to become the supplier of natural gas to Europe we can't get our "alllies" to go along with harsh sanctions on Russia because they need what Russia has...natural gas! It's what happens when you have policies that put you at a disadvantage. Under Trump we were producing so much oil and natural gas that we were exporting it. Under Biden we're back to being dependent on others...like Russia...like OPEC.
Putin isn't going to respond to anything but HARSH sanctions, Candy! The problem however is that because of Joe Biden's policies that have decreased the amount of natural gas that the US produces and his allowing Russia to become the supplier of natural gas to Europe we can't get our "alllies" to go along with harsh sanctions on Russia because they need what Russia has...natural gas! It's what happens when you have policies that put you at a disadvantage. Under Trump we were producing so much oil and natural gas that we were exporting it. Under Biden we're back to being dependent on others...like Russia...like OPEC.
Last I heard US oil production is UP 16%
The problem however is that because of Joe Biden's policies that have decreased the amount of natural gas that the US produces and his allowing Russia to become the supplier of natural gas to Europe we can't get our "alllies" to go along with harsh sanctions on Russia because they need what Russia has...natural gas!

^^^ more lies.

Natural gas production in the U.S. has increased under Biden, not decreased. And it's expected to hit an all time high this year or next...


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