Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

Riiight. You idiots were screaming President Trump was going to start WW3. He was “praising dictators”.

Yet no one dared to cross him.

Biden blurted out the US would not send troops in. He took that off the table in a blundered press conference. He could had at least negotiated something for that. But he’s a stuttering dotard.

Facts are stubborn things.
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That is not off the table, dope.
We were not only energy independent but could keep the lights on in Europe if Russia stopped the supply. We were on track to bankrupting Russia. Now we are going hat in hand to offer to avoid sanctions if Russia continues to sell us crude. What say you sanctions now?
WTF have you been listening to?
The Progressive Socialist media and our corrupted sell out politicians are touting Putin as a war criminal. We don't believe them anymore. The entertainers will not even shut up. Prog politicians sold out the people. Not only the Deplorables but their own. And in the process of making us poorer became murderers.
WTF? :cuckoo:
Any grown person should understand that invading a sovereign nation without just cause is a violation of international law regardless of any media influence.
Another reason Putin doesn't fear us. Thanks to the Democrats.
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Russian tanks

American Javelins
Appeasement best defines the Obama Administration. Sad to say his man Joe is no different. Talk, talk, talk. Reactive foreign policy decisions most always end in failure, proactive foreign policy positions address issues before they become problems.
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How bout Canadians take a seat until they contribute something in terms of military might and treasure, hmmm? How about that?

Like most western "democracies", you spend all your $$$ on social programs and have none left over for any kind of military. You insult us left, right and center and then expect America to be the world's police.

Honey, look at the American polls. We are sick to death of being your chumps. Pay up AND shut up. How about that?

We don't need any kind of military. The last time we were invaded was the War of 1812, and it was Americans who invaded us. We also don't go around the world starting useless wars we cannot win, in order to support the Military Industrial Complex.

While you spend 4% of your GDP blowing up shit in other countries for fun and profit. You spend more money on useless weapons of war and destruction, than the next 9 top 10 spending countries combined - and 8 of those 9 countries, are your allies. All the while your roads crumble, your power grid fails, and public schools don't have adequate text books and resources. You can't afford healthcare for your people, but you can afford a "Space Force" to put weapons in outer space.

Canadian armed forced entered World War One, in 1914. We spent our blood, and our treasure in that conflict for 4 long years. My father fought in Europe for 4 years while Americans sat at home profitting off the war and selling arms to the Allies, until 1917, and then tipped the balance in our favour.

But it was Woodrow Wilson's insistence that Germany be "punished" for starting the war, the lead directly to the rise of Hilter and WWII. Bankrupting the Germany treasury, and inflicting tremendous hardship on a defeated people enabled Hitler to stoke those

Canada entered WWII in 1939, once again, while Americans sat at home profiting by supplying the Allies with weapons. All three of my older brothers served. One of them was seriously wounded on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My youngest brother was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate over to England and they sent him home:

Our troops went over to Eastern Europe weeks ago.

So please bitch, don't try to pretend that Canadians are in any way cowardly or weak.
Traitor Trump and his tard herd's Biden Derangement Syndrome is so insane, they are hoping Putin wins so they can blame Biden.

“We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” - Eric Trump
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?

The Donetsk and Crimea voted 93% to be returned to Russia, and the Ukraine was ruled by the World Court for stealing oil/gas from Russia.
So Biden should have been in the Russian side and forced concessions out of the Ukraine.
Instead we gave them weapons, thus forcing the need for war.
stop blaming Trump for Biden fucking up/arranging for Putin to be able to invade.
I’m not blaming Trump for anything.
Appeasement best defines the Obama Administration.
Yes, we can put you in the Putin half of the stupid un-American Trump voters.

Nearly half of the people who voted for former President Donald Trump believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin is doing a better job than U.S. President Joe Biden, according to a new poll.

While Putin's invasion of Ukraine was proceeding more slowly than predicted, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll found that 76% of Americans hold a negative view of Putin.

But the strongman's invasion of Ukraine did little to heal political divisions in the U.S.

"Nearly half (47 percent) of Trump voters say Putin is doing a better job than Biden, even as Russia’s economy threatens to collapse under the weight of crippling global sanctions," Yahoo's Andrew Romano wrote.

There were 3% of Trump voters who gave Biden credit for doing a better job.

On the topic of strength, 73% of Trump voters found Putin was stronger, while only 2% picked Biden.

Half of Trump voters see a mass murderer living in the safety and comfort of a Kremlin home kiling people as STRONG. How fucked up is that? Trump sees his Ukraine attack as smart and genius.
I’m not blaming Trump for anything.

Yes, we can put you in the Putin half of the stupid un-American Trump voters.

Half of Trump voters see a mass murderer living in the safety and comfort of a Kremlin home kiling people as STRONG. How fucked up is that? Trump sees his Ukraine attack as smart and genius.

The Ukrainians in Kyiv are the thieves and oppressors.
The Russians tried diplomacy for 20 years.
The Russians are in the right.
Your evidence the Biden's took millions in bribes from Ukraine is ... ?
Never mind getting into that bs, the actual suggestion that only a bribe could explain a POTUS wanting to sanction the shit out of Russia for thier illegal invation is the incredibly stupid part.

Sanctions against Russia have a broad bi-partisan support in US and around the world. Did Ukraine pay everyone off?

Haha, yea “never mind” about getting into it. His crackhead son taking in cash from Ukrainian oligarchs isn’t a bribe! It was totally legitimate means of making money! Hunter has no experience in the energy sector, doesn’t speak Ukrainian or Russian, but they hired him. Ukraine is a money laundering wonderland. Just ask Pelosi, Romney and John Kerry.
I’m not blaming Trump for anything.

Yes, we can put you in the Putin half of the stupid un-American Trump voters.

Half of Trump voters see a mass murderer living in the safety and comfort of a Kremlin home kiling people as STRONG. How fucked up is that? Trump sees his Ukraine attack as smart and genius.
Your young and naive enough to be as stupid as you are. Weakness created a void that the nut case in the kremlin capitalized on. It’s just history repeating itself. Obama let Putin have Crimea without consequence which would pretty much let Putin think he could do the same with Ukraine. Uncle Joe could and should have reacted when Putin began amassing forces along the boarder, what did he do? he just sat in his high chair and did as he was told. Stalin did the same with FDR, instead of just one country it was the entire Eastern Europe.
Haha, yea “never mind” about getting into it. His crackhead son taking in cash from Ukrainian oligarchs isn’t a bribe! It was totally legitimate means of making money! Hunter has no experience in the energy sector, doesn’t speak Ukrainian or Russian, but they hired him. Ukraine is a money laundering wonderland. Just ask Pelosi, Romney and John Kerry.
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No, that's not a bribe. And even if it were, it didn't involve "the Biden's," it involved Hunter who took the job. And he was hired, like some others, because his name brought credibility to the company.

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