Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?

Obama let Putin have Crimea without consequence which would pretty much let Putin think he could do the same with Ukraine.
Trump campaigned upon eliminating the sanctions Obama put in and recognize the annexation of Crimea as a Russian state.

The annexation of Crimea was a bloodless coup during a time when the pro-Russian government in Kiev was overthrown. The Ukraine constitution meant nothing after that. Putin made a move to move in the military to protect an election in Russian speaking Crimea where they voted they wanted to join the Russian Federation.

Obama didn’t let anything happen. Crimea was not his to keep in Ukraine. He is the President of the United States. He wasn’t born in Kenya. So calm your racist lies down. I am old enough to see a racist liar when I see one.
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We don't need any kind of military. The last time we were invaded was the War of 1812, and it was Americans who invaded us. We also don't go around the world starting useless wars we cannot win, in order to support the Military Industrial Complex.

While you spend 4% of your GDP blowing up shit in other countries for fun and profit. You spend more money on useless weapons of war and destruction, than the next 9 top 10 spending countries combined - and 8 of those 9 countries, are your allies. All the while your roads crumble, your power grid fails, and public schools don't have adequate text books and resources. You can't afford healthcare for your people, but you can afford a "Space Force" to put weapons in outer space.

Canadian armed forced entered World War One, in 1914. We spent our blood, and our treasure in that conflict for 4 long years. My father fought in Europe for 4 years while Americans sat at home profitting off the war and selling arms to the Allies, until 1917, and then tipped the balance in our favour.

But it was Woodrow Wilson's insistence that Germany be "punished" for starting the war, the lead directly to the rise of Hilter and WWII. Bankrupting the Germany treasury, and inflicting tremendous hardship on a defeated people enabled Hitler to stoke those

Canada entered WWII in 1939, once again, while Americans sat at home profiting by supplying the Allies with weapons. All three of my older brothers served. One of them was seriously wounded on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My youngest brother was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate over to England and they sent him home:

Our troops went over to Eastern Europe weeks ago.

So please bitch, don't try to pretend that Canadians are in any way cowardly or weak.
With all due respect, Dragonlady...Canada can skimp on its military because they know that the US is always going to be there for them if anyone WAS to attack them. Americans sat at home during WWII? What kind of history are they teaching up in Canada these days?
We don't need any kind of military. The last time we were invaded was the War of 1812, and it was Americans who invaded us. We also don't go around the world starting useless wars we cannot win, in order to support the Military Industrial Complex.

While you spend 4% of your GDP blowing up shit in other countries for fun and profit. You spend more money on useless weapons of war and destruction, than the next 9 top 10 spending countries combined - and 8 of those 9 countries, are your allies. All the while your roads crumble, your power grid fails, and public schools don't have adequate text books and resources. You can't afford healthcare for your people, but you can afford a "Space Force" to put weapons in outer space.

Canadian armed forced entered World War One, in 1914. We spent our blood, and our treasure in that conflict for 4 long years. My father fought in Europe for 4 years while Americans sat at home profitting off the war and selling arms to the Allies, until 1917, and then tipped the balance in our favour.

But it was Woodrow Wilson's insistence that Germany be "punished" for starting the war, the lead directly to the rise of Hilter and WWII. Bankrupting the Germany treasury, and inflicting tremendous hardship on a defeated people enabled Hitler to stoke those

Canada entered WWII in 1939, once again, while Americans sat at home profiting by supplying the Allies with weapons. All three of my older brothers served. One of them was seriously wounded on Juno Beach on D-Day. He carried shrapnel in his body until the day he died. My youngest brother was in training to go in at Dieppe, but my mother sent his birth certificate over to England and they sent him home:

Our troops went over to Eastern Europe weeks ago.

So please bitch, don't try to pretend that Canadians are in any way cowardly or weak.
Excuse me but I believe it was the English that forced the young country of America into the war of 1812. Nice revisionist twist. The English never accepted that America was no longer their colony and expected America to capitulate, bend a knee to the King, because the King and Parliament demanded such. The invasion of Canada was a forced consequence of a war that your King incited.
I'm amused by the left's new narrative that Joe Biden's policies HAVEN'T affected energy prices! They have and down deep...all of you know it!

The following was from Newsweek...a publication that leans to the left!

"Biden's first actions as president included re-entering the Paris Climate Accord, canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline, halting a leasing program in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), issuing a 60-day halt on new oil and gas leases and drilling permits on federal lands and waters (which account for nearly 25% of U.S. production), directing federal agencies to eliminate fossil fuel "subsidies," imposing tougher regulations on oil and gas methane emissions (which were first promulgated under President Barack Obama and had been eased under President Donald Trump), and hiring SEC regulators to prepare climate and ESG disclosure mandates.

The Keystone pipeline's cancelation denies America cheaper and environmentally safer access to Canadian oil for Gulf Coast refineries. Biden's other policies will do even more damage, make America weaker and more dependent on foreign countries, and drive up energy prices. Even New Mexico's Democratic governor criticized Biden's suspension of oil and gas leases, asked for an exemption to protect her economy and education funding, and argued that shifting production elsewhere would increase carbon emissions."

There is only one reason why production hasn't gone down at this point and that's because the Oil and Natural Gas industries stocked up on leases knowing who was coming into office and numerous State's Attorney Generals have sued the Biden Administration to keep him from implementing his halting of new leases. The writing is on the wall however...this Administration's love affair with the Green New Deal is going to make the cost of oil and natural gas sky rocket in this country which hurts us but more importantly lets Putin make trillions from Russia's sale of oil and natural gas which he can then use to finance his little "adventures" in places like the Ukraine! To be blunt...HE DOESN'T DO THAT IF BIDEN DOESN'T MAKE IT POSSIBLE!
Doesn't make much sense...

Can someone explain why President Biden is getting blamed for this other than "I hate Joe"?

OMG I'll just stand over here and LMAO.

If Trump were still POTUS you'd be screaming bloody murder about how Putin's attack on the Ukraine was all Trump's fault. Good Lord are you stupid.

Its not Bidungs fault cause that walking talking disaster can't control what Putin or any other world leader does. You'd rather rant and rave about everyone blaming Bidung for Putin's actions when you'd do the same if it were Trump. You really need to smarten the hell up.
No, that's not a bribe. And even if it were, it didn't involve "the Biden's," it involved Hunter who took the job. And he was hired, like some others, because his name brought credibility to the company.
Did you really just claim that Hunter doesn't involve "the Biden's", Faun? You know damn well why a drug addled loser like Hunter Biden was "hired" and it has nothing to do with bringing credibility to any company...it's an obvious pay off to a powerful American politician!
The Keystone pipeline's cancelation denies America cheaper and environmentally safer access to Canadian oil for Gulf Coast refineries. Biden's other policies will do even more damage, make America weaker and more dependent on foreign countries, and drive up energy prices. Even New Mexico's Democratic governor criticized Biden's suspension of oil and gas leases, asked for an exemption to protect her economy and education funding, and argued that shifting production elsewhere would increase carbon emissions."
How did cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline "deny America of cheaper and environmentally safer access to Canadian oil" given there's already an active Keystone pipeline transporting that crude?

And how much benefit would the Keystone XL pipeline have been for Americans given the vast majority of oil refined from it was slated to be exported?
Did you really just claim that Hunter doesn't involve "the Biden's", Faun? You know damn well why a drug addled loser like Hunter Biden was "hired" and it has nothing to do with bringing credibility to any company...it's an obvious pay off to a powerful American politician!

Great, let's see your evidence that Joe was involved or that Burisma Holdings benefited from Joe...
Haha, yea “never mind” about getting into it. His crackhead son taking in cash from Ukrainian oligarchs isn’t a bribe! It was totally legitimate means of making money! Hunter has no experience in the energy sector, doesn’t speak Ukrainian or Russian, but they hired him. Ukraine is a money laundering wonderland. Just ask Pelosi, Romney and John Kerry.
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Crackpot nonsense.

Biden son is not Biden, and hasn't worked in Ukraine since 2019. Republicans looked into Hunter's employment and found no wrongdoing of any sort by Biden.

And none of that actually addresses the fundamental fact that Americans strongly support sanctions on Russia.

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Putin Killing Ukranians...but somehow President Biden is to Blame? Why?​

Because Biden is a Democrat. But I've seen your posts on this board and you are one of the better folks here. I'm curious why you are asking?

You know the answer is because he is a Democrat. The GOP voters wear shirts that literally say 'Rather be Russian than a Democrat'

Weird topic
That is the point, in that we armed the criminals in Kyiv.
Russia is the good guy in this, supporting the principle of self determination of the people of the Crimea and Donetsk, and punishing Kyiv for oil/gas theft.
I’ve self determined that you are a Russian propagandist.
Take your bullshit somewhere else, comrade.
No, that's not a bribe. And even if it were, it didn't involve "the Biden's," it involved Hunter who took the job. And he was hired, like some others, because his name brought credibility to the company.
^^ :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Crackpot nonsense.

Biden son is not Biden, and hasn't worked in Ukraine since 2019. Republicans looked into Hunter's employment and found no wrongdoing of any sort by Biden.

And none of that actually addresses the fundamental fact that Americans strongly support sanctions on Russia.

LOL “Biden’s son isn’t Biden”.

See, if you morons just ignore the obvious corruption and claim his job was legitimate, then you are willing to believe anything the media tells you.
A pity you can't refute it.
“It didn’t involve the Bidens, it involved Hunter”.
Half of Trump voters see a mass murderer living in the safety and comfort of a Kremlin home kiling people as STRONG. How fucked up is that? Trump sees his Ukraine attack as smart and genius.

All the fault of Kyiv.
They are stealing oil/gas, abusing ethnic Russians, trying to join NATO, etc.

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