Putin may end Assad’s support: Erdogan

For the record---captain blei is lying even about the Ukraine----
a close friend of ours-----took himself and his grown daughters
to Ukraine recently-----for the purpose of checking out family
graves-------none of that which captain blei claims is happening
over there-----NONE OF IT-----nor is "the west" supporting arab barbarity in Syria. Most arab barbarity in Syria is from assad---now
some from isis forces. Islamo Nazi pigs always invent those imaginary SECRET "doings"------"da west" "da joooos" even
"da Shiites done it" or "da sunnis done it"-----or "da whatevah"
for historic barbarity in the levant-----think DA BAATHISTS---
da Baathists are the only force that used nitrogen mustard gas
after world war I (think turks too--)
Yes, yes, our irosie that knows everyone everywhere...
Let´s see how big the amount of crap she´s posting is...
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes
Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages Just Like ISIS Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Seperatist gets nailed on cross and burned alive:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
For the record---captain blei is lying even about the Ukraine----
a close friend of ours-----took himself and his grown daughters
to Ukraine recently-----for the purpose of checking out family
graves-------none of that which captain blei claims is happening
over there-----NONE OF IT-----nor is "the west" supporting arab barbarity in Syria. Most arab barbarity in Syria is from assad---now
some from isis forces. Islamo Nazi pigs always invent those imaginary SECRET "doings"------"da west" "da joooos" even
"da Shiites done it" or "da sunnis done it"-----or "da whatevah"
for historic barbarity in the levant-----think DA BAATHISTS---
da Baathists are the only force that used nitrogen mustard gas
after world war I (think turks too--)
Yes, yes, our irosie that knows everyone everywhere...
Let´s see how big the amount of crap she´s posting is...
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes
Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages Just Like ISIS Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Seperatist gets nailed on cross and burned alive:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

the person I know who went to UKRAINE----is about 70 years old--
born in the USA-----jewish ---family background---UKRAINIAN----you
remember jews and Ukraine and Cossacks etc. It is an interesting
history-----some of my extended family has that background too. The Cossacks (ukranian Christians) were utterly barbaric----it was their
activities that galvanized the religious movement known as CHASSIDISM-----(not that me or my family is-----but some ancestors
---were) You are making no point at all-----Ukranians and Russians both have a culture of barbarity--------my grandmother could have told
you about it------but she is dead. The family friend that went there---did so last year while the STUFF was going on-----nothing was happening and I ended up with a pair of special wool socks
oh---I just noticed----it was a SEPARATIST who got nailed-----so that is a PRO ASSAD Russian type crime. The Cossacks were actually separatist type persons------just as barbaric as Russian pro assad dogs. You made no point. (for those who do not know---"Fiddler on the Roof" was written by a refugee from Ukraine------pen name was
SHALOM ALEICHEM) he was an author in Yiddish. Captain Blei why did you cite Russian crimes in the Ukraine as "isis like"?----
Russia supports your man-----ASSAD
For the record---captain blei is lying even about the Ukraine----
a close friend of ours-----took himself and his grown daughters
to Ukraine recently-----for the purpose of checking out family
graves-------none of that which captain blei claims is happening
over there-----NONE OF IT-----nor is "the west" supporting arab barbarity in Syria. Most arab barbarity in Syria is from assad---now
some from isis forces. Islamo Nazi pigs always invent those imaginary SECRET "doings"------"da west" "da joooos" even
"da Shiites done it" or "da sunnis done it"-----or "da whatevah"
for historic barbarity in the levant-----think DA BAATHISTS---
da Baathists are the only force that used nitrogen mustard gas
after world war I (think turks too--)
Yes, yes, our irosie that knows everyone everywhere...
Let´s see how big the amount of crap she´s posting is...
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes
Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages Just Like ISIS Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Seperatist gets nailed on cross and burned alive:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Nice try. You lost a lot of credibility in posting that Azov battalion pic & the references to the other nationalistic extremes in Ukraine.

Have you been to Syria? To Ukraine?
I have not been to Syria, but I have travelled to both Russia & Ukraine (east) multiple times. I understand some Russian too.
Given the unbalanced crap you posted on Ukraine, I cannot believe what you post about Syria anymore.

Yes, there are extreme nationalist neo-Nazi assholes in Ukraine, but Russia also has its share of nationalist fascists, led by Putin. Even Norway has nationalist assholes who like to execute their "enemies"! They are a very small minority, yet you cite them as evidence in generalizing to the population as a whole?
Are you really that naive? Or conniving?

The Ukrainian people are under siege by Russian invaders & Russian-Ukrainian sympathizers (aka "separatists").
The Ukrainian nationalist groups are being used by the Kiev gov to neutralize the Russian terrorist/invaders. What's wrong with that?
If USA was being attacked by Russia, I would not hesitate to deploy KKK assholes in fighting the invaders.

Many of the ISIS assholes are not from Syria. However, the anti-Assad rebels who want democracy, like the current Kiev gov, are from Syria, and I support democracy, or something like it.

Why do you support fascism, whether it's Putin or Assad style?
For the record---captain blei is lying even about the Ukraine----
a close friend of ours-----took himself and his grown daughters
to Ukraine recently-----for the purpose of checking out family
graves-------none of that which captain blei claims is happening
over there-----NONE OF IT-----nor is "the west" supporting arab barbarity in Syria. Most arab barbarity in Syria is from assad---now
some from isis forces. Islamo Nazi pigs always invent those imaginary SECRET "doings"------"da west" "da joooos" even
"da Shiites done it" or "da sunnis done it"-----or "da whatevah"
for historic barbarity in the levant-----think DA BAATHISTS---
da Baathists are the only force that used nitrogen mustard gas
after world war I (think turks too--)
Yes, yes, our irosie that knows everyone everywhere...
Let´s see how big the amount of crap she´s posting is...
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes
Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages Just Like ISIS Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Seperatist gets nailed on cross and burned alive:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Nice try. You lost a lot of credibility in posting that Azov battalion pic & the references to the other nationalistic extremes in Ukraine.

Have you been to Syria? To Ukraine?
I have not been to Syria, but I have travelled to both Russia & Ukraine (east) multiple times. I understand some Russian too.
Given the unbalanced crap you posted on Ukraine, I cannot believe what you post about Syria anymore.

Yes, there are extreme nationalist neo-Nazi assholes in Ukraine, but Russia also has its share of nationalist fascists, led by Putin. Even Norway has nationalist assholes who like to execute their "enemies"! They are a very small minority, yet you cite them as evidence in generalizing to the population as a whole?
Are you really that naive? Or conniving?

The Ukrainian people are under siege by Russian invaders & Russian-Ukrainian sympathizers (aka "separatists").
The Ukrainian nationalist groups are being used by the Kiev gov to neutralize the Russian terrorist/invaders. What's wrong with that?
If USA was being attacked by Russia, I would not hesitate to deploy KKK assholes in fighting the invaders.

Many of the ISIS assholes are not from Syria. However, the anti-Assad rebels who want democracy, like the current Kiev gov, are from Syria, and I support democracy, or something like it.

Why do you support fascism, whether it's Putin or Assad style?
Well, another "concerned citizen" who is just another Western al-Qaeda Nazi puppet in truth, bombarding me Al-Qaeda Propaganda. Go to hell and you better talk to your equals which you find here:
For the record---captain blei is lying even about the Ukraine----
a close friend of ours-----took himself and his grown daughters
to Ukraine recently-----for the purpose of checking out family
graves-------none of that which captain blei claims is happening
over there-----NONE OF IT-----nor is "the west" supporting arab barbarity in Syria. Most arab barbarity in Syria is from assad---now
some from isis forces. Islamo Nazi pigs always invent those imaginary SECRET "doings"------"da west" "da joooos" even
"da Shiites done it" or "da sunnis done it"-----or "da whatevah"
for historic barbarity in the levant-----think DA BAATHISTS---
da Baathists are the only force that used nitrogen mustard gas
after world war I (think turks too--)
Yes, yes, our irosie that knows everyone everywhere...
Let´s see how big the amount of crap she´s posting is...
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes
Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages Just Like ISIS Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Seperatist gets nailed on cross and burned alive:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Nice try. You lost a lot of credibility in posting that Azov battalion pic & the references to the other nationalistic extremes in Ukraine.

Have you been to Syria? To Ukraine?
I have not been to Syria, but I have travelled to both Russia & Ukraine (east) multiple times. I understand some Russian too.
Given the unbalanced crap you posted on Ukraine, I cannot believe what you post about Syria anymore.

Yes, there are extreme nationalist neo-Nazi assholes in Ukraine, but Russia also has its share of nationalist fascists, led by Putin. Even Norway has nationalist assholes who like to execute their "enemies"! They are a very small minority, yet you cite them as evidence in generalizing to the population as a whole?
Are you really that naive? Or conniving?

The Ukrainian people are under siege by Russian invaders & Russian-Ukrainian sympathizers (aka "separatists").
The Ukrainian nationalist groups are being used by the Kiev gov to neutralize the Russian terrorist/invaders. What's wrong with that?
If USA was being attacked by Russia, I would not hesitate to deploy KKK assholes in fighting the invaders.

Many of the ISIS assholes are not from Syria. However, the anti-Assad rebels who want democracy, like the current Kiev gov, are from Syria, and I support democracy, or something like it.

Why do you support fascism, whether it's Putin or Assad style?
Well, another "concerned citizen" who is just another Western al-Qaeda Nazi puppet in truth, bombarding me Al-Qaeda Propaganda. Go to hell and you better talk to your equals which you find here:

No rational response?
"Go to hell" is the best you can do?
Yes, you sound like an authoritarian Assad supporter alright.

Sorry, i am not influenced by irrational, emotional, non-libertarian crap.
Good luck (NOT!) with your one-sided propaganda.
For the record---captain blei is lying even about the Ukraine----
a close friend of ours-----took himself and his grown daughters
to Ukraine recently-----for the purpose of checking out family
graves-------none of that which captain blei claims is happening
over there-----NONE OF IT-----nor is "the west" supporting arab barbarity in Syria. Most arab barbarity in Syria is from assad---now
some from isis forces. Islamo Nazi pigs always invent those imaginary SECRET "doings"------"da west" "da joooos" even
"da Shiites done it" or "da sunnis done it"-----or "da whatevah"
for historic barbarity in the levant-----think DA BAATHISTS---
da Baathists are the only force that used nitrogen mustard gas
after world war I (think turks too--)
Yes, yes, our irosie that knows everyone everywhere...
Let´s see how big the amount of crap she´s posting is...
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes
Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages Just Like ISIS Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Seperatist gets nailed on cross and burned alive:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Nice try. You lost a lot of credibility in posting that Azov battalion pic & the references to the other nationalistic extremes in Ukraine.

Have you been to Syria? To Ukraine?
I have not been to Syria, but I have travelled to both Russia & Ukraine (east) multiple times. I understand some Russian too.
Given the unbalanced crap you posted on Ukraine, I cannot believe what you post about Syria anymore.

Yes, there are extreme nationalist neo-Nazi assholes in Ukraine, but Russia also has its share of nationalist fascists, led by Putin. Even Norway has nationalist assholes who like to execute their "enemies"! They are a very small minority, yet you cite them as evidence in generalizing to the population as a whole?
Are you really that naive? Or conniving?

The Ukrainian people are under siege by Russian invaders & Russian-Ukrainian sympathizers (aka "separatists").
The Ukrainian nationalist groups are being used by the Kiev gov to neutralize the Russian terrorist/invaders. What's wrong with that?
If USA was being attacked by Russia, I would not hesitate to deploy KKK assholes in fighting the invaders.

Many of the ISIS assholes are not from Syria. However, the anti-Assad rebels who want democracy, like the current Kiev gov, are from Syria, and I support democracy, or something like it.

Why do you support fascism, whether it's Putin or Assad style?
Well, another "concerned citizen" who is just another Western al-Qaeda Nazi puppet in truth, bombarding me Al-Qaeda Propaganda. Go to hell and you better talk to your equals which you find here:

No rational response?
"Go to hell" is the best you can do?
Yes, you sound like an authoritarian Assad supporter alright.

Sorry, i am not influenced by irrational, emotional, non-libertarian crap.
Good luck (NOT!) with your one-sided propaganda.
I already told you where to search for your brethren in Al-Qaeda that will applaud your propaganda.
If there is some morning on that you wake up thinking, oh god, what the fuck am I doing, you can search this forum for the good thinks the UN in Syria tells about the government´s work, crimes of your democracy seeking Al-Qaeda bunch and current political and military events.
For the record---captain blei is lying even about the Ukraine----
a close friend of ours-----took himself and his grown daughters
to Ukraine recently-----for the purpose of checking out family
graves-------none of that which captain blei claims is happening
over there-----NONE OF IT-----nor is "the west" supporting arab barbarity in Syria. Most arab barbarity in Syria is from assad---now
some from isis forces. Islamo Nazi pigs always invent those imaginary SECRET "doings"------"da west" "da joooos" even
"da Shiites done it" or "da sunnis done it"-----or "da whatevah"
for historic barbarity in the levant-----think DA BAATHISTS---
da Baathists are the only force that used nitrogen mustard gas
after world war I (think turks too--)
Yes, yes, our irosie that knows everyone everywhere...
Let´s see how big the amount of crap she´s posting is...
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes
Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages Just Like ISIS Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Seperatist gets nailed on cross and burned alive:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Nice try. You lost a lot of credibility in posting that Azov battalion pic & the references to the other nationalistic extremes in Ukraine.

Have you been to Syria? To Ukraine?
I have not been to Syria, but I have travelled to both Russia & Ukraine (east) multiple times. I understand some Russian too.
Given the unbalanced crap you posted on Ukraine, I cannot believe what you post about Syria anymore.

Yes, there are extreme nationalist neo-Nazi assholes in Ukraine, but Russia also has its share of nationalist fascists, led by Putin. Even Norway has nationalist assholes who like to execute their "enemies"! They are a very small minority, yet you cite them as evidence in generalizing to the population as a whole?
Are you really that naive? Or conniving?

The Ukrainian people are under siege by Russian invaders & Russian-Ukrainian sympathizers (aka "separatists").
The Ukrainian nationalist groups are being used by the Kiev gov to neutralize the Russian terrorist/invaders. What's wrong with that?
If USA was being attacked by Russia, I would not hesitate to deploy KKK assholes in fighting the invaders.

Many of the ISIS assholes are not from Syria. However, the anti-Assad rebels who want democracy, like the current Kiev gov, are from Syria, and I support democracy, or something like it.

Why do you support fascism, whether it's Putin or Assad style?
Well, another "concerned citizen" who is just another Western al-Qaeda Nazi puppet in truth, bombarding me Al-Qaeda Propaganda. Go to hell and you better talk to your equals which you find here:

No rational response?
"Go to hell" is the best you can do?
Yes, you sound like an authoritarian Assad supporter alright.

Sorry, i am not influenced by irrational, emotional, non-libertarian crap.
Good luck (NOT!) with your one-sided propaganda.
I already told you where to search for your brethren in Al-Qaeda that will applaud your propaganda.
If there is some morning on that you wake up thinking, oh god, what the fuck am I doing, you can search this forum for the good thinks the UN in Syria tells about the government´s work, crimes of your democracy seeking Al-Qaeda bunch and current political and military events.

So, you have never been to either Syria or Ukraine, and you select the "news" that fits your naive political agenda, without caring for the people who are affected by them?
You continue to display irrationality.
You associate me with Al-Qaeda when I explicitly expressed my hatred for ISIS and authoritarianism in general.

Your debating style is very poor. You should look at the Russians & RT news for much more effective propaganda examples.
Last edited:
Yes, yes, our irosie that knows everyone everywhere...
Let´s see how big the amount of crap she´s posting is...
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes
Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages Just Like ISIS Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Seperatist gets nailed on cross and burned alive:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Nice try. You lost a lot of credibility in posting that Azov battalion pic & the references to the other nationalistic extremes in Ukraine.

Have you been to Syria? To Ukraine?
I have not been to Syria, but I have travelled to both Russia & Ukraine (east) multiple times. I understand some Russian too.
Given the unbalanced crap you posted on Ukraine, I cannot believe what you post about Syria anymore.

Yes, there are extreme nationalist neo-Nazi assholes in Ukraine, but Russia also has its share of nationalist fascists, led by Putin. Even Norway has nationalist assholes who like to execute their "enemies"! They are a very small minority, yet you cite them as evidence in generalizing to the population as a whole?
Are you really that naive? Or conniving?

The Ukrainian people are under siege by Russian invaders & Russian-Ukrainian sympathizers (aka "separatists").
The Ukrainian nationalist groups are being used by the Kiev gov to neutralize the Russian terrorist/invaders. What's wrong with that?
If USA was being attacked by Russia, I would not hesitate to deploy KKK assholes in fighting the invaders.

Many of the ISIS assholes are not from Syria. However, the anti-Assad rebels who want democracy, like the current Kiev gov, are from Syria, and I support democracy, or something like it.

Why do you support fascism, whether it's Putin or Assad style?
Well, another "concerned citizen" who is just another Western al-Qaeda Nazi puppet in truth, bombarding me Al-Qaeda Propaganda. Go to hell and you better talk to your equals which you find here:

No rational response?
"Go to hell" is the best you can do?
Yes, you sound like an authoritarian Assad supporter alright.

Sorry, i am not influenced by irrational, emotional, non-libertarian crap.
Good luck (NOT!) with your one-sided propaganda.
I already told you where to search for your brethren in Al-Qaeda that will applaud your propaganda.
If there is some morning on that you wake up thinking, oh god, what the fuck am I doing, you can search this forum for the good thinks the UN in Syria tells about the government´s work, crimes of your democracy seeking Al-Qaeda bunch and current political and military events.

So, you have never been to either Syria or Ukraine, and you select the "news" that fits your naive political agenda, without caring for the people who are affected by them?
You continue to display irrationality.
You associate me with Al-Qaeda when I explicitly expressed my hatred for ISIS and authoritarianism in general.

Your debating style is very poor. You should look at the Russians & RT news for much more effective propaganda examples.
It is not up to you to decide where I have been to. You criticize my way to discuss? Oh, I am not discussing with you and here comes why:
ISIS Islamists = evil
Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels

So, I am not discussing with you. There is no sense in discussions with liars talking of "democratic rebels" while there ain´t any. I only discuss with people that have their own views.
Al Qaeda in Syria signals sharia law for captured city Reuters
Aleppo Battle Al Qaeda s Jabhat Al-Nusra Is Friend To Syrian Rebel Groups
Last edited:
Nice try. You lost a lot of credibility in posting that Azov battalion pic & the references to the other nationalistic extremes in Ukraine.

Have you been to Syria? To Ukraine?
I have not been to Syria, but I have travelled to both Russia & Ukraine (east) multiple times. I understand some Russian too.
Given the unbalanced crap you posted on Ukraine, I cannot believe what you post about Syria anymore.

Yes, there are extreme nationalist neo-Nazi assholes in Ukraine, but Russia also has its share of nationalist fascists, led by Putin. Even Norway has nationalist assholes who like to execute their "enemies"! They are a very small minority, yet you cite them as evidence in generalizing to the population as a whole?
Are you really that naive? Or conniving?

The Ukrainian people are under siege by Russian invaders & Russian-Ukrainian sympathizers (aka "separatists").
The Ukrainian nationalist groups are being used by the Kiev gov to neutralize the Russian terrorist/invaders. What's wrong with that?
If USA was being attacked by Russia, I would not hesitate to deploy KKK assholes in fighting the invaders.

Many of the ISIS assholes are not from Syria. However, the anti-Assad rebels who want democracy, like the current Kiev gov, are from Syria, and I support democracy, or something like it.

Why do you support fascism, whether it's Putin or Assad style?
Well, another "concerned citizen" who is just another Western al-Qaeda Nazi puppet in truth, bombarding me Al-Qaeda Propaganda. Go to hell and you better talk to your equals which you find here:

No rational response?
"Go to hell" is the best you can do?
Yes, you sound like an authoritarian Assad supporter alright.

Sorry, i am not influenced by irrational, emotional, non-libertarian crap.
Good luck (NOT!) with your one-sided propaganda.
I already told you where to search for your brethren in Al-Qaeda that will applaud your propaganda.
If there is some morning on that you wake up thinking, oh god, what the fuck am I doing, you can search this forum for the good thinks the UN in Syria tells about the government´s work, crimes of your democracy seeking Al-Qaeda bunch and current political and military events.

So, you have never been to either Syria or Ukraine, and you select the "news" that fits your naive political agenda, without caring for the people who are affected by them?
You continue to display irrationality.
You associate me with Al-Qaeda when I explicitly expressed my hatred for ISIS and authoritarianism in general.

Your debating style is very poor. You should look at the Russians & RT news for much more effective propaganda examples.
It is not up to you to decide where I have been to. You criticize my way to discuss? Oh, I am not discussing with you and here comes why:
ISIS Islamists = evil
Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels

So, I am not discussing with you. There is no sense in discussions with liars talking of "democratic rebels" while there ain´t any. I only discuss with people that have their own views.
Al Qaeda in Syria signals sharia law for captured city Reuters
Aleppo Battle Al Qaeda s Jabhat Al-Nusra Is Friend To Syrian Rebel Groups

Huh? Are you nuts?
Or, are you mixing me up with someone else who would say erroneously that
"Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels"?

For the EXPLICIT record, I despise ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and ALL other religion-based governments, such as Saudi Arabia.
Why? Because they have little respect for individual freedoms.
The Syrian rebels want more of that freedom (although they're Muslims) than the Assad government that is vilified for crimes against humanity by the international community.
Well, another "concerned citizen" who is just another Western al-Qaeda Nazi puppet in truth, bombarding me Al-Qaeda Propaganda. Go to hell and you better talk to your equals which you find here:

No rational response?
"Go to hell" is the best you can do?
Yes, you sound like an authoritarian Assad supporter alright.

Sorry, i am not influenced by irrational, emotional, non-libertarian crap.
Good luck (NOT!) with your one-sided propaganda.
I already told you where to search for your brethren in Al-Qaeda that will applaud your propaganda.
If there is some morning on that you wake up thinking, oh god, what the fuck am I doing, you can search this forum for the good thinks the UN in Syria tells about the government´s work, crimes of your democracy seeking Al-Qaeda bunch and current political and military events.

So, you have never been to either Syria or Ukraine, and you select the "news" that fits your naive political agenda, without caring for the people who are affected by them?
You continue to display irrationality.
You associate me with Al-Qaeda when I explicitly expressed my hatred for ISIS and authoritarianism in general.

Your debating style is very poor. You should look at the Russians & RT news for much more effective propaganda examples.
It is not up to you to decide where I have been to. You criticize my way to discuss? Oh, I am not discussing with you and here comes why:
ISIS Islamists = evil
Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels

So, I am not discussing with you. There is no sense in discussions with liars talking of "democratic rebels" while there ain´t any. I only discuss with people that have their own views.
Al Qaeda in Syria signals sharia law for captured city Reuters
Aleppo Battle Al Qaeda s Jabhat Al-Nusra Is Friend To Syrian Rebel Groups

Huh? Are you nuts?
Or, are you mixing me up with someone else who would say erroneously that
"Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels"?

For the EXPLICIT record, I despise ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and ALL other religion-based governments, such as Saudi Arabia.
Why? Because they have little respect for individual freedoms.
The Syrian rebels want more of that freedom (although they're Muslims) than the Assad government that is vilified for crimes against humanity by the international community.
So you ignore the links and continue to label Al-Qaeda democratic rebels. This is why there is no sense in discussions with scum like you. Now it is clear, who gives a damn about the Syrians.
Last edited:
Still talking about Black guys. Even if the Blacks in Africa were reading your posts, they would come to the conclusion that you are nuts. Now if you desire a Black guy, just pack your suitcase. I am sure there are some who would accommodate you for a few bucks. Meanwhile, don't\ miss your next therapy session.
So you don´t even realize whom I mean but are babbling about color, instead. Your intellectual capabilities hardly can compete with these of a monkey.

Hurry up and get your ticket to Africa. You were the one who brought up a Black guy, and this must have been your secret wish for all these years. Now I am not going to argue with you because I sympathize that you were never able to act on what you really wanted to do. Surely you must have a few bucks put away for you to take a little vacation in Africa.
You still don´t know whose banana you´re eating?

We know whose banana you want to eat so hurry off to Africa, unless you are locked up in the nut house and are unable to break free.
Your lousy attempts to pull me down onto your level are almost pitiful. Everybody can see that while I am speaking symbolic, you simply make up things you self have invented. We can see your disgusting character. Deep in your rotten mind, you know there is no sunshine in your life and that is all about you.

Listen, Little Boy, a normal man does not say to a woman poster that she is "eating Black cock" just because she is not swooning over your hero Assad. The way I figure it (because of your having to drag in "Black cock") is that you either have a desire for Black men sexually or else a former girlfriend finally figured out that you were mentally ill and dropped you for a Black man and you can't get over this.

Poor you. You appear to have no life but to post on forums. You should have asked one of the staff at the mental institution that you needed something to help you get to sleep. Even your pal Assad would suggest that you need a good night's sleep so that you have the energy to defend him all the time.
Well, another "concerned citizen" who is just another Western al-Qaeda Nazi puppet in truth, bombarding me Al-Qaeda Propaganda. Go to hell and you better talk to your equals which you find here:

No rational response?
"Go to hell" is the best you can do?
Yes, you sound like an authoritarian Assad supporter alright.

Sorry, i am not influenced by irrational, emotional, non-libertarian crap.
Good luck (NOT!) with your one-sided propaganda.
I already told you where to search for your brethren in Al-Qaeda that will applaud your propaganda.
If there is some morning on that you wake up thinking, oh god, what the fuck am I doing, you can search this forum for the good thinks the UN in Syria tells about the government´s work, crimes of your democracy seeking Al-Qaeda bunch and current political and military events.

So, you have never been to either Syria or Ukraine, and you select the "news" that fits your naive political agenda, without caring for the people who are affected by them?
You continue to display irrationality.
You associate me with Al-Qaeda when I explicitly expressed my hatred for ISIS and authoritarianism in general.

Your debating style is very poor. You should look at the Russians & RT news for much more effective propaganda examples.
It is not up to you to decide where I have been to. You criticize my way to discuss? Oh, I am not discussing with you and here comes why:
ISIS Islamists = evil
Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels

So, I am not discussing with you. There is no sense in discussions with liars talking of "democratic rebels" while there ain´t any. I only discuss with people that have their own views.
Al Qaeda in Syria signals sharia law for captured city Reuters
Aleppo Battle Al Qaeda s Jabhat Al-Nusra Is Friend To Syrian Rebel Groups

Huh? Are you nuts?
Or, are you mixing me up with someone else who would say erroneously that
"Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels"?

For the EXPLICIT record, I despise ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and ALL other religion-based governments, such as Saudi Arabia.
Why? Because they have little respect for individual freedoms.
The Syrian rebels want more of that freedom (although they're Muslims) than the Assad government that is vilified for crimes against humanity by the international community.

Of course he's nuts. Your post happened to be very good, but now in his demented mind you are a terrorist supporter because you don't worship at the feet of Assad. One would almost think that Assad was his godfather even though he has never met Assad..
For the record---captain blei is lying even about the Ukraine----
a close friend of ours-----took himself and his grown daughters
to Ukraine recently-----for the purpose of checking out family
graves-------none of that which captain blei claims is happening
over there-----NONE OF IT-----nor is "the west" supporting arab barbarity in Syria. Most arab barbarity in Syria is from assad---now
some from isis forces. Islamo Nazi pigs always invent those imaginary SECRET "doings"------"da west" "da joooos" even
"da Shiites done it" or "da sunnis done it"-----or "da whatevah"
for historic barbarity in the levant-----think DA BAATHISTS---
da Baathists are the only force that used nitrogen mustard gas
after world war I (think turks too--)
Yes, yes, our irosie that knows everyone everywhere...
Let´s see how big the amount of crap she´s posting is...
Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing ISIS-Style War Crimes
Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages Just Like ISIS Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Seperatist gets nailed on cross and burned alive:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Nice try. You lost a lot of credibility in posting that Azov battalion pic & the references to the other nationalistic extremes in Ukraine.

Have you been to Syria? To Ukraine?
I have not been to Syria, but I have travelled to both Russia & Ukraine (east) multiple times. I understand some Russian too.
Given the unbalanced crap you posted on Ukraine, I cannot believe what you post about Syria anymore.

Yes, there are extreme nationalist neo-Nazi assholes in Ukraine, but Russia also has its share of nationalist fascists, led by Putin. Even Norway has nationalist assholes who like to execute their "enemies"! They are a very small minority, yet you cite them as evidence in generalizing to the population as a whole?
Are you really that naive? Or conniving?

The Ukrainian people are under siege by Russian invaders & Russian-Ukrainian sympathizers (aka "separatists").
The Ukrainian nationalist groups are being used by the Kiev gov to neutralize the Russian terrorist/invaders. What's wrong with that?
If USA was being attacked by Russia, I would not hesitate to deploy KKK assholes in fighting the invaders.

Many of the ISIS assholes are not from Syria. However, the anti-Assad rebels who want democracy, like the current Kiev gov, are from Syria, and I support democracy, or something like it.

Why do you support fascism, whether it's Putin or Assad style?

I will help you to understand Captain Blei------he is a BAATHIST
So you don´t even realize whom I mean but are babbling about color, instead. Your intellectual capabilities hardly can compete with these of a monkey.

Hurry up and get your ticket to Africa. You were the one who brought up a Black guy, and this must have been your secret wish for all these years. Now I am not going to argue with you because I sympathize that you were never able to act on what you really wanted to do. Surely you must have a few bucks put away for you to take a little vacation in Africa.
You still don´t know whose banana you´re eating?

We know whose banana you want to eat so hurry off to Africa, unless you are locked up in the nut house and are unable to break free.
Your lousy attempts to pull me down onto your level are almost pitiful. Everybody can see that while I am speaking symbolic, you simply make up things you self have invented. We can see your disgusting character. Deep in your rotten mind, you know there is no sunshine in your life and that is all about you.

Listen, Little Boy, a normal man does not say to a woman poster that she is "eating Black cock" just because she is not swooning over your hero Assad. The way I figure it (because of your having to drag in "Black cock") is that you either have a desire for Black men sexually or else a former girlfriend finally figured out that you were mentally ill and dropped you for a Black man and you can't get over this.

Poor you. You appear to have no life but to post on forums. You should have asked one of the staff at the mental institution that you needed something to help you get to sleep. Even your pal Assad would suggest that you need a good night's sleep so that you have the energy to defend him all the time.

Sally-----have some compassion for captain blei------he is a
BAATHIST------he is not an actual human being
Well, another "concerned citizen" who is just another Western al-Qaeda Nazi puppet in truth, bombarding me Al-Qaeda Propaganda. Go to hell and you better talk to your equals which you find here:

No rational response?
"Go to hell" is the best you can do?
Yes, you sound like an authoritarian Assad supporter alright.

Sorry, i am not influenced by irrational, emotional, non-libertarian crap.
Good luck (NOT!) with your one-sided propaganda.
I already told you where to search for your brethren in Al-Qaeda that will applaud your propaganda.
If there is some morning on that you wake up thinking, oh god, what the fuck am I doing, you can search this forum for the good thinks the UN in Syria tells about the government´s work, crimes of your democracy seeking Al-Qaeda bunch and current political and military events.

So, you have never been to either Syria or Ukraine, and you select the "news" that fits your naive political agenda, without caring for the people who are affected by them?
You continue to display irrationality.
You associate me with Al-Qaeda when I explicitly expressed my hatred for ISIS and authoritarianism in general.

Your debating style is very poor. You should look at the Russians & RT news for much more effective propaganda examples.
It is not up to you to decide where I have been to. You criticize my way to discuss? Oh, I am not discussing with you and here comes why:
ISIS Islamists = evil
Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels

So, I am not discussing with you. There is no sense in discussions with liars talking of "democratic rebels" while there ain´t any. I only discuss with people that have their own views.
Al Qaeda in Syria signals sharia law for captured city Reuters
Aleppo Battle Al Qaeda s Jabhat Al-Nusra Is Friend To Syrian Rebel Groups

Huh? Are you nuts?
Or, are you mixing me up with someone else who would say erroneously that
"Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels"?

For the EXPLICIT record, I despise ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and ALL other religion-based governments, such as Saudi Arabia.
Why? Because they have little respect for individual freedoms.
The Syrian rebels want more of that freedom (although they're Muslims) than the Assad government that is vilified for crimes against humanity by the international community.

hi PK---I am rosie----meet captain blei----he is a BAATHIST.
In his world----all non-BAATHISTS are supporters of Al Quaeda and
of crime and evil. captain blei's favorite Baathists are papa and
baby assad who have never done evil. In fact no Baathists ever did
evil. Saddam did no evil and Gamal Abdel Nasser did no evil-----
baathism is holy
Well, another "concerned citizen" who is just another Western al-Qaeda Nazi puppet in truth, bombarding me Al-Qaeda Propaganda. Go to hell and you better talk to your equals which you find here:

No rational response?
"Go to hell" is the best you can do?
Yes, you sound like an authoritarian Assad supporter alright.

Sorry, i am not influenced by irrational, emotional, non-libertarian crap.
Good luck (NOT!) with your one-sided propaganda.
I already told you where to search for your brethren in Al-Qaeda that will applaud your propaganda.
If there is some morning on that you wake up thinking, oh god, what the fuck am I doing, you can search this forum for the good thinks the UN in Syria tells about the government´s work, crimes of your democracy seeking Al-Qaeda bunch and current political and military events.

So, you have never been to either Syria or Ukraine, and you select the "news" that fits your naive political agenda, without caring for the people who are affected by them?
You continue to display irrationality.
You associate me with Al-Qaeda when I explicitly expressed my hatred for ISIS and authoritarianism in general.

Your debating style is very poor. You should look at the Russians & RT news for much more effective propaganda examples.
It is not up to you to decide where I have been to. You criticize my way to discuss? Oh, I am not discussing with you and here comes why:
ISIS Islamists = evil
Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels

So, I am not discussing with you. There is no sense in discussions with liars talking of "democratic rebels" while there ain´t any. I only discuss with people that have their own views.
Al Qaeda in Syria signals sharia law for captured city Reuters
Aleppo Battle Al Qaeda s Jabhat Al-Nusra Is Friend To Syrian Rebel Groups

Huh? Are you nuts?
Or, are you mixing me up with someone else who would say erroneously that
"Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels"?

For the EXPLICIT record, I despise ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and ALL other religion-based governments, such as Saudi Arabia.
Why? Because they have little respect for individual freedoms.
The Syrian rebels want more of that freedom (although they're Muslims) than the Assad government that is vilified for crimes against humanity by the international community.

PK----you are al Qaeda because captain blei does not like you
because you do not love Assad and you are (it seems to me) not
So you don´t even realize whom I mean but are babbling about color, instead. Your intellectual capabilities hardly can compete with these of a monkey.

Hurry up and get your ticket to Africa. You were the one who brought up a Black guy, and this must have been your secret wish for all these years. Now I am not going to argue with you because I sympathize that you were never able to act on what you really wanted to do. Surely you must have a few bucks put away for you to take a little vacation in Africa.
You still don´t know whose banana you´re eating?

We know whose banana you want to eat so hurry off to Africa, unless you are locked up in the nut house and are unable to break free.
Your lousy attempts to pull me down onto your level are almost pitiful. Everybody can see that while I am speaking symbolic, you simply make up things you self have invented. We can see your disgusting character. Deep in your rotten mind, you know there is no sunshine in your life and that is all about you.

Listen, Little Boy, a normal man does not say to a woman poster that she is "eating Black cock" just because she is not swooning over your hero Assad. The way I figure it (because of your having to drag in "Black cock") is that you either have a desire for Black men sexually or else a former girlfriend finally figured out that you were mentally ill and dropped you for a Black man and you can't get over this.

Poor you. You appear to have no life but to post on forums. You should have asked one of the staff at the mental institution that you needed something to help you get to sleep. Even your pal Assad would suggest that you need a good night's sleep so that you have the energy to defend him all the time.
You are a woman? And you still don´t know the banana your´re eating? I help you: Its your president and his policy is the banana. You are really stupid. I would not even let you do my propaganda stuff if I was your boss. What an own goal...
No rational response?
"Go to hell" is the best you can do?
Yes, you sound like an authoritarian Assad supporter alright.

Sorry, i am not influenced by irrational, emotional, non-libertarian crap.
Good luck (NOT!) with your one-sided propaganda.
I already told you where to search for your brethren in Al-Qaeda that will applaud your propaganda.
If there is some morning on that you wake up thinking, oh god, what the fuck am I doing, you can search this forum for the good thinks the UN in Syria tells about the government´s work, crimes of your democracy seeking Al-Qaeda bunch and current political and military events.

So, you have never been to either Syria or Ukraine, and you select the "news" that fits your naive political agenda, without caring for the people who are affected by them?
You continue to display irrationality.
You associate me with Al-Qaeda when I explicitly expressed my hatred for ISIS and authoritarianism in general.

Your debating style is very poor. You should look at the Russians & RT news for much more effective propaganda examples.
It is not up to you to decide where I have been to. You criticize my way to discuss? Oh, I am not discussing with you and here comes why:
ISIS Islamists = evil
Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels

So, I am not discussing with you. There is no sense in discussions with liars talking of "democratic rebels" while there ain´t any. I only discuss with people that have their own views.
Al Qaeda in Syria signals sharia law for captured city Reuters
Aleppo Battle Al Qaeda s Jabhat Al-Nusra Is Friend To Syrian Rebel Groups

Huh? Are you nuts?
Or, are you mixing me up with someone else who would say erroneously that
"Al-Qaeda Islamists = democratic rebels"?

For the EXPLICIT record, I despise ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and ALL other religion-based governments, such as Saudi Arabia.
Why? Because they have little respect for individual freedoms.
The Syrian rebels want more of that freedom (although they're Muslims) than the Assad government that is vilified for crimes against humanity by the international community.

Of course he's nuts. Your post happened to be very good, but now in his demented mind you are a terrorist supporter because you don't worship at the feet of Assad. One would almost think that Assad was his godfather even though he has never met Assad..
I told you she would applaud your lies. Nusra-Sally, how do you claim to know whom I met in my life and whom not?
Hurry up and get your ticket to Africa. You were the one who brought up a Black guy, and this must have been your secret wish for all these years. Now I am not going to argue with you because I sympathize that you were never able to act on what you really wanted to do. Surely you must have a few bucks put away for you to take a little vacation in Africa.
You still don´t know whose banana you´re eating?

We know whose banana you want to eat so hurry off to Africa, unless you are locked up in the nut house and are unable to break free.
Your lousy attempts to pull me down onto your level are almost pitiful. Everybody can see that while I am speaking symbolic, you simply make up things you self have invented. We can see your disgusting character. Deep in your rotten mind, you know there is no sunshine in your life and that is all about you.

Listen, Little Boy, a normal man does not say to a woman poster that she is "eating Black cock" just because she is not swooning over your hero Assad. The way I figure it (because of your having to drag in "Black cock") is that you either have a desire for Black men sexually or else a former girlfriend finally figured out that you were mentally ill and dropped you for a Black man and you can't get over this.

Poor you. You appear to have no life but to post on forums. You should have asked one of the staff at the mental institution that you needed something to help you get to sleep. Even your pal Assad would suggest that you need a good night's sleep so that you have the energy to defend him all the time.

Sally-----have some compassion for captain blei------he is a
BAATHIST------he is not an actual human being
Your sudden need to talk - what is it about?

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