Putin mocks the West moral decline

But who can blame Putin going after the glaring weakness that is the "West"?

It's just too easy.
Sadly for Putin, the West is not as weak as he hoped. He is getting his ass kicked in Ukraine.

That's what this is all about. He's trying to divide us so we will stop supporting Ukraine. We are nowhere near as weak as you tards want us to be in the face of his imperialist aggression.

You worship mass murdering strongmen. You are morally weak to the bone.

Didn't the pope which sits on his throne in Rome just say that pedos have a special place in heaven?
Please don't call that faker a pope. The last valid pope was Pius XII 1958

the vatican was taken over by anti-Christs in 1958

The real Catholic Church... well, it needs to assert itself more, make itself more .. uh... visible or whatever
Putin is religious?


Yes, I'm sure he attends mass every day and donates his time and money to charity to boot.

Putin is as religious as Hitler was. Hitler declared himself a Christian, only, he had no use for the Bible EXCEPT for the verse that said Jesus drove the Jewish money changers out of the temple with a whip. He said that the rest of the Bible was bunk.

But in terms of being moral and preachy, none do it better than secular Leftists, and with impunity since it is PC to do in both government and corporate America. Now you can get as preachy and, in your face, as you want about how you should live your life, so long as you don't mention the "G" word.

In fact, you can even declare yourself a Christian and a Leftists, like Biden and Warnock, so long as Jesus bows his knee to the DNC by declaring such things as abortion virtuous and a fundamental right to your existence.
always nice to hear the truth


Ok, maybe not absolutely always.. but anyhow
Did he say anything about how God may not like countries invading others and murdering innocent people?

He delusionally thinks that he is fighting NAZIS, just as Democrats delusionally think that they are.
Putin would make a fine Democrat Cultist.
It seems incredible and perverse that a man who is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths in Ukraine, forced millions to become refugees, destroyed millions of lives and caused more human suffering in Europe than there has been since WWII is actually lecturing anybody about morality!

No one since Adolf Hitler has been more immoral than Putin.

This just proves again how perverse and immoral so many 'Religious' people are!!!
It doesn't prove anything of the sort. Those who truly love Jesus obey or attempt to obey His commands. Some people just hate Jesus so of course they will hate His people. But remember: Whatever you do to the least of His people, you do to HIM (and He is God--"If you have seen Me you have seen the Father")--Mt 25:31-46
The fact is that the vast majority of Americans think that abortion should be legal.

This is just NOT true at all. But leftists are always claiming it because they couldn't care less about such annoying little realities as TRUTH. And they want abortion to stay legal forever and even include murdering children who have had the audacity to survive an abortion! What a bunch of total Hitlerish freaks!

It is true that most Americans seem to think abortion is a necessary evil but they don't want it after something like the 16th week. I think that's ridiculous. A person is either a human and live or he or she is not. That is age discrimination. But cutting things off at 16 weeks is better than abortion on demand at all ages of development...
The West isn't "on the decline". The United States of America is on the decline. The rest of the western democracies aren't teetering on the brink of authoritarianism or white nationalism.
You say that despite Trudeau in Canada? Have you seen the draconian things going on in Australia? How are things going in France? Hating God and white people while raising taxes is going just fine.

I would now like to address the West's addiction to porn.


Oh, hey now. Hold on there, tiger!
It is somewhat difficult to be a Christian sometimes. It is much easier to ascribe to the idea that you can do anything you want as long as you don’t get caught. It is like being a child without a parent and their ”stupid” rules. Seems pretty cool to a child and those that still think like children. That is why religion is on the decline.
Or maybe "religion" is on the decline because humanity is finally waking up to the fact that it is awful silly to still be believing all that ridiculous, superstitious, primitive crap that never even made much sense in the first place.
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Or maybe "religion" is on the decline because humanity is finally waking up to the fact that it is awful silly to still be believing all that ridiculous, superstitious, primitive crap that never even made much sense in the first place.
No, that's not it.
It doesn't prove anything of the sort. Those who truly love Jesus obey or attempt to obey His commands. Some people just hate Jesus so of course they will hate His people. But remember: Whatever you do to the least of His people, you do to HIM (and He is God--"If you have seen Me you have seen the Father")--Mt 25:31-46

So you think that a person who orders the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people are Jesus' people?

I think that you've missed quite a bit in your understanding of Jesus message.

Or is it that you think that obeying Putin is the same as obeying Jesus?
This is just NOT true at all. But leftists are always claiming it because they couldn't care less about such annoying little realities as TRUTH. And they want abortion to stay legal forever and even include murdering children who have had the audacity to survive an abortion! What a bunch of total Hitlerish freaks!

It is true that most Americans seem to think abortion is a necessary evil but they don't want it after something like the 16th week. I think that's ridiculous. A person is either a human and live or he or she is not. That is age discrimination. But cutting things off at 16 weeks is better than abortion on demand at all ages of development...

So, if 'Christians' are the majority in America, why can't they make abortion illegal through a democratic vote?

Is it that liberals are all evil geniuses or the 'Christians' are flaming idiots?
I place no more value in Putin’s assessment of Western morality than I would in anything about our Morality from Hitler.

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