Putin mocks the West moral decline

When voters see the New Right lining up to suck the cock of a completely depraved thief, liar, adulterer, and grifter, they just can't take those tards' self-righteousness seriously.

The New Right is covered in its own shit, and are baffled as to why their message isn't getting through.

They gleefully hacked off their moral legs a loooooong time ago.

And now to see them lining up to suck the cock of a mass murderer is just one more nail in the New Right's coffin.
Your idea of moral is
1. Banning personal freedom
2. Giving all the wealth to the elite and rich
3. Forcing everyone to believe as you do.
4. Enslaving us woman in the kitchen

You can take your morals in stick them up your fucking ass
Putin is religious?


Yes, I'm sure he attends mass every day and donates his time and money to charity to boot.

Putin is as religious as Hitler was. Hitler declared himself a Christian, only, he had no use for the Bible EXCEPT for the verse that said Jesus drove the Jewish money changers out of the temple with a whip. He said that the rest of the Bible was bunk.

But in terms of being moral and preachy, none do it better than secular Leftists, and with impunity since it is PC to do in both government and corporate America. Now you can get as preachy and, in your face, as you want about how you should live your life, so long as you don't mention the "G" word.

In fact, you can even declare yourself a Christian and a Leftists, like Biden and Warnock, so long as Jesus bows his knee to the DNC by declaring such things as abortion virtuous and a fundamental right to your existence.

When voters see the New Right lining up to suck the cock of a completely depraved thief, liar, adulterer, and grifter, they just can't take those tards' self-righteousness seriously.

The New Right is covered in its own shit, and are baffled as to why their message isn't getting through.

They gleefully hacked off their moral legs a loooooong time ago.

And now to see them lining up to suck the cock of a mass murderer is just one more nail in the New Right's coffin.


Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000.
Made America Energy Independent with gas prices averaging $2.25/gallon.
Built the world’s most prosperous economy. Inflation 1.4%
Rebounded well from the China released Covid Virus after China nearly destroyed the world economy.
Shut down Illegal Immigration with border wall and stay in Mexico policy.
Only President with the Ballls to stand up to China and Russia.
Historic Trade deals that were actually fair and protected the United States Workers.
DESTROYED ISIS. Started NO NEW WARS. Ended 1 war and wound down Afghanistan.
Passed $3.2 trillion in historic tax relief and reformed the tax code.
Massive Deregulation -- Ended the regulatory assault on American Businesses and Workers.
Ended the Obama Individual Mandate Penalty and saved those without insurance a $600 dollar penalty. Big deal to the middle/lower class.
Stock Markets into all time highs. After China Virus, employment still pretty good.

Now you know why Trump was a Great President and will again make a GREAT President...
Well well well, I think I might agree that the gender neutral God is BS. Everyone in the know, knows god's a woman. Of Course Puty-Bear and his supporters, and many US religious fanatics want you to only describe it in Masculine terms and wants everyone to worship him. Every wonder why?
This just in: Adolf Hitler mocks West's tolerance of interracial marriages.
Yes, Putin is correct. It's not like they are trying to hide it though.

Look at what's happening in our schools and on our streets.......In broad daylight.

Oh, and they are very proud of their work.

We are not supposed to believe our lying eyes. Crime, drugs, homelessness, and sex ed for 8 year olds. Yeah Progress.
I can't decide which...

Either He sounds more and more like a right wing USMB poster or the right wing USMB posters sound more and more like him.
Was he wrong? If Obama said it, would it suddenly become true?
Putin is doing his best to divide America so we will stop supporting Ukraine.

That's what this is.

Only tards fall for the mass murdering thug's schemes.
Again, if Obama said the West was on the decline, would it automatically become true?
Your idea of moral is
1. Banning personal freedom
2. Giving all the wealth to the elite and rich
3. Forcing everyone to believe as you do.
4. Enslaving us woman in the kitchen

You can take your morals in stick them up your fucking ass
While the right might overreach, you may want to think about the Left's stance on personal freedom. As far as the rich, does the left think people even have the right to succeed? Government force is also a left specialty. What in the hell are you talking about with the kitchen? Ease up on CNN. The right is nobody's friend, but the left is all you listed on steroids.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has pointed to the Church of England's recent decision to explore gender-neutral terms for God as evidence that the West does not know what it is doing and is heading for a 'spiritual catastrophe'.

Delivering a state-of-the-nation address to the Russian people today, Putin railed against perceived Western stupidity and said the West was waging a culture war against Russian Orthodox Christian values.

'The Anglican Church is considering a gender-neutral God. May God forgive them for they know not what they do,' Putin declared.

'Millions of people in the West understand they are being led to a real spiritual catastrophe,' he added.

He went on to accuse Western nations of changing historical facts to suit 'woke' ideologies and staunchly criticised the Church's recent discussions on allowing priests to 'bless' same-sex marriages.

'They distort historical facts, constantly attack our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church, and other traditional religions of our country.

'Look at what they do with their own peoples: the destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversion, and the abuse of children are declared the norm. And priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages,' Putin said.

Putin mocks Church of England's plan to have a gender-neutral God

The Church of England earlier this month announced it was considering alternatives to referring to God as 'he' after priests asked to be allowed to use gender-neutral terms instead.

Any potential alterations, which would mark a departure from traditional Jewish and Christian teachings dating back millennia, would have to be approved by the Synod, the Church's decision-making body.

It is currently unclear what would replace the term Our Father in the Lord's Prayer, the central Christian prayer which Jesus Christ is said to have instructed his followers to say together down the generations.

Rev Dr Ian Paul earlier this month told The Telegraph that any change would represent an abandonment of the Church's own doctrine: 'The fact that God is called ''Father'' can't be substituted by ''Mother'' without changing meaning, nor can it be gender-neutralised to ''Parent'' without loss of meaning,' he said.

A Church of England spokesperson meanwhile said there are 'absolutely no plans' to consider a gender-neutral God.

'There are also absolutely no plans to abolish or substantially revise currently authorised liturgies and no such changes could be made without extensive legislation.'

Putin's speech in Moscow today was not limited to hammering Western religious and cultural doctrine.

But who can blame Putin going after the glaring weakness that is the "West"?

It's just too easy.

The ONLY "glaring weakness" I'm seeing here is that you're letting a man who is murdering the elderly and children in the Ukraine, and attempting a genocide on the Ukrainian people, lecture you on "Western morality".

Even worse, you allow people in the right wing media, lie to you with impunity. Your former President sexually assaults women, hires women for sex, has had to refund $122 million he STOLE from his supporters, and who separated children from the parents and then deported the parents.

You voted for this criminal and you DARE to say the weakness in the west is the "morality" of the left?????
If voters in the US who claim they are Christians would unite to end things like abortion, it would be done.

But instead, voters just sell outs to the Left instead.

And if the kids survive the genocidal mills of the abortion industry, the parents will send them to DNC controlled schools where the will be groomed and sterilized without them even knowing.

How do they 'sell out'? Is someone paying them?

The fact is that the vast majority of Americans think that abortion should be legal. Perhaps they believe that abortion is a personal choice that should not be determined by government.

There are even some Christians that believe in the separation of church and state. Some of them even believe:

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

But I'm sure that a good Christian like yourself would never believe such silliness!

Of course you really shouldn't worry, because if American kids get sent to 'DNC Controlled Schools where they will be...sterilized..."

Then abortion would be a moot issue, right?

BTW - Do you realize how stupid you sound?
The ONLY "glaring weakness" I'm seeing here is that you're letting a man who is murdering the elderly and children in the Ukraine, and attempting a genocide on the Ukrainian people, lecture you on "Western morality".

Even worse, you allow people in the right wing media, lie to you with impunity. Your former President sexually assaults women, hires women for sex, has had to refund $122 million he STOLE from his supporters, and who separated children from the parents and then deported the parents.

You voted for this criminal and you DARE to say the weakness in the west is the "morality" of the left?????
Well the left's plan is less God, more taxes. I'm sure that that is the key to a healthy society and that everything will work out just great. In fact, we should censor anyone who doesn't want to be taxed more or disagrees with the expanding government in any way. After we finally get rid of prisons and get more clean needle exchange sites and we are on our way.

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