Putin now the most powerful man in the world...thanks Comrade...

It's odd that a U.S. news cable source would claim that Putin is the most powerful man in the world a couple of months after the most powerful man in the world was elected President. Maybe CNN is on the Russian payroll or maybe the angry incoherent left has gone plumb crazy.
It's odd that a U.S. news cable source would claim that Putin is the most powerful man in the world a couple of months after the most powerful man in the world was elected President. Maybe CNN is on the Russian payroll or maybe the angry incoherent left has gone plumb crazy.

Russia has not had an election in a long time and drumpf is an international joke.
If CNN's claim is correct you have to consider that Donald Trump has been president for less than two months. It's obvious that the political perspective of the radical crazy left doesn't go back much further than the Hollywood Academy awards a couple of weeks ago but surely they must remember Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama. He was president for the last eight years during the time CNN alleges that Putin "became the most powerful man in the world".
He's owns drumpf. No doubt about that.

In fact, that's why the RWNJ traitors voted for the little orange twitler.

I wonder if we will ever find out just how much drumpf is into Pooting for.

Still trying to figure out how Trump is Vlad's puppet beefing up NATO's defense systems but obie was tough with him after the Ukrain and a reset button and saying he could be more flexible after his election.

Can anyone explain that to me?
remember the 80's when we thought Arnold Scharznanugger was the most powerful terminator in the world?
The comical news network trying to make news where there isn't any and divide and scare the country at the same time. Shame on them.
Still trying to figure out how Trump is Vlad's puppet beefing up NATO's defense systems but obie was tough with him after the Ukrain and a reset button and saying he could be more flexible after his election.

Can anyone explain that to me?
Of course not. Hacks possess zero logic

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