Putin played TRUMP

That's just a plain fact, asshole. Just take his position on the boarder. Progs like you went on the warpath because of that.

Damn I am embarrassed for you.

Trump is not a conservitive. Or a liberal. He is a narcissistic sociopath who views people as objects. Including you.

Damn I am embarrassed for you.

Trump is not a conservitive. Or a liberal. He is a narcissistic sociopath who views people as objects. Including you.
Even if so, he's more a conservative than every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge. You keep claiming he's not conservative, but you post your usual number of facts to support it; none.
Even if so, he's more a conservative than every Republican president since Calvin Coolidge.

I liked when he said we should take guns away without due process, then he banned bump stocks unilaterally.

Boy were you guys confused. You didn't know whether to wipe your asses with the made in China MAGAhats or to place them on the Sunday altar.

But the cultism won. As always.

I liked when he said we should take guns away without due process, then he banned bump stocks unilaterally.

Boy were you guys confused. You didn't know whether to wipe your asses with the made in China MAGAhats or to place them on the Sunday altar.

But the cultism won. As always.
I don't recall him saying that. Can you quote him? Banning bump stocks? Is that all you got?
Trump is butthurt because his friend Vlad dissapointed him when he invaded Ukraine.

"Wouldn't happen if I was POTUS"!

"He's changed"!

No fuckhead. Putin had your number, knows you are a fool & would have done the same thing if you didn't get your ass beat, idiot.

Next time, do your homework & now, bye bye Trump Tower.
Trump is butthurt because his friend Vlad dissapointed him when he invaded Ukraine.

"Wouldn't happen if I was POTUS"!

"He's changed"!

No fuckhead. Putin had your number, knows you are a fool & would have done the same thing if you didn't get your ass beat, idiot.

Next time, do your homework & now, bye bye Trump Tower.
Explain why Putin didn’t invade Ukraine between Jan 2017 and Jan 2021, Dumbass.
I don't recall him saying that.
Of course you don't. If you did hear it, your cult brain immediately rejected it as a coping mechanism. Or, you are just so steeped in the right-wing noise bubble that none of the paid Liars you slurp reported it to you. Either way, that's your problem.
Trump is butthurt because his friend Vlad dissapointed him when he invaded Ukraine.

"Wouldn't happen if I was POTUS"!

"He's changed"!

No fuckhead. Putin had your number, knows you are a fool & would have done the same thing if you didn't get your ass beat, idiot.

Next time, do your homework & now, bye bye Trump Tower.
your dribble makes no sense
why did putin invade countries before Trump enter the white house and when Trump left Putin started invading countries?
Explain why Putin didn’t invade Ukraine between Jan 2017 and Jan 2021, Dumbass.
Why don't we ask Trump if it was worth it for him to throw our intel agencies under the bus for the whole world to see for the same guy who is now slaughtering thousands of civilians including women, children & even infants. The same madman who is bombing maternity hospitals. Oh, remember how you guys defended your boy after the fiasco in Helsinki?

"Wouldn't happen if I was in"!

"He's changed"!

Keep right on believing that Donny.
Why don't we ask Trump if it was worth it for him to throw our intel agencies under the bus for the whole world to see for the same guy who is now slaughtering thousands of civilians including women, children & even infants. The same madman who is bombing maternity hospitals. Oh, remember how you guys defended your boy after the fiasco in Helsinki?

"Wouldn't happen if I was in"!

"He's changed"!

Keep right on believing that Donny.
So you have nothing.

Your whining and crying about Trump means nothing.

Lets see your evidence to support your claim, Dumbass.

Why don't we ask Trump if it was worth it for him to throw our intel agencies under the bus for the whole world to see for the same guy who is now slaughtering thousands of civilians including women, children & even infants. The same madman who is bombing maternity hospitals. Oh, remember how you guys defended your boy after the fiasco in Helsinki?

"Wouldn't happen if I was in"!

"He's changed"!

Keep right on believing that Donny.
that makes no sense
Here are the facts
Putin invaded countries before Trump took office, stopped while Trump was president
Started back invading countries when Trump left office.

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