Putin played TRUMP

Trump is butthurt because his friend Vlad dissapointed him when he invaded Ukraine.

"Wouldn't happen if I was POTUS"!

"He's changed"!

No fuckhead. Putin had your number, knows you are a fool & would have done the same thing if you didn't get your ass beat, idiot.

Next time, do your homework & now, bye bye Trump Tower.
Is anything you post ever true?

You're a waste of skin.
Of course you don't. If you did hear it, your cult brain immediately rejected it as a coping mechanism. Or, you are just so steeped in the right-wing noise bubble that none of the paid Liars you slurp reported it to you. Either way, that's your problem.
Nice weasel.

The bottom line is that you can't quote him saying that.

Did you imagine we wouldn't notice?
Saying what?

"Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early,..."

Saying something like that?
You don't recognize hyperbole when you see it, do you?

On problem with progs is that you have to talk to them like they are retarded.
You don't recognize hyperbole when you see it, do you?
I do not think you know what that word means. But that ain't it. And spare me anyway.

But I do thank you for the classical display of thebcultism.

"It didn't happen dickwad! He didn't say that!"

(Gets shown quote)

"He said it, but he didn't mean it!"

Just so predictable and embarrassing.
your dribble makes no sense
why did putin invade countries before Trump enter the white house and when Trump left Putin started invading countries?
John Bolton knows why

There's no evidence of that in this forum.
Moron, whats this?
No dummy, Trump was about Trump, if science went along with that fine, but it went out the window as soon as it contradicted his politico talking points.

This idiot actually drew on official weather forecast maps, because he wanted local political play in Alabama.


And who can forget his lies about Covid being flu-like and constant insistance about it "magically disapearing".
Here are the facts
Putin invaded countries before Trump took office, stopped while Trump was president
Started back invading countries when Trump left office.
So what? It means Putin should have invaded when he had a cohort in the White House who shares in Putin’s belief that democratic institutions don’t work and lead to depravity and leads to a nation of weak people.

When are you enlisting to fight in Biden's war?f

When are you enlisting to go help Putin with his genocide to cleanse the world of liberal democracy.
So what? It means Putin should have invaded when he had a cohort in the White House who shares in Putin’s belief that democratic institutions don’t work and lead to depravity and leads to a nation of weak people.

When are you enlisting to go help Putin with his genocide to cleanse the world of liberal democracy.
C'mon drama queen, lighten up. You are high on propaganda.
Putin didn’t invade during President Trump.

How mentally broken can you be to make yourself do these mental gymnastics in order to claim that Putin’s war is more President Trump’s fault than Biden’s.

You are quite insane.
Trump thought Russia deserved the Crimea peninsula.

June 14 2018
President Donald Trump told G7 leaders that Crimea is Russian because everyone who lives there speaks Russian.
Trump made the remarks over dinner last Friday during a discussion on foreign affairs at the G7 summit in Quebec, Canada.

During the dinner, Trump also seemed to question why the G7 leaders were siding with Ukraine. The president told leaders that "Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world."

On the second day of the summit, Trump again called for Russia to rejoin the group, downplaying the country's invasion of Ukraine. "This used to be the G8, not the G7," Trump said. "Something happened a while ago where Russia is no longer in."

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