Putin´s "Russia"(Muscovy ) in numbers , spoiler : "Nigeria with snow"

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This anonymous creature with the purser Litwin several years ago on the forums tried to be adequate.
But then it returned to its normal condition- genetic garbage.
It was eating in the USSR at the expense of the people, It never worked, as parents give money . Then it emigrated, but did not find a good job.
In the Russian language, which perfectly knows this creature, an appeal to such can only be in the 3rd person singular - IT.
Such a creature likes to climb on scraps, whip on it back, submission and money. Give ... and it will grunt America, China, Africa and penguins in Antarctica with grunting. Debating with this shit means that you become not his level.

It's good that this creature Litwin calls Russia - Muscovy and creates messages in the Asia section.
This means that it is angry! , which is proof of the loss.
The more fusses get angry, the better ..
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Good bye ulus juchi

"Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko says top clerics in the Orthodox Church are now ready to grant independence to the Kiev Church, defying Moscow.

If the Constantinople Patriarch, Bartholomew, grants Kiev autocephaly (independence) he will be recognising its split with the Moscow Patriarchate.

On Friday Russia's Patriarch Kirill met Bartholomew in Istanbul. They did not resolve the Kiev Church's status.

Russia sees Kiev as the historic cradle of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, a staunch ally of Patriarch Kirill, is bitterly opposed to President Poroshenko. There is a tense standoff in eastern Ukraine between Ukrainian government troops and Russian-backed rebels.

In a tweet on Monday Mr Poroshenko said Bartholomew's Ecumenical Patriarchate had "decided that, without taking account of Moscow's opinion, it can give all states the right to establish a local church.

"And first of all it is the right for Ukraine to set up a Local Congregation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Church split fuels Russia-Ukraine tension
"I killed my first "Russian" at the age of sixteen."


The two suspects in the Salisbury nerve agent attack will be caught and prosecuted if they ever step out of Russia, the home secretary has warned.

Sajid Javid, however, did acknowledge "the reality is we will probably never see them in the UK".

He told the BBC the pair, thought to be from Russia's military intelligence service, the GRU, were acting on orders from the "highest level" in Moscow.

Ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned in March.

The suspects are understood to have travelled to the UK from Moscow on 2 March on Russian passports, under the aliases Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov.

Two days later, police say they sprayed the nerve agent, Novichok, on the front door of Mr Skripal's home in the Wiltshire city of Salisbury, before travelling home to Russia later that day.

Leave Russia and we'll get you, pair told
"The spiritual head of the worldwide Orthodox Church has hosted Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill for talks on Ukraine's bid to split from the Russian church, a move strongly opposed by Moscow.

The meeting was hosted on August 31 by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, who is also known as the Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome, and the Ecumenical Patriarch. Bartholomew is regarded as the "first among equals" of the world's estimated 300 million Orthodox Christian believers.

He is expected to rule in coming months on a Ukrainian appeal to cut spiritual ties with Moscow. But Kirill, who has strong connections with the Kremlin and is seen as an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, is determined to prevent this from happening.

The church's decision is being made after four years of conflict between Kyiv and Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine that has killed more than 10,300 people and prompted many Ukrainians to turn away from the Moscow church.

The Metropolitan Emmanuel of France, who was present at the meeting between Bartholomew and Kirill, said afterwards that the main question they discussed was the "situation in Ukraine."

Emmanuel said that Bartholomew informed Kirill that he decided in April to begin "exploring all the ways in order to issue the autocephaly to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church."


Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome gives Ukraine (Rus´) Orthodox church back its independence from Muscovit Mongol Juchi church . Great NEWS, teehe nest step will be Belarus i Ukraine for sure. comments?


Good bye semi - islamic Mongols Juchi
"We are implementing already this decision, and this was also reported to Patriarch Kirill," Emmanuel said."
The two suspects in the Salisbury nerve agent attack will be caught and prosecuted if they ever step out of Russia, the home secretary has warned.

Sajid Javid, however, did acknowledge "the reality is we will probably never see them in the UK".

He told the BBC the pair, thought to be from Russia's military intelligence service, the GRU, were acting on orders from the "highest level" in Moscow.

Ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned in March.

The suspects are understood to have travelled to the UK from Moscow on 2 March on Russian passports, under the aliases Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov.

Two days later, police say they sprayed the nerve agent, Novichok, on the front door of Mr Skripal's home in the Wiltshire city of Salisbury, before travelling home to Russia later that day.

Leave Russia and we'll get you, pair told

what do you think are they 2 GRU gays- swingers , who visited a little village just to be gang banged for 30 minutes or so ? when Simonyan asked about why they traveled together they said "Its a private information " LOL, the comments the best what i have seen for last 4 years . 5.31 they said "and we decided to finished off our business" ))) LOL such bums

GRU tries to hide behind a gay - version LOL
"FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE Salisbury Novichok ’assassins’ may be LOVERS who were on a trip to the UK during Skripal poisoning, Russian media claims"

Speculation over the nature of their relationship began when they were asked by Russian state TV station RT: "On the (CCTV) video you are shown always together. You were together, lived together, walked everywhere together. What does in fact connect you?”

Boshirov replied: "Let's not pry into our private lives.”

Interviewer 38 year old Margarita Simonyan - who is head of the Kremlin “propaganda” channel later said: “I do not know if they are gays or not.

“They are quite fashionable - with little beards, hair cuts, tight pants, sweaters tight over big biceps.
Bizarre claims about the alleged assassins today arose in Russia that the pair were actually in a relationship
“They did not harass me. Anyway I'm already out of the harassable age."

“Still, I poured them cognac for courage.

“During the interview I told them that the world least of all worries with the question if they slept in one bed or not."

The pair suggested they were ordinary tourists wanting to see - among other sights - Salisbury cathedral and Stonehenge.

They spoke with the Kremlin's propaganda-machine Russia Today on Wednesday in yet another attempt by Vladimir Putin's regime to obscure the narrative surrounding the incident."

GRU tries to hide behind a gay - version LOL
"FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE Salisbury Novichok ’assassins’ may be LOVERS who were on a trip to the UK during Skripal poisoning, Russian media claims"

Speculation over the nature of their relationship began when they were asked by Russian state TV station RT: "On the (CCTV) video you are shown always together. You were together, lived together, walked everywhere together. What does in fact connect you?”

Boshirov replied: "Let's not pry into our private lives.”

Interviewer 38 year old Margarita Simonyan - who is head of the Kremlin “propaganda” channel later said: “I do not know if they are gays or not.

“They are quite fashionable - with little beards, hair cuts, tight pants, sweaters tight over big biceps.
Bizarre claims about the alleged assassins today arose in Russia that the pair were actually in a relationship
“They did not harass me. Anyway I'm already out of the harassable age."

“Still, I poured them cognac for courage.

“During the interview I told them that the world least of all worries with the question if they slept in one bed or not."

The pair suggested they were ordinary tourists wanting to see - among other sights - Salisbury cathedral and Stonehenge.

They spoke with the Kremlin's propaganda-machine Russia Today on Wednesday in yet another attempt by Vladimir Putin's regime to obscure the narrative surrounding the incident."




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