Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Watch and discuss in light of the recent terrorist attacks

This is Putin answering questions regarding ISIS from a US journalist at the Valdai International Discussion Club in late 2014.

Also at the Valdai International Discussion Club Putin asked Western "leaders" a good question: "How do you differ terrorists and so to say 'moderate' terrorists? Do 'moderate' terrorists cut the people's heads in a more 'moderate way' or what?"
ISIS is an idea buried deep within Islam. Without strongmen to suppress it, out it comes. You can kill the men but you cannot kill the idea.
Obummer has won friends and influenced our enemies the world over. We will wind up with what we have coming. Frankly, I'm surprised someone hasn't blown our country to bits by now. Not that I'd to see that, it's simply what we have due us thanks to our illustrious leader, his charming personality, and genius tactics.
Obummer has won friends and influenced our enemies the world over. We will wind up with what we have coming. Frankly, I'm surprised someone hasn't blown our country to bits by now. Not that I'd to see that, it's simply what we have due us thanks to our illustrious leader, his charming personality, and genius tactics.
We are of not much interest to them yet. They have other fish to fry,
ISIS was created after Obama switched sides. He was arming them through the Benghazi Consulate
ISIS was created after Obama switched sides. He was arming them through the Benghazi Consulate

Bush destabilized the entire Middle East. Perhaps you should let go of the Obama derangement syndrome.

It is a lot of things Frank. But it isn't funny.
ISIS was created after Obama switched sides. He was arming them through the Benghazi Consulate

Bush destabilized the entire Middle East. Perhaps you should let go of the Obama derangement syndrome.

It is a lot of things Frank. But it isn't funny.

I loathe Bush, the entire family belongs down in Dante's 9th Circle, with Judas and Brutus, but the fact is that when he left the Presidency, Iraq was stable and safe. I'm not a Party loving psychotic.

"Raider" Brigade takes over Ramadi[edit]
In January 2007, the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, on its third tour to Iraq, arrived in Ramadi and assumed responsibility from Macfarland's brigade on February 18 at a transfer ceremony at Camp Ramadi. During the ceremony, which was attended by Sheikh Sattar, MacFarland said that his brigade had lost 86 soldiers, sailors and Marines during the 8 month campaign (though the Brigade had spent a total of nearly 17 months in Iraq).[43][44]

In January 2007, Ramadi averaged approximately 35 enemy attacks on US forces per day. Following heavy fighting over an 8-week campaign, which was led by a Task Force commanded by 1st Brigade, 3rd ID, also known as Task Force Raider, attacks in the brigade's area of operations dropped to one or two per day within the city of Ramadi. In the early months of 2007, 3-69 Armor Battalion, in conjunction with two Marine Battalions, along with TF PathFinder was largely responsible for securing Southern and Central Ramadi. By August 2007, Ramadi had gone 80 consecutive days without a single attack on US forces and the 1st BDE, 3rd ID commander commander, Colonel John Charlton, stated, "...al-Qaida is defeated in Al Anbar". However, despite 1-3 ID's effectiveness, insurgents continued to launch attacks on Ramadi and the surrounding areas in the weeks and months to follow. On June 30, 2007, a group of between 50 and 60 insurgents attempting to infiltrate Ramadi were intercepted and destroyed, following a tip from Iraqi Police officers. The insurgents were intercepted by elements of the 1st Battalion, 77th Armor on 30 June 2007 and on 1 July 2007 they were destroyed by elements of Bravo company, 2nd Squad, 1st platoon, 1-18 Infantry Regiment. 1-18 operated out of the Ta'Meem district of Ramadi's western sector. North of Ramadi, elements of 3-69 Armor, whose headquarters had been moved north of Ramadi, engaged elements of al-Qaeda in Iraq who had taken refuge in rural areas north of the city. After several counter-insurgency operations, 3-69 AR Battalion effectively removed Al Qaeda in Iraq from the greater Anbar province. By March 2008, Ramadi, Iraq had become a vastly safer city than it had been only a year before and the number of enemy attacks in the city had fallen drastically. Years later, by mid 2012, Ramadi remained far safer than it had been since 2003.[45][46][47]"

Battle of Ramadi (2006) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


This was the Iraq that Obama inherited.

Obama decided to throw Iraq to the wolves and abandon the nation to ISIS and AQ. It would be like saying, "there's been no attempts on Obama or Biden, let's withdraw their Secret Service details" More cynical people, myself included, don't think this was an accident but was because Obama switched sides in the war


this is Obama's Iraq
frank, if you actually loathed bush you'd lose the obama derangement and acknowledge bush's failures. if 9/11 had happened on this president's watch, the right would be in meltdown beyond meltdown. hopefully, G-d willing, we never find out.
bush created ISIS when he destabilized the mid-east

Well said, for a simple minded partisan hack.
ISIS got there start in a largely ungoverned part of Syria during the Arab Spring. Not Iraq. Had the current administration ( that would be Obama ) not gotten involved in that conflict, Syria, much like Iran, would have prevailed. And in a timely manner, thus preventing the human tidal wave of third world arab muslim shithole arriving daily on the shores of Europe..

And keep in mind, this came after the Obama administration stupidly turned Libya into a gigantic shit stain, also creating a human tidal wave of third world arab muslim shithole arriving on Europe's shores daily.

Just saying.
When we started arming training and supporting the mujahideen in Afghanistan against the soviets in the proxy war, that was the seed of al qaeda and the taliban. In addition invading and destabilizing the region with the iraq fiasco and originally calling it operation crusading freedom didn't help with the history of the crusades .Now the world is dealing with its child , ISIL. Nothing happens in a vacuum
Ronald Reagan and the Bush family made Bin Laden. His mujahideen was the beginning of Al Qaeda and ISIS is simply AQ's child. You'll notice the terrorists are in their 20's now. It's simply the next generation of the same thing now taking hold while the older guys in their late 40's and early 50's are in semi-retirement, leading from behind by funding terror cells.

There was no AQ in Iraq until George W. Bush broke the place and ushered them in by disbanding the Iraqi army, despite being given advice to the contrary by just about everyone. Had he not disbanded the army, AQ in Iraq would've been held at bay, and disenfranchised former army guys would never have joined them or gone on to form ISIS.

Chickenhawk Republicans will always have to wear this one. They created this Frankenstein in order to justify their glut of military spending, which serves their corporate overlords' motives. Obama is simply a janitor having to mop-up after them.
Ronald Reagan and the Bush family made Bin Laden. His mujahideen was the beginning of Al Qaeda and ISIS is simply AQ's child. You'll notice the terrorists are in their 20's now. It's simply the next generation of the same thing now taking hold while the older guys in their late 40's and early 50's are in semi-retirement, leading from behind by funding terror cells.

There was no AQ in Iraq until George W. Bush broke the place and ushered them in by disbanding the Iraqi army, despite being given advice to the contrary by just about everyone. Had he not disbanded the army, AQ in Iraq would've been held at bay, and disenfranchised former army guys would never have joined them or gone on to form ISIS.

Chickenhawk Republicans will always have to wear this one. They created this Frankenstein in order to justify their glut of military spending, which serves their corporate overlords' motives. Obama is simply a janitor having to mop-up after them.
It was during both the Carter and Reagan administrations and speed up during Reagan's term

After Ronald Reagan was elected in 1981, U.S. funding of the mujahideen increased significantly and CIA Paramilitary Officers played a big role in training, arming and sometimes even leading mujahideen forces

During in the 1970s, when the Russia was the biggest threat to America and radical Islam was not as a concern of the USA’s, the USA began funding and training Islamic militants to fight our Russian enemies in Afghanistan.

These militants, known as the mujahideen would rebel the Russians out of Afghanistan and later become the Taliban, Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.

One of the most prominent members of he mujahideen was a wealthy son of a Saudi Arabian businessman named Osama Bin Laden.

National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski visited Afghanistan in 1979 and met with Bin Laden and even took a picture with him. Brzezinski would tell the mujahideen

"We know of their deep belief in God, and we are confident their struggle will succeed. That land over there is yours, you’ll go back to it one day because your fight will prevail, and you’ll have your homes and your mosques back again. Because your cause is right and God is on your side."

How The CIA Helped Create Osama Bin Laden
frank, if you actually loathed bush you'd lose the obama derangement and acknowledge bush's failures. if 9/11 had happened on this president's watch, the right would be in meltdown beyond meltdown. hopefully, G-d willing, we never find out.

Jilly you're support of all things Obama is delusional.

I've said Bush was a scumbag, his Dad tried to kill Reagan and Bush's CIA was behind 911. Not sure what you're looking for but being critical of your Boi King Obama does not make me a bush supporter

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