Putin tells world Why AMERICA MUST GO!

You are fine with Obama giving Billions to Terrorists staging Coups and assassinating People and then sleeping in bed with Russia and trying to rig our election with Putin’s help Now weren’t you COMRADE?
I think the American Empire as we know it today, must go. Our Founding Fathers warned against 'Empire-Building.' We're starting too many wars and meddling in too many nations' affairs. Putin makes some valid points. It's time to scale things back. Time to come home.
You are fine with being as big a liar as the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
You are fine with Obama giving Billions to Terrorists staging Coups and assassinating People and then sleeping in bed with Russia and trying to rig our election with Putin’s help Now weren’t you COMRADE?
I think the American Empire as we know it today, must go. Our Founding Fathers warned against 'Empire-Building.' We're starting too many wars and meddling in too many nations' affairs. Putin makes some valid points. It's time to scale things back. Time to come home.
You are fine with being as big a liar as the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
Putin just parrots whatever Lying Trump says.

What a surprise. Not.
Putin just parrots whatever Lying Trump says.
Bwaaahhhaaaaahhhhaaaa.. Last month it was President Trump the puppet of Putin...Damn guys, you just keep changing the narrative, but it still doesn't work. Stay on the losing train, you fucking moron, the rest of US are winning all the way to the bank.
Here is something I find interesting.

But but, Russia Collusion and Putin loves Trump? How can Putin hate America and want to see it go, if there is such comradery between the 2 world leaders..

Trump is Putin's biggest tool to aid in the destruction of America. You, Andoranjim, are just one of his little tools.

Trump is Putin's biggest tool to aid in the destruction of America. You, Andoranjim, are just one of his little tools.
Funny that you say that , she would bleeds in many places. I remember distinctly someone who in 2008 said he wanted to Fundamentally Transform America. Now if our country is so great, why would the mother fucking Nigga, want to turn this country into a 3rd world shithole? talk about a tool, and a fool, it is you, oh bleeding one...

Putin's right on some of his assessments. America and its Western allies are out of control. They're invading and killing with impunity these days. There probably does need to be a counter-weight. There needs to be some balance. I think that's what Russia, China, and others are working on. If Russia and China can get a nation like India to join a counter-weight alliance, i think that would slow the US /West aggression around the world.

I feel that such an alliance would force the US to end its 'Empire-Building.' And I'd actually like to see that. All Empires fall. Our Founding Fathers fully understood that. They themselves played a big role in starting the British Empire's decline. It's time for us to end all the wars and meddling. It's time for change.

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