Putin's War

Remember this?

Another anti-American. Are you a paid Russian propagandist?
You, Fascist Breath, are not that bright. A typical example of an anti-American would be an anti-christian, because the religion is the world's leader for producing atheists. Your platinum belongs with JoeXi'x candidal fungal growth, in a Washington sewer.
Most disgusting is the average dumbed-down American automaton, fucked up on its system's capitalist values, a system whose schizophrenic-like process constantly sets, then repels, its own limits. Profoundly illiterate, and writing's not its thing.

From Putins Federal Assembly address, 2019 Feb 20:
"Soedinennye U.S. priamo i grubo narushili pravila dogovora RSMD, rakety u nikh v Rumynii davno.
The U.S. directly and crudely violated the rules of the INF agreement, they have had missiles in Romania for a long time.

Rossii ne namerena pervoi razmeshchat' rakety v Evrope.
Russia doesn't intend to deploy new missiles in Europe first.

Esli SShA deistvitel'no sobiraiutsia razmeshchat' rakety evropeiskom kontinente, to eto obostrit mezhdunaronuiu obstankovku i sozdast real'nuiu opasnost' dlia Rossii, tak kak budit rakety s 10-12 minutnoi Vremia poleta do Moskvy.
If the U.S. is really going to deploy missiles on the European continent, it will exacerbate the international situation and create a genuine danger for Russia, as there will be missiles with a 10-12-minute flight time to Moscow."

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