Q:How badly is govt-sponsored education failing? A: A significant number are voting for a socialist!

I'm still waiting to hear what property rights are being taken away .
Tyler Morning Telegraph - EPA's rules destroy our property rights

not that you care, but the epa has been taken to court and ignored court orders to stop harassing people.

but as long as it's the tyranny you want, it's all good

Sure u have to keep on agencies to watch what they do . But EPA does more good than harm.

How about our property rights to clean air and water ? Big biz will destroy those things if left unchecked . Not a theory , we've seen it happen.

When I was a kid, you wouldn't dare swim in the harbor . Now u can and I like it that way .
so you admit that our rights, our property rights have been taken away.

but b/c you can't just say it's true, and admit you were wrong, you have to change the subject.


No they haven't been "taken away". How about a real example . This blurb is non sense :

It's about as far from the American ideal as one can get. One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. Thischaracteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.
so you are a complete fool.

look, I've tried to teach leftist before, given you morons link after link, but you refuse to learn.

take the time and look it up yourself, the epa has over reached their authority, the Fed gov has over reached, and before you start crying that I'm bitching now, I've been bitching for a long long time.
so you are a complete fool.

One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. Thischaracteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.

A complete fool is someone who looks at the above and his only answer is "So you're a complete fool."

If you can't answer it, just say so.
The kids should also be taught that those so called founding fathers who owned slaves were indeed NOT great men or leaders.
That's the point, education is no longer about facts but pushing an agenda. Schools have no business telling kids who's great or not and it's especially appalling when you use post modern morality with zero historical context. You must be a byproduct of public ed.

First of all, have you conducted a survey of every school nationwide, or are you just making generalizations based on the fact that you hated school? If the former, I'm sure you have the data to prove your assertion.

Secondly, schools can't mention the Founding Fathers at all? How would that work, exactly?
I never said I hated school, ass stain. I never said they couldn't or shouldn't mention the founders, you couldn't understand a simple point. I'm sure you can prove you aren't a worthless sack of shit. Post your data and I'll post mine.

I'm not the one claiming I know what's going on in every school in the country. Not surprisingly, all you have is uneducated opinion and name-calling.
I didn't say I went in every school ass stain, you can't read. You never get anything right. Are you even employed? who would hire you? I've worked in many schools and am friends with teachers and know many parents, it isn't a quirky school somewhere. There are way too many districts and they are designed to keep slackers very well paid. Don't project your total ignorance onto others.
The kids should also be taught that those so called founding fathers who owned slaves were indeed NOT great men or leaders.
That's the point, education is no longer about facts but pushing an agenda. Schools have no business telling kids who's great or not and it's especially appalling when you use post modern morality with zero historical context. You must be a byproduct of public ed.

First of all, have you conducted a survey of every school nationwide, or are you just making generalizations based on the fact that you hated school? If the former, I'm sure you have the data to prove your assertion.

Secondly, schools can't mention the Founding Fathers at all? How would that work, exactly?
I never said I hated school, ass stain. I never said they couldn't or shouldn't mention the founders, you couldn't understand a simple point. I'm sure you can prove you aren't a worthless sack of shit. Post your data and I'll post mine.

I'm not the one claiming I know what's going on in every school in the country. Not surprisingly, all you have is uneducated opinion and name-calling.
I didn't say I went in every school.

And yet you presume to make statements about all of them.
That's the point, education is no longer about facts but pushing an agenda. Schools have no business telling kids who's great or not and it's especially appalling when you use post modern morality with zero historical context. You must be a byproduct of public ed.

First of all, have you conducted a survey of every school nationwide, or are you just making generalizations based on the fact that you hated school? If the former, I'm sure you have the data to prove your assertion.

Secondly, schools can't mention the Founding Fathers at all? How would that work, exactly?
I never said I hated school, ass stain. I never said they couldn't or shouldn't mention the founders, you couldn't understand a simple point. I'm sure you can prove you aren't a worthless sack of shit. Post your data and I'll post mine.

I'm not the one claiming I know what's going on in every school in the country. Not surprisingly, all you have is uneducated opinion and name-calling.
I didn't say I went in every school.

And yet you presume to make statements about all of them.
I have this thing over here called a TV. You should get one. When everything points to the same direction most of us can put it together. You must flip burgers for a living IF you work at all.
Government education is not failing, its working as planned.

Our schools manufacture hopeless, helpless functional illiterates (Democrats) whose highest aspiration falls somewhere between unemployment or minimum wage.

We need to reform our educational system - to death if necessary
The kids should also be taught that those so called founding fathers who owned slaves were indeed NOT great men or leaders.
That's the point, education is no longer about facts but pushing an agenda. Schools have no business telling kids who's great or not and it's especially appalling when you use post modern morality with zero historical context. You must be a byproduct of public ed.

First of all, have you conducted a survey of every school nationwide, or are you just making generalizations based on the fact that you hated school? If the former, I'm sure you have the data to prove your assertion.

Secondly, schools can't mention the Founding Fathers at all? How would that work, exactly?
I never said I hated school, ass stain. I never said they couldn't or shouldn't mention the founders, you couldn't understand a simple point. I'm sure you can prove you aren't a worthless sack of shit. Post your data and I'll post mine.

I'm not the one claiming I know what's going on in every school in the country. Not surprisingly, all you have is uneducated opinion and name-calling.
I didn't say I went in every school ass stain, you can't read. You never get anything right. Are you even employed? who would hire you? I've worked in many schools and am friends with teachers and know many parents, it isn't a quirky school somewhere.

There are way too many districts and they are designed to keep slackers very well paid. Don't project your total ignorance onto others.

Don't post nonsense like that and demand to be taken seriously.
That's the point, education is no longer about facts but pushing an agenda. Schools have no business telling kids who's great or not and it's especially appalling when you use post modern morality with zero historical context. You must be a byproduct of public ed.

First of all, have you conducted a survey of every school nationwide, or are you just making generalizations based on the fact that you hated school? If the former, I'm sure you have the data to prove your assertion.

Secondly, schools can't mention the Founding Fathers at all? How would that work, exactly?
I never said I hated school, ass stain. I never said they couldn't or shouldn't mention the founders, you couldn't understand a simple point. I'm sure you can prove you aren't a worthless sack of shit. Post your data and I'll post mine.

I'm not the one claiming I know what's going on in every school in the country. Not surprisingly, all you have is uneducated opinion and name-calling.
I didn't say I went in every school ass stain, you can't read. You never get anything right. Are you even employed? who would hire you? I've worked in many schools and am friends with teachers and know many parents, it isn't a quirky school somewhere.

There are way too many districts and they are designed to keep slackers very well paid. Don't project your total ignorance onto others.

Don't post nonsense like that and demand to be taken seriously.
I didn't make any demands. Don't say retarded things and expect to be taken seriously. Sorry if public ed crippled you, but you're in good company.
First of all, have you conducted a survey of every school nationwide, or are you just making generalizations based on the fact that you hated school? If the former, I'm sure you have the data to prove your assertion.

Secondly, schools can't mention the Founding Fathers at all? How would that work, exactly?
I never said I hated school, ass stain. I never said they couldn't or shouldn't mention the founders, you couldn't understand a simple point. I'm sure you can prove you aren't a worthless sack of shit. Post your data and I'll post mine.

I'm not the one claiming I know what's going on in every school in the country. Not surprisingly, all you have is uneducated opinion and name-calling.
I didn't say I went in every school.

And yet you presume to make statements about all of them.
I have this thing over here called a TV.

That's nice.
You might wonder why Progressives are happy about the destruction of our educational system. Who wants generations of hopeless children? Remember, progs start with a disdain and genuine hatred for people, they are the most ruthless coldblooded people on the planet. So what if kids can't read or write or get a job, they can vote for more government and anyway it's Boooooosh's fault, remember
You might wonder why Progressives are happy about the destruction of our educational system. Who wants generations of hopeless children? Remember, progs start with a disdain and genuine hatred for people, they are the most ruthless coldblooded people on the planet. So what if kids can't read or write or get a job, they can vote for more government and anyway it's Boooooosh's fault, remember

Lot of words, no facts. Frankly, seeing the percentage of RWs just on this board who can't spell, write a coherent sentence, or formulate a coherent thought makes me very sad.

It would be interesting to start a poll RE: how many of you went to public schools, how many to private schools, and how many were homeschooled, but another thing I've noticed is the propensity for mendacity among this population cohort, so I'm skeptical of the validity of the research.
The idiots and crybabies who whine about more testing and accountability are the people hurting education. Most teachers are preety good. But when they have to deal with screwed up kids its their fault the kid struggles. Easy scapegoats. For the pittance they get paid for all that stress I can't figure out why anyone would put up with that job for the low wage. And if you are one of those crybabies, then step up, sacrifice your paycheck for a much smaller one, and become a teacher and help fix it.
All the winner countries are socialist . And that includes the USA .
so the ussr was a winner
Ven was a winner
Greece was a winner
china is a winner
NK is a winner

Original EU, Canada, OZ, NZ- NOT 3rd world or communist, brainwashed functional moron.
The eu is in deep debt, deep deep debt.
Greece is not 3rd world
the USSR, china, NK only have a hairs breath difference from what you demand

And Ven was your poster child, but due to it's size, the end result, that we warned you about, came quickly, as it will everywhere.
They're in debt because your greedy idiot GOP wrecked the world, dupe. You are out of your mind. Fairness is hardly totalitarian, you mindless moron.
Looks like it's time to trot out the old Republican reliable, "Socialism leads to communism.," Sure it has been used a lot and is probably not as effective as in the beginning when some people thought their Social Security checks came from the Soviet Union, but it must still have some impact.
Only with brainwashed, ignorant functional morons/cold war dinosaurs. Time to educate some fools who can still learn...
First of all, have you conducted a survey of every school nationwide, or are you just making generalizations based on the fact that you hated school? If the former, I'm sure you have the data to prove your assertion.

Secondly, schools can't mention the Founding Fathers at all? How would that work, exactly?
I never said I hated school, ass stain. I never said they couldn't or shouldn't mention the founders, you couldn't understand a simple point. I'm sure you can prove you aren't a worthless sack of shit. Post your data and I'll post mine.

I'm not the one claiming I know what's going on in every school in the country. Not surprisingly, all you have is uneducated opinion and name-calling.
I didn't say I went in every school ass stain, you can't read. You never get anything right. Are you even employed? who would hire you? I've worked in many schools and am friends with teachers and know many parents, it isn't a quirky school somewhere.

There are way too many districts and they are designed to keep slackers very well paid. Don't project your total ignorance onto others.

Don't post nonsense like that and demand to be taken seriously.
I didn't make any demands. Don't say retarded things and expect to be taken seriously. Sorry if public ed crippled you, but you're in good company.

Whatever made you an illogical dope isn't my fault.
If I come up with a good idea that takes off and makes millions and hires millions, I don't want the government to take it over and tell me how I am going to run it for the welfare of the nation. Say I invented a car that runs on air. It's a great success, I become one of the 1%, and give greatly to charities I am fond of. I employ millions of people around the nation. You come to me an tell me that much of not most of my wealth is going to "the people," I'll leave the country, taking my manufacturing and jobs with it.

So how successful is socialism when you scare away the successful people?
I don't hear of any conservative candidates running to end public education.



A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)


How many countries have compulsory government education that are NOT totalitarian?


What individual liberty do you want that you don't have?
The thread is a croc. But I dofind it both funny and cool to see such a thing as a socialist who is gaining traction with millions of people. It drives the right wing far eighties crazy and that's even more hilarious than trump driving the left wing wackos. The whole election is comical and provides endless entertainment. And yes all the 5th grade teachers out there are indoctrinating our kids. Lmao.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute anything the OP said, so I'll try to make fun of it, call it names, pretend it's unimportant, and basically divert the subject.

Are you a product of socialism?
Looks like it's time to trot out the old Republican reliable, "Socialism leads to communism.," Sure it has been used a lot and is probably not as effective as in the beginning when some people thought their Social Security checks came from the Soviet Union, but it must still have some impact.
Only with brainwashed, ignorant functional morons/cold war dinosaurs. Time to educate some fools who can still learn...
If I come up with a good idea that takes off and makes millions and hires millions, I don't want the government to take it over and tell me how I am going to run it for the welfare of the nation. Say I invented a car that runs on air. It's a great success, I become one of the 1%, and give greatly to charities I am fond of. I employ millions of people around the nation. You come to me an tell me that much of not most of my wealth is going to "the people," I'll leave the country, taking my manufacturing and jobs with it.

So how successful is socialism when you scare away the successful people?
BS. Sanders wants a 52% upper tax rate. What this country needs is a healthy middle class with money to spend and everyone will do just fine. And the greedy idiot rich may stay out of hell...
If I come up with a good idea that takes off and makes millions and hires millions, I don't want the government to take it over and tell me how I am going to run it for the welfare of the nation. Say I invented a car that runs on air. It's a great success, I become one of the 1%, and give greatly to charities I am fond of. I employ millions of people around the nation. You come to me an tell me that much of not most of my wealth is going to "the people," I'll leave the country, taking my manufacturing and jobs with it.

So how successful is socialism when you scare away the successful people?

That's a new excuse. "Ordinarily I could be the next Bill Gates/Steve Jobs, but I can't be arsed to do a damn thing out of fear that the government would co-opt my concept, so I'll whine on a message board instead."

Can you show instances where that's happened, or is this just your "Coulda been a contender" speech?

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