Q:How badly is govt-sponsored education failing? A: A significant number are voting for a socialist!

I'm still waiting to hear what property rights are being taken away .
There is no better indication of the utter failure of the U.S. govt-sponsored educational system, than this: In a country that was founded on personal responsibility and charity, limited government, hard work and taking the consequences of your own success and failure, help from friends and family... a significant number of people are now voting for an admitted socialist (Bernie Sanders) and various other wannabees who won't admit they are socialists (Hillary, Bloomberg et. al.).

It's about as far from the American ideal as one can get. One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. This characteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.

Yet now we have a large number of people who simply listen to the sweet rhetoric of "Everyone will get an equal share, no one will be left behind, etc.", without any consideration that they will be getting equal shares of less and less.

The idea that they can now legally get stuff for free that other people worked to produce, is becoming the dominant factor in more and more people's lives. It's a far cry from the American ideal that government's job is to protect your rights, including the right to keep what you own. One of the main jobs of a socialist-style government, is to take things from people who have more and give them to those who have less.

The educational system has utterly failed to point out the disasters that have befallen nearly every country that has tried to live this way. As a result, we find ourselves on the ever-steepening slope to yet more disaster... with the wreckage of societies that have tried it before, all around us.

The only remaining question is:

Is this really a failure as I describe here? Or is it exactly what the people behind this downhill trend, intended all along?

Yes, the "logical" alternative is to vote for one of the Repug empty suits who are hopelessly bought and paid for by Wall Street, Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Pharma, etc.,

Them tea bagger rubes is the smart voters, I gotta admit.
Look at the leftist on this thread

They are gleefully stating that we are a socialist country.

Not a free country, but a country living under tyrants.

proof that our school system failed
You have no idea what socialism is. Get outside the BS RW bubble, dupe.
you leftist ass bags keep saying that

your lack of information makes you EXACTLY what leftist need, fucking dumb sheep that will gleefully give up every right b/c some con says you shouldn't.

I pity you and the person that has to remind you to breath
As expected, the liberals argue over whether their candidates are "socialist", while carefully avoiding the fact that the destruction of property rights they encourage leads to a gradual trend of less work by more and more people.


The kids should also be taught that those so called founding fathers who owned slaves were indeed NOT great men or leaders.
That's the point, education is no longer about facts but pushing an agenda. Schools have no business telling kids who's great or not and it's especially appalling when you use post modern morality with zero historical context. You must be a byproduct of public ed.
Some are so easily offended, I mean shallow and myopic as they think there is no school better than theirs. Its strictly a choice. My kids went to the public schools and got a first class education. Some insecure, myopic half wits could never conceive of the notion. Fact is the worst public schools in Finland would make our best private schools look terrible. That's a fact.
You forgot to mention how you know that. One gets the feeling you simply pull shit out of your ass to smear others.
Does any leftist miss being free or even care that it's gone?
What freedom did Dems end or keep going? We have more people in prison than anywhere, mainly because of draconian Pub Law and order bs. The war on drugs is a horrible mess. More treatment, let the potheads go....also DWI madness and lack of taxis, all kinds of nanny state bs has been GOP.
Looks like it's time to trot out the old Republican reliable, "Socialism leads to communism.," Sure it has been used a lot and is probably not as effective as in the beginning when some people thought their Social Security checks came from the Soviet Union, but it must still have some impact.
The kids should also be taught that those so called founding fathers who owned slaves were indeed NOT great men or leaders.
That's the point, education is no longer about facts but pushing an agenda. Schools have no business telling kids who's great or not and it's especially appalling when you use post modern morality with zero historical context. You must be a byproduct of public ed.

First of all, have you conducted a survey of every school nationwide, or are you just making generalizations based on the fact that you hated school? If the former, I'm sure you have the data to prove your assertion.

Secondly, schools can't mention the Founding Fathers at all? How would that work, exactly?
The kids should also be taught that those so called founding fathers who owned slaves were indeed NOT great men or leaders.
That's the point, education is no longer about facts but pushing an agenda. Schools have no business telling kids who's great or not and it's especially appalling when you use post modern morality with zero historical context. You must be a byproduct of public ed.

First of all, have you conducted a survey of every school nationwide, or are you just making generalizations based on the fact that you hated school? If the former, I'm sure you have the data to prove your assertion.

Secondly, schools can't mention the Founding Fathers at all? How would that work, exactly?
I never said I hated school, ass stain. I never said they couldn't or shouldn't mention the founders, you couldn't understand a simple point. I'm sure you can prove you aren't a worthless sack of shit. Post your data and I'll post mine.
The kids should also be taught that those so called founding fathers who owned slaves were indeed NOT great men or leaders.
That's the point, education is no longer about facts but pushing an agenda. Schools have no business telling kids who's great or not and it's especially appalling when you use post modern morality with zero historical context. You must be a byproduct of public ed.

First of all, have you conducted a survey of every school nationwide, or are you just making generalizations based on the fact that you hated school? If the former, I'm sure you have the data to prove your assertion.

Secondly, schools can't mention the Founding Fathers at all? How would that work, exactly?
I never said I hated school, ass stain. I never said they couldn't or shouldn't mention the founders, you couldn't understand a simple point. I'm sure you can prove you aren't a worthless sack of shit. Post your data and I'll post mine.

I'm not the one claiming I know what's going on in every school in the country. Not surprisingly, all you have is uneducated opinion and name-calling.
I'm still waiting to hear what property rights are being taken away .
Tyler Morning Telegraph - EPA's rules destroy our property rights

not that you care, but the epa has been taken to court and ignored court orders to stop harassing people.

but as long as it's the tyranny you want, it's all good

Sure u have to keep on agencies to watch what they do . But EPA does more good than harm.

How about our property rights to clean air and water ? Big biz will destroy those things if left unchecked . Not a theory , we've seen it happen.

When I was a kid, you wouldn't dare swim in the harbor . Now u can and I like it that way .
I'm still waiting to hear what property rights are being taken away .
No, you're not. Because I've already outlined some of them in the OP. You're just trying to pretend it wasn't said, or pretend it wasn't important, or some other dodge.

As I said in the OP:

There is no better indication of the utter failure of the U.S. govt-sponsored educational system, than this: In a country that was founded on personal responsibility and charity, limited government, hard work and taking the consequences of your own success and failure, help from friends and family... a significant number of people are now voting for an admitted socialist (Bernie Sanders) and various other wannabees who won't admit they are socialists (Hillary, Bloomberg et. al.).

It's about as far from the American ideal as one can get. One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. This characteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.

Yet now we have a large number of people who simply listen to the sweet rhetoric of "Everyone will get an equal share, no one will be left behind, etc.", without any consideration that they will be getting equal shares of less and less.

The idea that they can now legally get stuff for free that other people worked to produce, is becoming the dominant factor in more and more people's lives. It's a far cry from the American ideal that government's job is to protect your rights, including the right to keep what you own. One of the main jobs of a socialist-style government, is to take things from people who have more and give them to those who have less.

The educational system has utterly failed to point out the disasters that have befallen nearly every country that has tried to live this way. As a result, we find ourselves on the ever-steepening slope to yet more disaster... with the wreckage of societies that have tried it before, all around us.

The only remaining question is:

Is this really a failure as I describe here? Or is it exactly what the people behind this downhill trend, intended all along?
All the winner countries are socialist . And that includes the USA .
so the ussr was a winner
Ven was a winner
Greece was a winner
china is a winner
NK is a winner

Original EU, Canada, OZ, NZ- NOT 3rd world or communist, brainwashed functional moron.
The eu is in deep debt, deep deep debt.
Greece is not 3rd world
the USSR, china, NK only have a hairs breath difference from what you demand

And Ven was your poster child, but due to it's size, the end result, that we warned you about, came quickly, as it will everywhere.
I'm still waiting to hear what property rights are being taken away .
Tyler Morning Telegraph - EPA's rules destroy our property rights

not that you care, but the epa has been taken to court and ignored court orders to stop harassing people.

but as long as it's the tyranny you want, it's all good

Sure u have to keep on agencies to watch what they do . But EPA does more good than harm.

How about our property rights to clean air and water ? Big biz will destroy those things if left unchecked . Not a theory , we've seen it happen.

When I was a kid, you wouldn't dare swim in the harbor . Now u can and I like it that way .
so you admit that our rights, our property rights have been taken away.

but b/c you can't just say it's true, and admit you were wrong, you have to change the subject.

I'm still waiting to hear what property rights are being taken away .
Tyler Morning Telegraph - EPA's rules destroy our property rights

not that you care, but the epa has been taken to court and ignored court orders to stop harassing people.

but as long as it's the tyranny you want, it's all good

Sure u have to keep on agencies to watch what they do . But EPA does more good than harm.

How about our property rights to clean air and water ? Big biz will destroy those things if left unchecked . Not a theory , we've seen it happen.

When I was a kid, you wouldn't dare swim in the harbor . Now u can and I like it that way .
so you admit that our rights, our property rights have been taken away.

but b/c you can't just say it's true, and admit you were wrong, you have to change the subject.


No they haven't been "taken away". How about a real example . This blurb is non sense :

It's about as far from the American ideal as one can get. One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. Thischaracteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.


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