Q:How badly is govt-sponsored education failing? A: A significant number are voting for a socialist!

The US has been socialist for at least 100years and it's lead to us being the greatest country on Earth .

What's the problem ?

^^^Public education results

Name a single country that doesn't have public education within the top 30. You can't simply because private education favors the few at the top.

You don't take care of those results by throwing most of the country out on the street.

I've seen private schools vs public schools....it's not even close, private schools shellac public.

Not true . If that was so , every private college would rank ahead of all the public schools .

Plus, public schools have to take everyone . Private schools do not .

That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!
^^^Public education results

Name a single country that doesn't have public education within the top 30. You can't simply because private education favors the few at the top.

You don't take care of those results by throwing most of the country out on the street.

I've seen private schools vs public schools....it's not even close, private schools shellac public.

Not true . If that was so , every private college would rank ahead of all the public schools .

Plus, public schools have to take everyone . Private schools do not .

That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together
We'll maybe you'd like to live in those countries where disabled kids are just cast aside as not deserving education.

There are disabled children in private schools. Now you're just being stupid

And what do those private specialized schools charge in tuition ????

I'll give u a hint, it's way more than the per pupil cost of public schools that also service special needs .

It depends on the school. Anywhere from 5k -25K a year. What does that have to do with anything?

Well conservatives claim private can do better than public , but ignore the fact that public schools have to educate all kinds of kids .

Private does do better, there isn't the distractions public schools have. More discipline and a better curriculum

They are also usually better at sports because they can recruit talent. How do we bring public schools up to those standards? You can't!
Name a single country that doesn't have public education within the top 30. You can't simply because private education favors the few at the top.

You don't take care of those results by throwing most of the country out on the street.

I've seen private schools vs public schools....it's not even close, private schools shellac public.

Not true . If that was so , every private college would rank ahead of all the public schools .

Plus, public schools have to take everyone . Private schools do not .

That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

Well i watched the NCAA football championships . Alabama (public) beat Clemson (private ) . So there!
I've seen private schools vs public schools....it's not even close, private schools shellac public.

Not true . If that was so , every private college would rank ahead of all the public schools .

Plus, public schools have to take everyone . Private schools do not .

That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

Well i watched the NCAA football championships . Alabama (public) beat Clemson (private ) . So there!

I'm talking academics, our children's school is awful in football, average in basketball but they do shine in baseball.
So rather than focus on significant factors such as the U.S. global ranking in math and science:

Here's The New Ranking Of Top Countries In Reading, Science, And Math

Little-Acorn and friends are hyper-focused on a word they think means something that it does not mean.

And this is why the U.S. ranks as low as it does in math and science.

Well, that and the Young Earthers and the homeschoolers and poor prenatal nutrition and...

I love rankings like that. Is reading the same in Chinese as it is in English? What if we tested all of the Chinese kids in reading English and tested American kids in Chinese? Comparisons like those are just stupid.

Do you know why most minority students in the US do poorly in math? They can't read!
I've seen private schools vs public schools....it's not even close, private schools shellac public.

Not true . If that was so , every private college would rank ahead of all the public schools .

Plus, public schools have to take everyone . Private schools do not .

That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

Well i watched the NCAA football championships . Alabama (public) beat Clemson (private ) . So there!

Clemson is private? Somebody better tell them!

Clemson University/ˈklɛmsən/[6] is an American public, coeducational, land-grant and sea-grant research university in Clemson,South Carolina.

Clemson University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Little-Acorn and friends are hyper-focused on a word they think means something that it does not mean.
No, you're the one who's focused on that. It's much easier than discussing the main points of the OP, I suppose.

One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. This characteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.

Yet now we have a large number of people who simply listen to the sweet rhetoric of "Everyone will get an equal share, no one will be left behind, etc.", without any consideration that they will be getting equal shares of less and less.

The idea that they can now legally get stuff for free that other people worked to produce, is becoming the dominant factor in more and more people's lives. It's a far cry from the American ideal that government's job is to protect your rights, including the right to keep what you own. One of the main jobs of a socialist-style government, is to take things from people who have more and give them to those who have less.

The educational system has utterly failed to point out the disasters that have befallen nearly every country that has tried to live this way. As a result, we find ourselves on the ever-steepening slope to yet more disaster... with the wreckage of societies that have tried it before, all around us.
Name a single country that doesn't have public education within the top 30. You can't simply because private education favors the few at the top.

You don't take care of those results by throwing most of the country out on the street.

I've seen private schools vs public schools....it's not even close, private schools shellac public.

Not true . If that was so , every private college would rank ahead of all the public schools .

Plus, public schools have to take everyone . Private schools do not .

That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

It is obvious my point went screaming over your head like the Blue Angels at the Super Bowl!

Either that or that was a pathetic attempt to admit you were wrong.
Not true . If that was so , every private college would rank ahead of all the public schools .

Plus, public schools have to take everyone . Private schools do not .

That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

Well i watched the NCAA football championships . Alabama (public) beat Clemson (private ) . So there!

Clemson is private? Somebody better tell them!

Clemson University/ˈklɛmsən/[6] is an American public, coeducational, land-grant and sea-grant research university in Clemson,South Carolina.

Clemson University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No shit ! I always thought it was private ! Like auburn .

Usually public schools are. "X state U". Or " u of state name at city "
I've seen private schools vs public schools....it's not even close, private schools shellac public.

Not true . If that was so , every private college would rank ahead of all the public schools .

Plus, public schools have to take everyone . Private schools do not .

That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

It is obvious my point went screaming over your head like the Blue Angels at the Super Bowl!

Either that or that was a pathetic attempt to admit you were wrong.

Wrong about what? The private schools destroyed the public schools, just as they do in state scores. There is no comparison
Little-Acorn and friends are hyper-focused on a word they think means something that it does not mean.
No, you're the one who's focused on that. It's much easier than discussing the main points of the OP, I suppose.

One of the foremost characteristics of socialism, is the destruction of private property rights. If you build a house, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to your neighbor, your city, a bunch of complete strangers as much as it does to you. If you grow an apple tree, the apples aren't yours, they belong to everyone else equally. This characteristic leads to the failure of socialist economy after socialist economy, as hardworking people realize there is no benefit to working harder, since the results will be taken from them.

Yet now we have a large number of people who simply listen to the sweet rhetoric of "Everyone will get an equal share, no one will be left behind, etc.", without any consideration that they will be getting equal shares of less and less.

The idea that they can now legally get stuff for free that other people worked to produce, is becoming the dominant factor in more and more people's lives. It's a far cry from the American ideal that government's job is to protect your rights, including the right to keep what you own. One of the main jobs of a socialist-style government, is to take things from people who have more and give them to those who have less.

The educational system has utterly failed to point out the disasters that have befallen nearly every country that has tried to live this way. As a result, we find ourselves on the ever-steepening slope to yet more disaster... with the wreckage of societies that have tried it before, all around us.

I disagree that our Ed system has failed . We do a great job at educating all kids . Our secondary Schools are known worldwide and many foreign students come here .

Oh, a question I asked earlier . Do you want NO regulation on business ?
Not true . If that was so , every private college would rank ahead of all the public schools .

Plus, public schools have to take everyone . Private schools do not .

That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

It is obvious my point went screaming over your head like the Blue Angels at the Super Bowl!

Either that or that was a pathetic attempt to admit you were wrong.

Wrong about what? The private schools destroyed the public schools, just as they do in state scores. There is no comparison

State scores? What private schools take the same tests that are required for public schools? Are we making crap up to justify your failed argument?
That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

It is obvious my point went screaming over your head like the Blue Angels at the Super Bowl!

Either that or that was a pathetic attempt to admit you were wrong.

Wrong about what? The private schools destroyed the public schools, just as they do in state scores. There is no comparison

State scores? What private schools take the same tests that are required for public schools? Are we making crap up to justify your failed argument?

Dude, I don't know what your fucking problem is but you're all over the map. I understand you claim to be a teacher, most likely at a public school...enough said. Public schools cannot compete, it's just that simple. As parents we want he best for our children, that is why they attend private schools. Too many distractions at public schools, way too much indoctrination going on and the weak students pull down the better ones. That and private schools have better educators by far.
That's why they are elite, I saw it last weekend in debates between schools....top five places went to private schools, it was almost sad watching public school kids struggle. They were not prepared, ill informed and had very poor presentation skills.

OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

Well i watched the NCAA football championships . Alabama (public) beat Clemson (private ) . So there!

Clemson is private? Somebody better tell them!

Clemson University/ˈklɛmsən/[6] is an American public, coeducational, land-grant and sea-grant research university in Clemson,South Carolina.

Clemson University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No shit ! I always thought it was private ! Like auburn .

Usually public schools are. "X state U". Or " u of state name at city "

Auburn is a public school. I ought to know because that is where I went to undergraduate school.

Auburn was Alabama Polytechnic Institute (API) up until 1960. It was originally East Alabama Male College,a private liberal arts college, and then Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama.

Clemson's name was Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina.
... Asian countries score higher on tests because ....

For one thing, because you don't have a lot of whining about too much pressure on the little dears, teaching to the test, or the horrible 'evil' of high stakes testing. It is what it is and kids (and their families) do what they have to do.
OK, let's have the Umptifratz State School for the Deaf and Blind play football against the Denver Broncos and see who comes out on top!

Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

It is obvious my point went screaming over your head like the Blue Angels at the Super Bowl!

Either that or that was a pathetic attempt to admit you were wrong.

Wrong about what? The private schools destroyed the public schools, just as they do in state scores. There is no comparison

State scores? What private schools take the same tests that are required for public schools? Are we making crap up to justify your failed argument?

Dude, I don't know what your fucking problem is but you're all over the map. I understand you claim to be a teacher, most likely at a public school...enough said. Public schools cannot compete, it's just that simple. As parents we want he best for our children, that is why they attend private schools. Too many distractions at public schools, way too much indoctrination going on and the weak students pull down the better ones. That and private schools have better educators by far.

Wrong . Private schools can higher any loser they want to teach your kid. Public school teachers have all kinds of state standards and licenses they need to obtain .
Pretty much how it played out. The public schools were just outclassed. There were some good kids from the public side, very good ones but they couldn't put it all together

It is obvious my point went screaming over your head like the Blue Angels at the Super Bowl!

Either that or that was a pathetic attempt to admit you were wrong.

Wrong about what? The private schools destroyed the public schools, just as they do in state scores. There is no comparison

State scores? What private schools take the same tests that are required for public schools? Are we making crap up to justify your failed argument?

Dude, I don't know what your fucking problem is but you're all over the map. I understand you claim to be a teacher, most likely at a public school...enough said. Public schools cannot compete, it's just that simple. As parents we want he best for our children, that is why they attend private schools. Too many distractions at public schools, way too much indoctrination going on and the weak students pull down the better ones. That and private schools have better educators by far.

Wrong . Private schools can higher any loser they want to teach your kid. Public school teachers have all kinds of state standards and licenses they need to obtain .

Timmy you can't even spell hire correctly....public school grad I presume?

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