Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

NotfooledbyW, post: 22182680
  • The average monthly gain under Trump so far is 197,000 — compared with an average monthly gain of 217,000 during Obama’s second term.

    Trump will have to pick up the pace if he is to fulfill his campaign boast that he will be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”
Trump's Numbers, April 2019 Update - FactCheck.org

Sounds like to me that as far as the past six years go, it is Obama that is the greatest jobs president that God ever created.

Jitss617, post: 22183295
Lol well I hope so unemployment was at 10% ha soon as democrats took over Congress.. dems can’t govern with a republican president

Your reply makes no sense, when you get past “We’ll I hope so” .... that Obama’s ‘weak and anemic’ economic policy created 20,000 more jobs a month than TrumpO’s policy does.

Sounds to me like you are admitting that TrumpO can’t govern even when his own god-damned Party Controlled both Houses.

How is your TrumpO gonna truly be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”
If he cannot create as many jobs a month as four years of the weak and anemic jobs growth period that preceded him has done.

Trumpo has set himself into becoming “the WEAKEST jobs president that God ever created.” And you say you hope so.

Jesus, TrumpO’s people are dumb.
No it means when democrats stopped attacking George Bush they actually did there job, it wasn’t great but anyone could have take 10% unemployment and reduced it.
Problem is democrats cant govern with a republican president. All they do is attack. Use the media as propaganda and sit back and wait for the election.

So that means trump if he had cooperation with democrats unemployment should be around 1%
Absolutely amazing the job he is doing.. he was sent from god.
Is that like all the cooperation Repubs gave Obama??
Republicans never obstrutucted like dems do to republicans not even close
Go back in time my friend about 10 years and tell us what your AH McConnell said about how repubs will treat Obama ,,,I dare you
I did and listened to the context not the left wing propaganda you were feed poor little sheep lol
I am not, and no economist has stated the lies you are attributing to them.

You are just pulling shit out of your ass and saying someone else said it. But you are lying.

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No I know see them on Fox News all the time

Those are not real, they are paid actors hired by FoxNews

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Ahhhh ok you are delusional lol

Provide the names of the economist and prove me wrong

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Any economist on Fox News

Name one

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NotfooledbyW, post: 22182680
  • The average monthly gain under Trump so far is 197,000 — compared with an average monthly gain of 217,000 during Obama’s second term.

    Trump will have to pick up the pace if he is to fulfill his campaign boast that he will be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”
Trump's Numbers, April 2019 Update - FactCheck.org

Sounds like to me that as far as the past six years go, it is Obama that is the greatest jobs president that God ever created.

Jitss617, post: 22183295
Lol well I hope so unemployment was at 10% ha soon as democrats took over Congress.. dems can’t govern with a republican president

Your reply makes no sense, when you get past “We’ll I hope so” .... that Obama’s ‘weak and anemic’ economic policy created 20,000 more jobs a month than TrumpO’s policy does.

Sounds to me like you are admitting that TrumpO can’t govern even when his own god-damned Party Controlled both Houses.

How is your TrumpO gonna truly be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”
If he cannot create as many jobs a month as four years of the weak and anemic jobs growth period that preceded him has done.

Trumpo has set himself into becoming “the WEAKEST jobs president that God ever created.” And you say you hope so.

Jesus, TrumpO’s people are dumb.
No it means when democrats stopped attacking George Bush they actually did there job, it wasn’t great but anyone could have take 10% unemployment and reduced it.
Problem is democrats cant govern with a republican president. All they do is attack. Use the media as propaganda and sit back and wait for the election.

So that means trump if he had cooperation with democrats unemployment should be around 1%
Absolutely amazing the job he is doing.. he was sent from god.
Is that like all the cooperation Repubs gave Obama??
Republicans never obstrutucted like dems do to republicans not even close

You’re actually getting nuttier. :cuckoo:

The Republicans' Plan for the New President

On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.
Lol yea fight him on socialism which they did
No I know see them on Fox News all the time

Those are not real, they are paid actors hired by FoxNews

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Ahhhh ok you are delusional lol

Provide the names of the economist and prove me wrong

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Any economist on Fox News

Name one

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But its OK for the American citizens to suffer in order to get back at Trump. Nice. I never rooted for the country to suffer to make Obama look bad.

Oh, the Russian/Putin hoax has been debunked. Grow up.

No ewe routed remember?
Pilot1, post: 22184095
Why does the Left (Democrats, Progressives, Liberals, the Media) constantly ROUTE AGAINST America, and the economic well being of its citizens?

Don’t know about you but I am rooting for the health and economic well being of middle working class Americans and all those who work and study hard but have not joined the middle class as of yet.

i don’t believe that TrumpO’s class need anything from me that could improve their well
being including more breaks on their so-called tax burden.

This thread is in part about how the TrumpO tax cuts were much too generous to the wealthy and corporations and have failed to produce the touted success.

Once again Trickle Down is a code word for Pissing On.

That’s what I’m against. The little guy being pissed on over and over again as too many little guys keep falling for the dog whistle crap that sucks in so many older white voters.

Can you discuss the subject of this thread or are you limited to making shit up about Democrats on and on.

Proud Democrat and I love my country,
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22180016
I'll just continue to laugh at jokers who claim Obama's weak 8 year economic performance had nothing to do with Obama.

Obama had policies that had much to do with his 2.2 average GDP growth over seven years and reducing the unemployment rate roughly from 10 to 5%. He created 20,000 more jobs per month than TrumpO is creating up to now.

The point of this thread is that during Ovsma’s second the phrase you use ‘weak recovery’ has ajready been proven to be a false narrative based on the current data coming from TrumpO’s current WEAK and ANEMIC economy.

The modern day status quo for GDP appears to be 2.5%. TrumpO proves his big mouth with grandiose promises and attacks about the weakness that preceded him are alll completely.

Obama’s recovery is becoming normal not weak thanks to TRUMPO and his lying band of idiots.

Obama had policies that had much to do with his 2.2 average GDP growth over seven years

You bet. His policies had much to do with the slowest recovery since WWII.
The point of this thread is that during Ovsma’s second the phrase you use ‘weak recovery’ has ajready been proven to be a false narrative

Really? Who had a weaker recovery than Obama? Link?
Jitss617, post: 2218434
So that means trump if he had cooperation with democrats unemployment should be around 1%

You have to be in the top 500 of stupidest deplorables out there.

If TrumpO had a plan to get our country to 1% unemployment the Democratic Party has no way to block it.

They didn’t stop the tax cuts and have not stopped TrumpO from cutting regulations.

What else is TrumpO trying to do to get unemployment down to 1%
Jitss617, post: 2218434
So that means trump if he had cooperation with democrats unemployment should be around 1%

You have to be in the top 500 of stupidest deplorables out there.

If TrumpO had a plan to get our country to 1% unemployment the Democratic Party has no way to block it.

They didn’t stop the tax cuts and have not stopped TrumpO from cutting regulations.

What else is TrumpO trying to do to get unemployment down to 1%
They are blocking it lol illegals are taking 30 million jobs! Take them away the gdp is at 1% .. you aren’t good with math are you?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22184713
Really? Who had a weaker recovery than Obama? Link?

I am not saying Obama has a stronger recovery and expansion than any of his predecessors.

That has been explained to you a zillion times..

What do you want a link for? I agree with that.
And then there's the fact that in trying to make Obama a one term President that Republicans fought the kind of spending that would have given us a robust Recovery (sequester, government shut down, battling the Stimulus)...

So there's that

Poor Obama, he only added $9.3 trillion to the debt. How much should he have added?

More blatant bullshit from you.

How did Obama add 9.3 Trillion exactly? You will NEVER be able answer that, because the premise is bullshit.

By spending 9.3 trillion more than we brought in. It is not a hard concept

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We BROUGHT IN LESS because of the tax-cuts and Great Recession, which accounted for about 40% of the defict compared to baseline projections - how is that Obama's fault?

And what did Obama spend on? +870 Billion dollars on Stimulus, what else significant did Obama spend on?
Last edited:
Those are not real, they are paid actors hired by FoxNews

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Ahhhh ok you are delusional lol

Provide the names of the economist and prove me wrong

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Any economist on Fox News

Name one

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Because you are lying about them, which is why you cannot do so

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And then there's the fact that in trying to make Obama a one term President that Republicans fought the kind of spending that would have given us a robust Recovery (sequester, government shut down, battling the Stimulus)...

So there's that

Poor Obama, he only added $9.3 trillion to the debt. How much should he have added?

More blatant bullshit from you.

How did Obama add 9.3 Trillion exactly? You will NEVER be able answer that, because the premise is bullshit.

By spending 9.3 trillion more than we brought in. It is not a hard concept

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We BROUGHT IN LESS because of the Great Recession, which accounted for about 40% of the defict compared to baseline projections - how is that Obama's fault?

And what did Obama spend on? +870 Billion dollars on Stimulus, what else significant did Obama spend on?

When you are at the top, blame falls to you, that is the nature of being in charge.

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And then there's the fact that in trying to make Obama a one term President that Republicans fought the kind of spending that would have given us a robust Recovery (sequester, government shut down, battling the Stimulus)...

So there's that

Poor Obama, he only added $9.3 trillion to the debt. How much should he have added?

More blatant bullshit from you.

How did Obama add 9.3 Trillion exactly? You will NEVER be able answer that, because the premise is bullshit.

Obama made Bush look like a budget hawk.

Using Budget years Bush II added a far higher percent than Obama did

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Bush added $4.9 trillion (actually less). Obama added $9.3 trillion (actually more).

Actually thats BULLSHIT. Bush policies did not disapear when he left office.

Poor Obama, he only added $9.3 trillion to the debt. How much should he have added?

More blatant bullshit from you.

How did Obama add 9.3 Trillion exactly? You will NEVER be able answer that, because the premise is bullshit.

Obama made Bush look like a budget hawk.

Using Budget years Bush II added a far higher percent than Obama did

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Bush added $4.9 trillion (actually less). Obama added $9.3 trillion (actually more).

Actually thats BULLSHIT.


Actually, it's reality.

Go here......

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Look at Jan 20, 2001---Jan 20, 2009---Jan 20, 2017.

Do the math.
Ahhhh ok you are delusional lol

Provide the names of the economist and prove me wrong

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Any economist on Fox News

Name one

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Because you are lying about them, which is why you cannot do so

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No I’m not
And then there's the fact that in trying to make Obama a one term President that Republicans fought the kind of spending that would have given us a robust Recovery (sequester, government shut down, battling the Stimulus)...

So there's that

Poor Obama, he only added $9.3 trillion to the debt. How much should he have added?

More blatant bullshit from you.

How did Obama add 9.3 Trillion exactly? You will NEVER be able answer that, because the premise is bullshit.

By spending 9.3 trillion more than we brought in. It is not a hard concept

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We BROUGHT IN LESS because of the Great Recession, which accounted for about 40% of the defict compared to baseline projections - how is that Obama's fault?

And what did Obama spend on? +870 Billion dollars on Stimulus, what else significant did Obama spend on?

When you are at the top, blame falls to you, that is the nature of being in charge.

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Thats an answer for the intelectually lazy sheep that routinely conflate correlations and causations.

Correct answer is that Obama could do very little about the deficits in an already bad economy. Austerity out of Great Recession would be exactly the wrong policy response and I refuse to fault him for not taking it up. We needed expansionary policy and he did exactly that.

You could blame him for maybe failing to herd the Congress towards the Grand Bargain and tax reform after 2012, but again he at least tried unlike the ignorant asshole in the White House today who doesn't give a shit about anything past his time in office.

Trump sold himself on being able to achieve higher economic efficienies, but reality of what he is doing is converting small GDP growth bump in the middle of a healthy economy into big long term debt. Which is EXACTLY OPPOSITE of sound economic policy.
Last edited:
Provide the names of the economist and prove me wrong

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Any economist on Fox News

Name one

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Because you are lying about them, which is why you cannot do so

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No I’m not

Yes you are, that is why you can’t name one. You are just making shit up...which is all you ever do. You never once support anything you post.

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NotfooledbyW, post: 22182680 Jitss617, post: 22183295Your reply makes no sense, when you get past “We’ll I hope so” .... that Obama’s ‘weak and anemic’ economic policy created 20,000 more jobs a month than TrumpO’s policy does.

Sounds to me like you are admitting that TrumpO can’t govern even when his own god-damned Party Controlled both Houses.

How is your TrumpO gonna truly be “the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”
If he cannot create as many jobs a month as four years of the weak and anemic jobs growth period that preceded him has done.

Trumpo has set himself into becoming “the WEAKEST jobs president that God ever created.” And you say you hope so.

Jesus, TrumpO’s people are dumb.
No it means when democrats stopped attacking George Bush they actually did there job, it wasn’t great but anyone could have take 10% unemployment and reduced it.
Problem is democrats cant govern with a republican president. All they do is attack. Use the media as propaganda and sit back and wait for the election.

So that means trump if he had cooperation with democrats unemployment should be around 1%
Absolutely amazing the job he is doing.. he was sent from god.
Is that like all the cooperation Repubs gave Obama??
Republicans never obstrutucted like dems do to republicans not even close

You’re actually getting nuttier. :cuckoo:

The Republicans' Plan for the New President

On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration.

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE.

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan.

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.
Lol yea fight him on socialism which they did

Troll says, obstruction is wonderful when his side does it.

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