Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

Deplorable Yankee, post: 22185968
ya got 30 pages of nutin here

Since your only purpose here is to shit on everything, excuse me but who should give a damn about your rants, edicts and bitching.

I responded to you. You ignore intelligent discussion.

Prove me wrong

Deplorable Yankee, post: 22171567
will obama win the war of gdp average proving once and for all ?
that obama is the light and that trump is indeed a racist homophobic nazi who inspires hate.
I cannot find this question or any hint of it being found within the lines of my own OP on this thread.

“Will obama win the war of gdp average proving once and for all ? that obama is the light and that trump is indeed a racist homophobic nazi who inspires hate”

Here is my closing question for posters,

NotfooledbyW, post: 22164534
Are we settling into a new normal that is not so horrible without 3% sustained GDP growth?

Where you get “obama is the light l” and “trump is indeed a racist homophobic nazi who inspires hate” from my OP shouid make you self reflect on the subject of your waning grasp on reality.

We all can help you if you wish but first you must show an effort to learn how to read.

What do you say?
There are none. He was just trolling again.
At Suki another lefty that doesn’t know about the two trade deals?? Wow the media is def not doing there job
^^^ troll doesn’t know. :lol:
Every one knows except you lol
You don't know...you haven't got a clue.

That's why you are doing Troll 101a now. When caught, try to derail the conversation with insults.

I will ask again (and since you have not a clue about this - you will avoid answering again):

exactly which trade deals are you talking about and where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that to implement these 'trade deals' will radically alter ('crush') the Real GDP Growth?
Google trumps trade deals.. you might be surprised lol
You made the claim. You clearly can't back it up or you would have.
Trump's trade war cost U.S. economy $7.8 billion in 2018: study

Authors of the paper said they analyzed the short-run impact of Trump’s actions and found that imports from targeted countries declined 31.5 percent while targeted U.S. exports fell by 11 percent. They also found that annual consumer and producer losses from higher costs of imports totaled $68.8 billion.

Not to mention the total stoppage of the Dow's momentum after a steady nine year climb.


Our trade deficits are skyrocketing. Our trade deficit with China is at the highest in history. Our trade deficit with Mexico is also exploding.

Our federal deficit has gone nuclear, rising 77 percent higher than last year!

Federal spending is at record highs, and the fake tax cut has reduced federal revenues.

President Hillary Clinton is an unmitigated disaster.

Oh wait...

U.S. trade gap with China reaches all-time high under Trump

Mexico can thank the US for its record-high trade surplus

Mexico sure is paying for TH3 WALLE, eh?

U.S. Trade Gap Surged to $621 Billion in 2018, Highest in Decade

...trade wars are good, and easy to win... :lol:

NotfooledbyW, post: 22183962
The point of this thread is......

(A) I wrote: ..... during Obama’s second term the phrase that you use ‘weak recovery’ ...has already been proven... to be a false narrative.

Thats as far as you were able to read:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22184990
So you were lying when you said it was a false narrative. Thanks!

(B) The rest of what I wrote:

It is a false narrative
..........based on the current data coming from TrumpO’s current WEAK and ANEMIC economy.

(C) Do you know what current data is?

’ll give you a clue. It has nothing to do with what happened 70 years ago in Post Waf industrial economies.


My point is: (a) because Trumpo has established that the entire Obama economy below 3.0% annual GDP growth was weak and anemic.

Plus (b) and we now know, with current data, that Trumpo did not get a full years growth above 3.0 during his first two years. And is not likely to get anywhere near it for the rest of his term.

Plus (c) TrumpO is presiding over a peak US economy at 2.9 % GDP which is no where considered to be weak or anemic.

EQUALS (d) If Trumpo’s economy is good or strong at max peak 2.9 GDP, then it must now also be true that Obama's 7 year recovery and share of the expansion was good or strong.

A trend of 2.5 average GDP is the new normal.

Obama is right there with TrumpO. There is no separation by the big mouth.

It is a false narrative ..........based on the current data coming from TrumpO’s current WEAK and ANEMIC economy.

Liar. Trump's data doesn't change Obama's weak recovery.
Bush added $4.9 trillion (actually less). Obama added $9.3 trillion (actually more).

Actually thats BULLSHIT.


Actually, it's reality.

Go here......

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Look at Jan 20, 2001---Jan 20, 2009---Jan 20, 2017.

Do the math.

You didn't actually respond to what I said. (you've cut out the most important part of it)

Is chronic assholism preventing you from doing that?

Yeah, love that bullshit chart from CBPP.
So much better than the actual numbers.

What are the actual numbers of Bush policy contribution VS Obama policy contribution VS Trump policy contribution?

You never posted those numbers, you posted about correlation, NOT CAUSATION. And thats why they are bullshit.

What are the actual numbers of Bush policy contribution VS Obama policy contribution VS Trump policy contribution?

Well, if Obama thought a Bush policy was going to cost too much, he was free to reverse it.
Unless he was too stupid to know that........
Actually thats BULLSHIT.


Actually, it's reality.

Go here......

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Look at Jan 20, 2001---Jan 20, 2009---Jan 20, 2017.

Do the math.

You didn't actually respond to what I said. (you've cut out the most important part of it)

Is chronic assholism preventing you from doing that?

Yeah, love that bullshit chart from CBPP.
So much better than the actual numbers.

What are the actual numbers of Bush policy contribution VS Obama policy contribution VS Trump policy contribution?

You never posted those numbers, you posted about correlation, NOT CAUSATION. And thats why they are bullshit.

What are the actual numbers of Bush policy contribution VS Obama policy contribution VS Trump policy contribution?

Well, if Obama thought a Bush policy was going to cost too much, he was free to reverse it.
Unless he was too stupid to know that........

Which one specifically?
Actually, it's reality.

Go here......

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Look at Jan 20, 2001---Jan 20, 2009---Jan 20, 2017.

Do the math.

You didn't actually respond to what I said. (you've cut out the most important part of it)

Is chronic assholism preventing you from doing that?

Yeah, love that bullshit chart from CBPP.
So much better than the actual numbers.

What are the actual numbers of Bush policy contribution VS Obama policy contribution VS Trump policy contribution?

You never posted those numbers, you posted about correlation, NOT CAUSATION. And thats why they are bullshit.

What are the actual numbers of Bush policy contribution VS Obama policy contribution VS Trump policy contribution?

Well, if Obama thought a Bush policy was going to cost too much, he was free to reverse it.
Unless he was too stupid to know that........

Which one specifically?

Which ones did Obama think were too expensive?
Or which ones do you think were too expensive?
I’m saying:

It is a false narrative
..........based on the current data coming from TrumpO’s current WEAK and ANEMIC economy.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22187168
Liar. Trump's data doesn't change Obama's weak recovery.

Trumpshit!!! We know from current TrumpO economic GDP data that he, so far and most likely will remain THE SECOND PRESIDENT In US HISTORY to FAIL to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3%.

The first president to fail, as Trumpo pointed out, to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3% was President Obama.

The best full year for both leaders is 2.9%.

So you may wish to call both Presidents weak and their economic record anemic if that is your preference.

But TrumpO's data means you cannot call one weak and the other strong. If you do you are dishonestly unreasonable. Basically truly a liar.

My interpretation of the data is honest. If you cannot prove my data is wrong then you need to join the real world and admit that Obama and TrumpO have presided over a very long run of a very good economy.
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I’m saying:

It is a false narrative
..........based on the current data coming from TrumpO’s current WEAK and ANEMIC economy.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22187168
Liar. Trump's data doesn't change Obama's weak recovery.

Trumpshit!!! We know from current TrumpO economic GDP data that he, so far and most likely will remain THE SECOND PRESIDENT In US HISTORY to FAIL to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3%.

The first president to fail, as Trumpo pointed out, to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3% was President Obama.

The best full year for both leaders is 2.9%.

So you may wish to call both Presidents weak and their economic record anemic if that is your preference.

But TrumpO's data means you cannot call one weak and the other strong. If you do you are dishonestly unreasonable. Basically truly a liar.

My interpretation of the data is honest. If you cannot my data is wrong then you need to join the real world and admit that Obama and TrumpO have presided over a very long run of a very good economy.

We know from current TrumpO economic GDP data that he, so far and most likely will remain THE SECOND PRESIDENT In US HISTORY to FAIL to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3%.

Even if that is the case, it doesn't change the fact that Obama had the weakest recovery since WWII.

So you may wish to call both Presidents weak and their economic record anemic if that is your preference

Obama.....1.9% definitely weak. Trump, to date, about 2.5%, definitely stronger. Low bar, I know.

you cannot call one weak and the other strong.

I can, correctly, call Obama's recovery weak.
We'll have to wait to see if Trump's economy does better than Obama.
So far, it is.
I’m saying: We know from current TrumpO economic GDP data that he, so far and most likely will remain THE SECOND PRESIDENT In US HISTORY to FAIL to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3%.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22187894
Even if that is the case, it doesn't change the fact that Obama had the weakest recovery since WWII.

I am not arguing that Obama did not have the weakest recovery since WWII. You are stuck like a dumbass on a broken escalator and don’t know you can use your feet and legs to get off.

The global economy transformed itself a dozen times since then and every economist and business and market expert I have read is saying 2.5 GDP is the new normal. Obama maintained about a 2.2 GDP average if you leave out 2009 due the lingering effects of The Great Bush Recession for that entire year.

The New Normal 2,5 can no longer be considered weak. Had Trumpo hit his stated goal for 2017 at 4% GDP, he’d be right. But he didn’t. His tax cut policy failed to deliver.

So now it’s time for his dipwads to face reality. Trumpo is no better than Obama based upon GDP data.

He has time to finish a four year term much much lower and therefire much worse than Obama.

TrumpO’s downturn is into its third month.


You best be preparing for disappointment in your Cult master to take GDP above three.
I’m saying:

It is a false narrative
..........based on the current data coming from TrumpO’s current WEAK and ANEMIC economy.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22187168
Liar. Trump's data doesn't change Obama's weak recovery.

Trumpshit!!! We know from current TrumpO economic GDP data that he, so far and most likely will remain THE SECOND PRESIDENT In US HISTORY to FAIL to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3%.

The first president to fail, as Trumpo pointed out, to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3% was President Obama.

The best full year for both leaders is 2.9%.

So you may wish to call both Presidents weak and their economic record anemic if that is your preference.

But TrumpO's data means you cannot call one weak and the other strong. If you do you are dishonestly unreasonable. Basically truly a liar.

My interpretation of the data is honest. If you cannot my data is wrong then you need to join the real world and admit that Obama and TrumpO have presided over a very long run of a very good economy.

We know from current TrumpO economic GDP data that he, so far and most likely will remain THE SECOND PRESIDENT In US HISTORY to FAIL to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3%.

Even if that is the case, it doesn't change the fact that Obama had the weakest recovery since WWII.

So you may wish to call both Presidents weak and their economic record anemic if that is your preference

Obama.....1.9% definitely weak. Trump, to date, about 2.5%, definitely stronger. Low bar, I know.

you cannot call one weak and the other strong.

I can, correctly, call Obama's recovery weak.
We'll have to wait to see if Trump's economy does better than Obama.
So far, it is.
Odd to call it "Obama's recovery" when republicans controlled congress during nearly all of Obama's turn.
The "party of no", wasnt any help in the recovery.
But at least Obama didnt just pump money into the military-industrial complex.
Deplorable Yankee, post: 22185968
ya got 30 pages of nutin here

Since your only purpose here is to shit on everything, excuse me but who should give a damn about your rants, edicts and bitching.

I responded to you. You ignore intelligent discussion.

Prove me wrong

Deplorable Yankee, post: 22171567
will obama win the war of gdp average proving once and for all ?
that obama is the light and that trump is indeed a racist homophobic nazi who inspires hate.
I cannot find this question or any hint of it being found within the lines of my own OP on this thread.

“Will obama win the war of gdp average proving once and for all ? that obama is the light and that trump is indeed a racist homophobic nazi who inspires hate”

Here is my closing question for posters,

NotfooledbyW, post: 22164534
Are we settling into a new normal that is not so horrible without 3% sustained GDP growth?

Where you get “obama is the light l” and “trump is indeed a racist homophobic nazi who inspires hate” from my OP shouid make you self reflect on the subject of your waning grasp on reality.

We all can help you if you wish but first you must show an effort to learn how to read.

What do you say?

I had to really explain that ?thats exactly what yer doing with meaningless old gdp .
all you guys who play economic analysis all spew the same theme
its meaningless

its like reading a nobel prize wining NY time writer ...who is never right about anything anyway

your whole thread is trump bashing

and calling hard working people rubes


they voted for the democrat his name was Donald J Trump
youre a democrat RIGHT ?
you can put me on ignore big shot
cause youre an idiot
dime a dozen well read suburban half a fag idiot who could give a rats ass about the people or the economy

trumps fault
Can Trump beat Obama's 10% unemployment? Yea, 3.7%
Can Trump beat Obama's black unemployment? Yea, best in 50 years.
Can Trump beat Obama's womens unemployment? Yea, best in the history of the nation.
Can Trump beat Obama's foreign policy? Yea. Already sat down the KJU twice. KJU wouldn't give the oreo a minute of his time. And Trump has managed to go 2 years without apologizing for America even once.
Can Trump beat Obama's Hispanic unemployment? Yea, best in over 50 years.
Can Trump beat Obama in manufacturing jobs? Yea, hands down way better. 6 times better.

I'd say Trump is beating Obama candidly in every single category.
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I’m saying: We know from current TrumpO economic GDP data that he, so far and most likely will remain THE SECOND PRESIDENT In US HISTORY to FAIL to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3%.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22187894
Even if that is the case, it doesn't change the fact that Obama had the weakest recovery since WWII.

I am not arguing that Obama did not have the weakest recovery since WWII. You are stuck like a dumbass on a broken escalator and don’t know you can use your feet and legs to get off.

The global economy transformed itself a dozen times since then and every economist and business and market expert I have read is saying 2.5 GDP is the new normal. Obama maintained about a 2.2 GDP average if you leave out 2009 due the lingering effects of The Great Bush Recession for that entire year.

The New Normal 2,5 can no longer be considered weak. Had Trumpo hit his stated goal for 2017 at 4% GDP, he’d be right. But he didn’t. His tax cut policy failed to deliver.

So now it’s time for his dipwads to face reality. Trumpo is no better than Obama based upon GDP data.

He has time to finish a four year term much much lower and therefire much worse than Obama.

TrumpO’s downturn is into its third month.

View attachment 255528

You best be preparing for disappointment in your Cult master to take GDP above three.

TrumpO’s downturn is into its third month.


Obozo's first quarter in year three was -1.0%.

Real Gross Domestic Product | FRED | St. Louis Fed
I’m saying: We know from current TrumpO economic GDP data that he, so far and most likely will remain THE SECOND PRESIDENT In US HISTORY to FAIL to ACHIEVE a FULL YEAR of GDP GROWTH ABOVE 3%.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22187894
Even if that is the case, it doesn't change the fact that Obama had the weakest recovery since WWII.

Compared to GDP prior to 2005 Obama’s recovery is weak. But if the MAGA brilliant and businessman genius TrumpO can’t hit 2004 2005 GDP growth with massive tax cuts and deregulation, it does not appear that anyone will. Obama’s numbers need to be compared moving forward from 2005 rather than prior to 2005 even if there were no Great Recession that carried through 2009,

The last time we had GDP over 3.0 was in 2005 while ramping up the war in Iraq. That is Thirteen years ago.


More important is that Obama’s recovery
will become the longest expansion in US history in a few months.

  • It is also important to put the economic performance in global context. During President Obama's presidency, the United States' GDP growth beat the GDP growth of the other original NATO member countries by the widest margin of any president since World War II.
Economic Record: President Obama

Look at this;


Surely the global slow recovery affected US GDP quite a bit.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22188973
Obozo's first quarter in year three was -1.0%.

TrumpO’s year three is ten years removed from the year of the Great Bush Recession. TrumpO has a huge advantage because his workforce is 9% larger than the workforce Obama was handed one year removed from

Try to pay attention to the bigger picture:


Forecast now stands at 2.23 for TrumpO’s third year.

The GDP for Obama’s first year was -2.9.

You point out that five quarters beyond that deep recession hole in 2009 the GDP was at -1.0.

GDP went up 1.9% in Q1 2011 from Obama’s first full year,

The GDP for TrumpO’s first year was at 2.2.

I will point out that five quarters beyond that new normal growth year in 2017 the GDP is projecting to come in at around 2.0.

GDP may go down -0.2% in Q1 2019 from TrumpO’s first full year,

I realize you prefer to add apples to oranges in order skew the numbers falsly in TrumpO’s,

Because you need to invoke the disaster negative GDP of -2.5 that devasted the global economy and had adverse and negative impacts on Obama’s first term and the recovery.

We know now as TrumpO data comes in that you cannot expect to ever see the GDP rise above 3.0 under TrumpO economic policy.

Never above 3.0 % seasonably adjusted annual growth rate.

Which most importantly means.

Bottom Line:

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

“Trump will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

According to TrumpO that means his economy is weak and anemic.

I disagree.
Deplorable Yankee, post: 22188297
thats exactly what yer doing with meaningless old gdp .
all you guys who play economic analysis all spew the same theme
its meaningless

Should the Bureau of Economic Analysis be shut down? Bureau of Labor Statistics too? What the hell - shut down every goddam bunch of dumbass bureaucrats that work in a dumbass bureau in the goddam dumbass bureaucracy.

Why can’t everybody know everything one needs to know like DeplorYank does?

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