Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

Where did I say that? Why would I say that?

Trying to get a clear picture on what it is you are saying. What are you saying?

I'm saying dippylady made a stupid claim. Do you not see her stupidity?

Please explain

Presidents don't control the Fed Funds Rate. Sheesh.

Gotcha, so we are on the same page as far as that goes!

Glad you finally understand dragonlady's stupidity.
Obama had the Fed drop rates to ZERO. Even with that he still had an ANEMIC 1.6% GDP growth over his eight year reign of terror.

With Trump we see what an economy can do with lower taxes, lower energy prices, and less regulation. Even with the Fed raising interest rates FOUR TIMES since his election. So while Obama got easing from the Fed, Trump has gotten tightening, and still is kicking ass!

BUSH cut the fed to zero.

Fed Cuts Rates Near Zero to Battle Slump

Do not use facts on Tramptards. It is like kryptonite to Superman, it is lethal!!!

Dippylady thinks Bush cut the Fed Funds rate......I don't think fact is a word you should use about her posts.

So your saying Obama cut them?

Where did I say that? Why would I say that?

Pilot1 said Obama had the Fed drop the rates to zero. That rate drop came in 2008, when Bush was President.
What say you we look at the whole picture, not just a tiny piece of it.

View attachment 267565
I say that you must not have been reading any of my posts for the past 3 years, when I have repeatedly stated that 2009-2015 are not a "picture" of Obama's economic prowess, they are a picture of a typical, ordinary,natural recoil of all economies after a severe recession, that would occur no matter who was POTUS at the time.

Only year we can really associate with Obama himself is his last year - 2016 (with sinking GDP) (for the 200th time I've posted this) :rolleyes:

Do not use facts on Tramptards. It is like kryptonite to Superman, it is lethal!!!

Dippylady thinks Bush cut the Fed Funds rate......I don't think fact is a word you should use about her posts.

So your saying Obama cut them?

Where did I say that? Why would I say that?

Pilot1 said Obama had the Fed drop the rates to zero. That rate drop came in 2008, when Bush was President.

Feel free to correct his error, rather than post your own.
SassyIrishLass, post: 22649349
Gfy, Foo you've always been an econ illiterate and had an"O" ring around your piehole. Stupd SOB

How econ literate does one need to be to read and understand this:
  • Latest forecast: 1.3 percent — July 3, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2019 is 1.3 percent on July 3, down from 1.5 percent on July 1.
I see you have not advanced beyond sixth grade insult flinging - but what else can you say now that your Great White MAGA Hope’s economy has entered it TEPID stage .
What Obama was only president for nine months.

The economy went up and down over seven years during Obama’s term,

It’s gone up and is already going down under two years of TrumpO. It never went higher than 2.9 single year GDP under both Presidents.

You gonna show a bar chart for this year?

Just in today.

percent — July 3, 2019
The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2019 is 1.3 percent on July 3, down from 1.5 percent on July 1

1.3. TrumpO SlumpO my!
1. Again for the 201st time. That 7 years is not attributable to Obama, See Post # 644. Ho hum.

2. GDP growth is UP over the past 2 quarters > 2.2 to 3.1 (Trump Bump :biggrin:)

How econ literate does one need to be to read and understand this:
  • Latest forecast: 1.3 percent — July 3, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the second quarter of 2019 is 1.3 percent on July 3, down from 1.5 percent on July 1.
I see you have not advanced beyond sixth grade insult flinging - but what else can you say now that your Great White MAGA Hope’s economy has entered it TEPID stage .
And whose illustrious "forecast" HA HA , is this ? The same glunks who "forecasted" Hillary Clinton to win the presidency ? :rolleyes:

EARTH TO NFBW: Anyone can "forecast" anything. Stick to the GDP reports, if you want credibility around here.

GDP growth was 1.6% in 2016. Lower than 2015, but certainly not in need of the double barrelled stimulus Trump applied.
Whatever it needed, it got it, from Trump. GDP quickly rose up to 3% in 2017, and to 4.2% in 2018.

protectionist, post: 22650704
2. GDP growth is UP over the past 2 quarters > 2.2 to 3.1


. It’s July 3. The second quarter ended three days ago. >>> 3.1 to 1.3. TrumpO will not see

TrumpO and Obama will share in the distinction of being the first two president in US history not to have single year GDP above 3.0.

Do not use facts on Tramptards. It is like kryptonite to Superman, it is lethal!!!

Dippylady thinks Bush cut the Fed Funds rate......I don't think fact is a word you should use about her posts.

So your saying Obama cut them?

Where did I say that? Why would I say that?

Pilot1 said Obama had the Fed drop the rates to zero. That rate drop came in 2008, when Bush was President.

No you are wrong DL.

Beginning in 2009, the Fed began its multi-stage program of quantitative easing through large-scale purchases of Treasury and other securities. In the aftermath of the financial crash, the agency had quickly lowered the targeted federal funds rate to between zero and 0.25 percent. In early 2009, the bank's leaders, especially Ben Bernanke, sought to provide further monetary stimulus to the national economy and settled on large-scale asset purchases as the most viable way to expand the monetary base with interest rates already at the lower bound.

Quantitative Easing means a program of lower and lower interest rates.

The Fed and Fiscal Policy During the Obama Years | RealClearMarkets

GDP growth was 1.6% in 2016. Lower than 2015, but certainly not in need of the double barrelled stimulus Trump applied.
Whatever it needed, it got it, from Trump. GDP quickly rose up to 3% in 2017, and to 4.2% in 2018.


Here’s an updated chart for ya.


Quite the early fizzle for the Great White’s Economy.
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protectionist, post: 22650752
And whose illustrious "forecast" HA HA , is this ? The same glunks who "forecasted" Hillary Clinton to win the presidency ? :rolleyes:

EARTH TO NFBW: Anyone can "forecast" anything. Stick to the GDP reports, if you want credibility around here.

The Atlanta Fed is not just anybody.

1.3 is not 3.1 and it means:

Trump will not see a GDP above 3.0. for 2019.

. It’s July 3. The second quarter ended three days ago. >>> 3.1 to 1.3. TrumpO will not see

TrumpO and Obama will share in the distinction of being the first two president in US history not to have single year GDP above 3.0.
Sorry. I see nothing about 1.3, except your unsubstantiated post.
The Atlanta Fed is not just anybody.

1.3 is not 3.1 and it means:

Trump will not see a GDP above 3.0. for 2019.
I still see no legit source with your posts. All I see is you blabbering, what looks like "forecasting" nonsense.

This chart remains the legitimate source of GDP growth for 2019 >>
The Atlanta Fed is not just anybody.

1.3 is not 3.1 and it means:

Trump will not see a GDP above 3.0. for 2019.
I still see no legit source with your posts. All I see is you blabbering, what looks like "forecasting" nonsense.

This chart remains the legitimate source of GDP growth for 2019 >>

We will find out in 22 days. I am sure if it comes in under 2 you will be the first one to blame on Trump and start a thread about how shitty the economy is.

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