Q1 2019 watch - if under 3.0% - where is Trump’s economic miracle - can Trump beat O’s 2.9% ever?

GDPNOWCAST is self-described as a

“running estimate of real GDP growth based on available data for the current measured quarter. There are no subjective adjustments made to GDPNow—the estimate is based solely on the mathematical results of the model”

Do you have any other evidence that:

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Is run by leftists:

You are are paranoid idiot.,

According to their website “There are no subjective adjustments made to GDPNow—the estimate is based solely on the mathematical results of the model”

Do you dispute their claim?

Even WSJ & JPMorgan are Commies to you TrumpOroids .

Again. Do you have any indicators that Q2 2019 GDP will be higher than 2.0.
I don't watch forecasts. You shouldn't either. :biggrin:

Again, If you want credibility, stick with the GDP reports. Looks like you don't want credibility. :rolleyes:

Great that we have a booming economy, after the fiasco-joke of 2016.

GDPNOWCAST is self-described as a

“running estimate of real GDP growth based on available data for the current measured quarter. There are no subjective adjustments made to GDPNow—the estimate is based solely on the mathematical results of the model”

Do you have any other evidence that:

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Is run by leftists:

You are are paranoid idiot.,

According to their website “There are no subjective adjustments made to GDPNow—the estimate is based solely on the mathematical results of the model”

Do you dispute their claim?

Even WSJ & JPMorgan are Commies to you TrumpOroids .

Again. Do you have any indicators that Q2 2019 GDP will be higher than 2.0.
I don't watch forecasts. You shouldn't either. :biggrin:

Again, If you want credibility, stick with the GDP reports. Looks like you don't want credibility. :rolleyes:

Great that we have a booming economy, after the fiasco-joke of 2016.


Less than 3% average GDP growth and you call that booming! :21::21::21::21::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

no wonder you are a Trump worshiper
Less than 3% average GDP growth and you call that booming! :21::21::21::21::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

no wonder you are a Trump worshiper
Look at how low those bars are in 2016, compared to the ones 2017 and after. Looks like Death Valley compared to midtown Manhattan.


Compared to the 2016 sinking ship, it's more than just booming. It' making America GREAT AGAIN. :biggrin:
protectionist, post: 22657091
Great that we have a booming economy, after the fiasco-joke of 2016.

2015 was not a joke was it? GDP was 2.9%

2018 was a booming economy you say. GDP was 2.9%

So we had a ‘booming economy’ in 2015.

We had a downturn in 2016. Shit happens.

We are having a downturn in 2019. Shit is happening.

TrumpO’s first two years are much the same as the two years that preceded him.

Saying “we have a booming economy, after the fiasco-joke of 2016” is a lie.
2015 was not a joke was it? GDP was 2.9%

2018 was a booming economy you say. GDP was 2.9%

So we had a ‘booming economy’ in 2015.

We had a downturn in 2016. Shit happens.

We are having a downturn in 2019. Shit is happening.

TrumpO’s first two years are much the same as the two years that preceded him.

Saying “we have a booming economy, after the fiasco-joke of 2016” is a lie.

2.2 to 3.1 is not a "downturn"
protectionist, post: 22657766
Compared to the 2016 sinking ship, it's more than just booming. It' making America GREAT AGAIN.

2015 was not sinking ship was it? GDP was 2.9%

2018 was a booming economy making America Great Again you say. GDP was 2.9%

So we had a ‘booming economy’ in 2015.

We had a downturn in 2016. Shit happens.

We are having a downturn in 2019. Shit is happening.

According to you, Obama’s booming economy already made America Great Again. 2.9 is equal to 2.9.

TrumpO’s recovery from the 2016 downturn is nothing compared to Obama’s recovery from the Great Bush Recession.

TrumpO is making America the Same (as 2015 - 2016) Again.

That’s it - nothing more.
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protectionist, post: 22657900,
2.2 to 3.1 is not a "downturn"

Ah but 4.2 to 3.4 to 2.2 to 3.1 to NowCast 1.5 is a downturn.

Anyway sticking to yearly GDP not quarterly, 2019 will be down from 2018.

TrumpO peaked in 2018. One and done.

That’s it.
Ah but 4.2 to 3.4 to 2.2 to 3.1 to NowCast 1.5 is a downturn.

Anyway sticking to yearly GDP not quarterly, 2019 will be down from 2018.

TrumpO peaked in 2018. One and done.

That’s it.
"Will" = Weakness. You still haven't got that.

Nobody cares about your pipe dream fantasies. :rolleyes:
2015 was not sinking ship was it? GDP was 2.9%

2018 was a booming economy making America Great Again you say. GDP was 2.9%

So we had a ‘booming economy’ in 2015.

We had a downturn in 2016. Shit happens.

We are having a downturn in 2019. Shit is happening.

According to you, Obama’s booming economy already made America Great Again. 2.9 is equal to 2.9.

TrumpO’s recovery from the 2016 downturn is nothing compared to Obama’s recovery from the Great Bush Recession.

TrumpO is making America the Same (as 2015 - 2016) Again.

That’s it - nothing more.
For the 3rd time (or is it 4th or 5th - you're obviously choosing to ignore this), Obama DID NOT HAVE a "recovery". 2009-2015 was natural, normal recoil after a bad recession. Obama just happened to be there. Giving him credit is like giving Reagan credit for the Soviet Union collapse. Both guys just happened to be there at the time.

Stop pretending you don't know what I've been drilling into your BS head all through this thread. Get a grain of honesty.
protectionist, post: 22658065,
Nobody cares about your pipe dream fantasies

4.2 to 2.2 to 3.1 is an economic slowdown.

You call TrumpO’s 2018 with 2.9 GDP a booming economy.

You pretend 2015 GDP at 2.9 did not happen,

These facts are not a dream.

I care about liars who vote for liars,

If TrumpO’s one shot at GDP in 2018 is a booming economy, then so
it was in 2015 - a booming economy.

TrumpO WILL not see GDP growth above 2.9 for the rest of his term.

He has already been browbeating the Fed Chairman to bail his ass out of the weak GDP numbers he is getting to cut rates.

A protracted booming economy with low unemployment and low inflation would never need the already low Fed rates to be lowered some more.

Why does TrumpO want Jerome Powell to cut rates in a ‘booming economy’

You make no sense.
protectionist, post: 22658105
Obama just happened to be there.

Does cutting taxes boost the economy?

Who in the hell professes the existence of an economic phenomenon such as a “natural, normal recoil after a bad recession”.

Rush Limbaugh and other right wing Obama hating dumbasses do not count.
Does cutting taxes boost the economy?

Who in the hell professes the existence of an economic phenomenon such as a “natural, normal recoil after a bad recession”.

Rush Limbaugh and other right wing Obama hating dumbasses do not count.
1. Yes cutting taxes boosts the economy. Especially the corporate tax. As we've been seeing for the past 2 years. :biggrin:

2. I profess it. (as well as millions of others)
1. Yes cutting taxes boosts the economy. Especially the corporate tax. As we've been seeing for the past 2 years.

Obama cut $300 bn payroll taxes in the 2009 Stimulus Bill.

So Obama did not just happen to be there. His tax cuts contributed to the recovery among many things, like the ACA.

So you lied.
Yes cutting taxes boosts the economy. Especially the corporate tax. As we've been seeing for the past 2 years. :biggrin:

How can that be? The economy hit 2.9 GDP in 2015 without TrumpO’s tax cuts. 2.9 is what the economy produced in 2018.

Whatever contribution that tax cut contributed to the 2.9 GDP IN 2018 it only lasted a year and may not be worth the lost revenue to the US Treasury for years to come.
Yes cutting taxes boosts the economy. Especially the corporate tax. As we've been seeing for the past 2 years. :biggrin:

How can that be? The economy hit 2.9 GDP in 2015 without TrumpO’s tax cuts. 2.9 is what the economy produced in 2018.

Whatever contribution that tax cut contributed to the 2.9 GDP IN 2018 it only lasted a year and may not be worth the lost revenue to the US Treasury for years to come.

The economy hit 2.9 GDP in 2015 without TrumpO’s tax cuts.

It helps when the Fed boosts their balance sheet by $1.7 trillion with the Fed Funds rate near 0%
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22658794
The economy hit 2.9 GDP in 2015 without TrumpO’s tax cuts.

It helps when the Fed boosts their balance sheet by $1.7 trillion with the Fed Funds rate near 0%

TrumpO was supposed to get sustained 4.0 GDP growth when he helped himself with huge Corp tax cuts in an already growing economy with with full unemployment. The TrumpO tax cuts were not supposed to need the Fed to also cut rates to boost GDP that way.

Why did genius businessman TrumpO’s tax plan fail.

I don’t recall Obama ever threatening or begging the Fed to act on his behalf to boost the ecinomy for a partisan political cause.

TrumpO has no such boundaries.

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