Q'Anon is upon us.

Daryl Hunt

Your Worst Nightmare
Oct 22, 2014
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.

It isn’t a government agency, nor is it disinformation.

But thanis for a great example of how conspiracy theories infect our society.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.

It isn’t a government agency, nor is it disinformation.

But thanis for a great example of how conspiracy theories infect our society.

It absolute is disinformation. Anything put out by the left is disinformation.

Simply because you believe something does not make it truth. That does, of course, go for all sides. But PBS does NOT put out the truth. They put out leftwing propaganda.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.

It isn’t a government agency, nor is it disinformation.

But thanis for a great example of how conspiracy theories infect our society.

It absolute is disinformation. Anything put out by the left is disinformation.

Simply because you believe something does not make it truth. That does, of course, go for all sides. But PBS does NOT put out the truth. They put out leftwing propaganda.

You really need some new material
They further insist that as Trump continues to “drain the swamp” in Washington, it’s “our” responsibility to drain the deep state church swamp. They believe the same deep state that controls the world has also infiltrated traditional churches. As Wagner stated in his April 12 service: “I am here to focus on the deep state church. This goes beyond our church and involves our culture and our politics. Kevin is here to talk about QAnon and the military operation to save the world.”

Like any church, they also run outreach ministries. OKM is currently raising funds for something called Reclamation Ranch, which Wagner describes as a safe place for children rescued after being held underground by the deep state. Children at risk is an ongoing theme in many QAnon conspiracy theories, including the famous fake “Pizzagate” theory.

As of May, OKM moved from Zoom to YouTube to accommodate the growth in attendees. At last count, approximately 300 accounts participated in the recent services.

While that’s not a lot of followers, we should be concerned about these latest developments. OKM provides formalized religious indoctrination into QAnon, a conspiracy movement that is both a public health threat by spreading false information about the coronavirus pandemic and a national security concern.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.

It isn’t a government agency, nor is it disinformation.

But thanis for a great example of how conspiracy theories infect our society.

It absolute is disinformation. Anything put out by the left is disinformation.

Simply because you believe something does not make it truth. That does, of course, go for all sides. But PBS does NOT put out the truth. They put out leftwing propaganda.

If you feel that way, dispute the op.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.

It isn’t a government agency, nor is it disinformation.

But thanis for a great example of how conspiracy theories infect our society.

It absolute is disinformation. Anything put out by the left is disinformation.

Simply because you believe something does not make it truth. That does, of course, go for all sides. But PBS does NOT put out the truth. They put out leftwing propaganda.

You really need some new material

The truth is the truth. New material means its a lie.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.

It isn’t a government agency, nor is it disinformation.

But thanis for a great example of how conspiracy theories infect our society.

It absolute is disinformation. Anything put out by the left is disinformation.

Simply because you believe something does not make it truth. That does, of course, go for all sides. But PBS does NOT put out the truth. They put out leftwing propaganda.

If you feel that way, dispute the op.

Will the OP accept My dispute and the work I put into it, or just dismiss it out of hand?
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.

It isn’t a government agency, nor is it disinformation.

But thanis for a great example of how conspiracy theories infect our society.

It absolute is disinformation. Anything put out by the left is disinformation.

Simply because you believe something does not make it truth. That does, of course, go for all sides. But PBS does NOT put out the truth. They put out leftwing propaganda.

You really need some new material

The truth is the truth. New material means its a lie.

The old material is a lie.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.

It isn’t a government agency, nor is it disinformation.

But thanis for a great example of how conspiracy theories infect our society.

It absolute is disinformation. Anything put out by the left is disinformation.

Simply because you believe something does not make it truth. That does, of course, go for all sides. But PBS does NOT put out the truth. They put out leftwing propaganda.

You really need some new material

The truth is the truth. New material means its a lie.

The old material is a lie.

The talking points of the left are lies, and that is pretty old material, so I agree. They've been using it for at least 3 decades.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

If your kid started hanging out with a strange bunch with Q flags and t-shirts, would you think that kid was in need of de-programming?
'The QAnon movement began in 2017 after someone known only as Q posted a series of conspiracy theories about Trump on the internet forum 4chan. QAnon followers believe global elites are seeking to bring down Trump, whom they see as the world’s only hope to defeat the “deep state.”' ibid

Needless to say, there is no ‘deep state’; QAnon is a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory.

Indeed, most who propagate the QAnon conspiracy theory likely don’t believe this nonsense – it’s another means by which conservatives attempt to sow fear, discord, and mistrust to their perceived political advantage.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

Personally, I'm not big on the conspiracy theories. Most of them can be effectively Occam's Razor'ed for more viable explanations of any given phenomenon. Q'Anon, I must admit that I don't even know much about, let alone believe.

That said, claiming to provide people understanding by presenting the interpretation of a single source that is not only dismissive of the theory itself, but also politically biased against the entire side of the isle where that particular theory is popular, is just silly.

Too many people falling into the trap of assuming that a news organization that is politically agreeable will always analyze stories accurately. Maybe step out of that bubble from time to time and make sure that the things that you're being told other people are saying, are actually the things those people are saying.
'The QAnon movement began in 2017 after someone known only as Q posted a series of conspiracy theories about Trump on the internet forum 4chan. QAnon followers believe global elites are seeking to bring down Trump, whom they see as the world’s only hope to defeat the “deep state.”' ibid

Needless to say, there is no ‘deep state’; QAnon is a conspiracy theory within a conspiracy theory.

Indeed, most who propagate the QAnon conspiracy theory likely don’t believe this nonsense – it’s another means by which conservatives attempt to sow fear, discord, and mistrust to their perceived political advantage.
"Indeed, most who propagate the QAnon conspiracy theory likely don’t believe this nonsense – it’s another means by which conservatives attempt to sow fear, discord, and mistrust to their perceived political advantage."

Pitching your own conspiracy theory while trashing conspiracy theories, and sowing fear, discord, and mistrust by claiming that conservatives are out to sow fear, discord, and mistrust. Are you some sort of cartoon character? This amount of irony can't be accidental.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.

It isn’t a government agency, nor is it disinformation.

But thanis for a great example of how conspiracy theories infect our society.

It absolute is disinformation. Anything put out by the left is disinformation.

Simply because you believe something does not make it truth. That does, of course, go for all sides. But PBS does NOT put out the truth. They put out leftwing propaganda.

If you feel that way, dispute the op.

Will the OP accept My dispute and the work I put into it, or just dismiss it out of hand?

Try. Dispute what is said about Qnon. Expect to be argued back. Otherwise it is a cop out.
The origins of QAnon

In November 2017, a small-time YouTube video creator and two moderators of the 4chan website, one of the most extreme message boards on the internet, banded together and plucked out of obscurity an anonymous and cryptic post from the many conspiracy theories that populated the website's message board.

Over the next several months, they would create videos, a Reddit community, a business and an entire mythology based off the 4chan posts of “Q,” the pseudonym of a person claiming to be a high-ranking military officer. The theory they espoused would become Qanon, and it would eventually make its way from those message boards to national media stories and the rallies of President Donald Trump.

Now, the people behind that effort are at the center of a fractious debate among conspiracy enthusiasts, some of whom believe the three people who first popularized the Qanon theory are promoting it in order to make a living. Others suggest that these original followers actually wrote Q’s mysterious posts.
While the identity of the original author or authors behind “Q” is still unknown, the history of the conspiracy theory’s spread is well-documented — through YouTube videos, social media posts, Reddit archives, and public records reviewed by NBC News.

NBC News has found that the theory can be traced back to three people who sparked some of the first conversation about Qanon and, in doing so, attracted followers who they then asked to help fund Qanon “research.”

Qanon is a convoluted conspiracy theory with no apparent foundation in reality. The heart of it asserts that for the last year the anonymous “Q” has taken to the fringe internet message boards of 4chan and 8chan to leak intelligence about Trump’s top-secret war with a cabal of criminals run by politicians like Hillary Clinton and the Hollywood elite. There is no evidence for these claims.

In addition to peeking into the mainstream, the theory has been increasingly linked to real-world violence. In recent months, Qanon followers have allegedly been involved in a foiled presidential assassination plot, a devastating California wildfire, and an armed standoff with local law enforcement officers in Arizona.
Q'Anon is a neat Conspiracy that some in here subscribe to. To better understand it, here is a broadcast by PBS around Q'Anon. I thought this was a better place to mention it. But you will find that it's rampant through this board by many members.

So, a disinformation campaign against free speech by a government agency called PBS.

It isn’t a government agency, nor is it disinformation.

But thanis for a great example of how conspiracy theories infect our society.

It absolute is disinformation. Anything put out by the left is disinformation.

Simply because you believe something does not make it truth. That does, of course, go for all sides. But PBS does NOT put out the truth. They put out leftwing propaganda.

If you feel that way, dispute the op.

Will the OP accept My dispute and the work I put into it, or just dismiss it out of hand?

I presented it. I didn't embellish it, I laid it out for all to see and to make each and everyone's own judgement. There is nothing to deny. And I accept that you dispute it.

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